Chapter 28

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Natalie P.O.V:

"Sweetie, are you okay?" My mom asks. I turn away from the window to see her head peeking through the door. I look down at the sunflower on my wrist. Rubbing over the tattoo that's starting to fade. "No, but maybe tomorrow." I give her a small smile, feeling how the tears are building up in my eyes. I feel my breathing get faster as my heart speeds up. Feeling like I'm hyperventilating. My mom rushes toward me and as she wraps her arms around me it feels like I'm just breaking even more. "Why didn't you guys tell me?" I sob. "We didn't want to ruin your little vacation." She answers sympathetically. "If I knew about it sooner I would have told him how I felt. Now... now it doesn't even matter." I can't stop the tears, they just keep coming out. "Mom it hurts. It's not stopping." I feel her hug me tighter "I know honey, I know. Just let it out. It's okay."

"I haven't talked to him since the fight." I sigh. My mom lets go of me. She rubs my arms. "Maybe you should talk to him. His parents aren't home. He's there alone." I nod as my mom stands up. "Take your time and talk to him when you're ready okay? There's absolutely no rush." She gives me a smile before slowly walking out the door and closing it.

What the hell am I going to do? I don't want to lose him, but what if I already have? I should've been supportive and instead, I pushed him away. I pushed away from the only person I've ever cared for just because of something he had no control over a situation. I'm the world's worst friend and the biggest coward.

I walk over to the bed, bouncing as I fall into the blanket. My phone is still laying in the same spot. On top of the comic book on my bedside table. I still have a small bag that I still haven't unpacked and decided to open to get my mind off of everything. Maybe cleaning will help clear my mind so that I can figure out what I want to do.

I open the bag and see the copy of the great Gatsby sitting right at the top. I grab it out of the bag, and I rub the cover, holding it against my chest. I take in a deep breath before placing it into my bookcase. I turn back to the bag take out the last few clothes and take a seat on the floor. I notice a white shirt that doesn't look like any of mine. I shake it to reveal its full size only to realise that I must have accidentally packed it in Percy's shirt. It must have been one of the shirts in the bathroom which I had picked up. I throw it against the wall letting it fall into the corner of the room. I get up grab the rest of the clothes and shove them into the already full hamper.

I decide to grab the phone off of the table and see that I have 10 missed calls from Grayson and two texts from Percy

Percy: I know you don't want to talk to me, but I hope you know this isn't my fault and if I had a choice I would never leave.

Percy: Grayson has been looking for you he says it's urgent.

I feel my brows scrunch up in confusion. I instantly open my phone to the contacts and call Grayson. It rings three times before he finally answers "Hello?" He says surprised. "Hey sorry I didn't see your call I had my phone on silent. What's going on?" he clears his throat. "It's not that important. Isabella just told me to say it was an emergency because she knew Percy would instantly tell you." I let out a breath. "Oh okay good to know, but Percy and I aren't really on speaking terms at the moment." There's silence on the other side of the phone. I hear a muffled voice that gets clearer as it comes closer "And why the hell not!" I hear Isabella's voice as clear as daylight.

I let out a heavy sigh "Isabella I don't want to talk about it right now okay? What did you want to ask?" She scoffs "I won't accept that, you better tell me what happened right now." I drag a hand through my hair. "Percy is moving away." She stays silent. "Yeah, so even if I told him, apparently it wouldn't have mattered. So I have all these feelings with no place to go. It just hurts." I bite the inside of my lip waiting for her to say anything. "I am so sorry Natalie. I had no idea. If I did I would've helped. Or tried to change something. I wish I was there right now." I take a deep breath. "It's okay. I found out about it just as I walked into the house yesterday so I'm still processing it myself."

"Yeah, but it doesn't make the situation less sad. Are you sure we shouldn't come through sooner?" Isabella asks "Oh no. I'll see you on Saturday. It will be fine my mom and I still have to do so much planning so it's easier when it's just the two of us." I reassure her. "Okay well as long as you are going to be okay. Then that's good. Don't worry about what I wanted to ask. I'll see you Saturday." I say goodbye and end the call. Throwing the phone onto the bed.

I walk over to the door and quickly step out. I hear my mom talking in the kitchen and make my way over. "No, he only told her yesterday. Just give her some time to handle the situation on her own." I hear nothing for a few seconds. "Okay, well we'll see you tomorrow Rose." She was talking to Percy's mom.

I wait until I don't hear her talk anymore before finally stepping into the kitchen. "Hey, I'm glad to see you're feeling better." My mom greets me with a grin. "I'm working on it." I give her a small smile. "So are we going to Percy's birthday party tomorrow or what do you want to do?" my mom asks as she takes the chicken out of the freezer. "I don't think he wants me there Mom. I wasn't exactly nice to him about the whole situation." I cross my arms. "Of course he does. You're his best friend. You can't just leave him like that honey. I know that you're upset, but this is not the way you should react." She lifts her brow. "We still need to get everything ready for my party on Saturday and I didn't get him a gift and I can't mom." She already knows I'm making up excuses. "If you say so, but we'll see what happens tomorrow morning."

