Chapter 3

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I wake up next to the lake. The cold wind covered my body from the early morning, hearing birds chirp in the trees around me. The sky is a deep blue and there's not a cloud in sight. It was almost perfect, but Grayson was nowhere in sight. I sit up straight. Having a small panic consume me.

Was he mad that I didn't kiss him?

Was this just some prank and I was stupid enough to fall for it?

I should've known better. This never happens to me, why would it happen now and especially with him?

My heart rate picks up and my breathing hitches. This is not the time to have a panic attack, Natalie, just get up and go on. I focus on my breathing remembering the breathing techniques I was taught to deal with this. Laying down again, closing my eyes to calm down.

"Good morning." I hear from behind me, my eyes snap open at his voice.

"Good morning?" I question.

He takes a seat next to me waiting for me to sit upright and hands me a mug of coffee. "I'm sorry I just disappeared, but you were so peaceful I didn't want to disturb you."

I guess not everyone is the same.

I take the coffee, inhaling the amazing aroma that instantly makes me relax.

"What's wrong?" He looks at me concerned.

I freeze for a second not knowing what to say. "Oh, it's nothing."

"No, it isn't nothing. You looked shocked to see me." I look into his golden eyes, mesmerised by the swirls of brown and gold.

I let out a sigh and my heart rate picks up. It's better to just be honest. "I... well I thought you just... left. And weren't coming back."

A small smile plays on his lips "Why would I do that?"

"I don't know, I just thought..." I look down at my cup, the dark liquid swirling with the movement of my cup.

"Hey, look at me." I slowly lift my head, till my gaze meets his. "I would never do that. I might be an ass, but I've been told by a beautiful girl once that I look like a nice person."

"So you were listening?"

"Out of everything I said. That's what you heard." He replies sarcastically.

"Why?" He bluntly questions.

"Why what?"

"Why'd you think I'd just leave?"

"It was just a thought." I lied.

"People don't just have thoughts like that. I'm sorry if you've gotten hurt before, but I would never do that. I've been where you are." His tone is serious and gentle. Pain is showing through his eyes.

"You're not scared to show how you feel, are you?" I ask out of curiosity

"Why should I be? We're all human. We are allowed to feel, even if it's just to feel bad or sad." He takes a sip of his coffee "You know that might be the most logical thing I've heard, ever." I giggle, gulping my coffee.

"We should probably go back. Before someone thinks you're missing." He says, standing up and reaching out his hand to help me stand.

We reach the campsite and a worried Percy rushes over to me. "Where were you? Why didn't you answer my calls? Are you okay?"

Percy is normally the calm one between the two of us. He has been off since last night and it usually doesn't last this long.

"Hi, Percy, nice to see you too," I answer sarcastically.

"This isn't funny Nat. You can't just leave." He spits, his tone serious.

I scoff at his words "Oh, but you can leave me alone for four hours just fine and come back all moody." I walk past him, he's being irrational. I'm just going to wait for him to calm down.

On my way to my tent, I walk straight into Matthew. "Geez are you okay?"

"I'm sorry I didn't check where I was walking."

"It's okay. Are you guys staying for tonight too? We're all driving to the coast tomorrow so it's our last night here."

"Wait coast. Are you guys going to Seashell beach?" He nods

"Us too," I say excitedly.

"Great so you are going to stay tonight and the whole group will drive off tomorrow morning." I nod. "That sounds great!"

I feel a tap on my shoulder "Hey Nat can I talk to you for a second?" Percy whispers. I turn around and follow him to a less crowded spot in the area.

"I'm sorry." He says first.

I cross my arms because I know there's more to this than just an -I'm sorry.-

"I just freaked out when I woke up this morning and you weren't there. I tried calling you and there was no answer and no one had seen you."

"Percy, just calm down, it wasn't a big deal. I ... I was with Grayson. We kind of fell asleep next to the lake." His eyes widen, a smile on his lips

"Oh," He replies.

He lets out a sigh. I look at his slumped shoulders which are usually tall and show his well-built frame. "You want a hug?"

He lifts his head nodding. "Come here, you big baby." He slowly walks over. Throwing his arms around me as I put mine around his neck squeezing tightly. "You know I care about you, right." He nods against my shoulder "You just really need to stop being so stubborn." I laugh, making him pull away.

"Also, Matthew asked if we were staying tonight too and I might have already said yes." I show him my widest grin. "They might also be going to Seashell beach so we're driving as a group tomorrow."

He puts his head in his palm and muffles out something. "What did you just say?"

"I said. You have got to be kidding me."

"Oh come on, it'll be fun."

We walk back to the campsite in silence and somehow I already know this was a bad idea. Percy is on a moody spree, Grayson is making me overthink life and I don't even know what to expect if we are going to be spending a whole summer with these people.


It's getting late. The sun is slowly setting, most of the cars have left and everyone who was still here could fit around one bonfire.

Percy and I sit on one log as everyone starts finding places to sit. I look into the fire dancing in front of me.

I think about what almost happened last night. I should've just gone for it. Why am I so scared all the time? I know it will never be perfect, but I just want some aspect of it to be on my terms. I don't want it to be wasted on a temporary person. Why waste my time overthinking it? Either it's going to be perfect or a life lesson.

I keep thinking about it. Over, and over, and over again. Till it's the only thing clouding my thoughts from reality and the now we are currently in.

"What's going on in that busy head of yours?" Percy whispers into my ear. Drawing my attention away from the high flames.

"He tried to kiss me last night." It didn't sound like me when it came out of my mouth. Percy's face was in shock "What