I nod in agreement even though I have fully made up my mind against not going. I don't want to ruin his last few days of being here with me constantly being sad. "Can I help with anything?" I ask trying to change the subject. She looks around the kitchen as if trying to find something for me to do. "Well if you want to you can make some of your famous brownies." My mom says with a wide grin on her face. I smile at her back. "Now that I can do."


"Okay, I think they've cooled down enough to dig in," I scream throughout the house. My mom is the first to enter the kitchen and my dad is hot on her heels. "These look amazing." My dad says as he takes the biggest piece he can find. "Thanks, Dad, but you say that every time." I laugh. "Well, it's because it's true every time." He retorts. "So are you going to take some of these to Percy's party tomorrow?" My dad asks casually as he takes another bite of the brownie. I take my gaze away from them. "Yeah." I swallow the lump in my throat "Yeah. I might." I lift my head again giving him the best smile I could.

"This weekend is going to be very exciting. With you both turning eighteen." I nod my head "Very." I reply. "Did you guys ever keep that promise about shaving your heads if you don't have your first kiss by eighteen?" My mom asks curiously. I let out a snort "Actually yes. So in two days, I won't have any more long brown hair. Then I'll look just like dad." He looks at me shocked. "What's wrong with my hairstyle? It's nice and low maintenance." I roll my eyes at his reply. "Okay, dad. If you say so."


I wrap up the last few brownies and throw them into the fridge to keep them firm. My parents have fallen asleep on the couch while watching an old movie. I decide to take the time to make a list of all the things we need to get before Saturday. Why didn't I get Percy a present? Did I forget? I bet Percy remembered. He always remembers everything. He always reminded me of the things we needed to do or even the homework we had in class.

I grab a cup of coffee and make my way to my room. Closing the door, I instantly take out my laptop from my desk, putting it on my bed to watch a movie. I keep rereading Percy's text. The past few weeks fill my mind. I have checked so many items off of my bucket list, and so many memories I'd never thought I would ever experience. I have met some very interesting people in the process, and all of that with my best friend at my side. I know not a lot of people can say that.

Percy's P.O.V

I get a notification and instantly open my phone hoping it's a reply from Natalie, but to my surprise, it's a text from Oliver.

Oliver: Hey man, just wanted to say that I'm sorry about yesterday. I was drunk and things got out of hand.

I read the texts shaking my head at what he had typed.

Me: That's pretty pathetic. You know what they say. Drunk words are sober thoughts so I suggest you just stay away.

Oliver: It was just a joke dude.

Me: Not to me it wasn't. Stay away I mean it.

I sit on the couch in the living room with Archie on my lap. Watching Spider-man far from home. I can't help, but wonder if Natalie threw away the Spider-man comic or not. One thing is sure. She hasn't read it. I wonder if Grayson finally got through to her.

A sudden noise makes Archie growl. He jumps down from the couch. I hear the front door open as I sit in the living room. Archie instantly runs towards the door barking. "Hey, Archie. Where's Percy?" I hear my mom's voice as she walks toward the living room. The moment she sees me she gives me a sympathetic smile. She knows that I told Natalie. "I'm sorry about what happened. I know it's hard on you kids." She pulls me in for a big hug before releasing me again. "It's okay Mom. We can't win all our battles." My dad follows behind her. "Are you ready for your party tomorrow?" He asks ignoring the whole situation.

"Not if she's not going to show up." I turn my gaze to the floor. "I'm sure she will. Don't worry about that." My mom reassures me. Making my hopes raise a little higher than they were. "So have you talked to her since you told her?" My mom questions. "No. she's been avoiding my texts too. I think she's still working through the situation." My mom nods in understanding. "Natalie always does over analyse every situation before talking to others about it doesn't she." I laugh. "That's Natalie. That's what she's good at."

"Tomorrow is going to be a very long day," I say letting out a sigh as I sit at the kitchen table with my parents.


I help my mom carry the dishes to the sink and start washing them. "Do you think that Natalie will show up?" I ask my mom as she puts her mug into the sink. "Oh, I'm sure of it." I turn back to the dishes and do the rest of them before taking a seat back at the table. "Well I don't want to be rude, but we've had a long trip so I'll be going to bed now." My dad says as he walks past my mother and me. "Goodnight dad," I say as he walks up the stairs. My mother follows in his tracks. "We'll see you in the morning honey." She gives me a bright smile. "Sure. Sleep well."

I walk back to my room. Archie following me. I call him inside and without asking he already made his way onto the bed. I lie down next to him, rubbing his back. What are we going to do tomorrow if she doesn't show Archie?

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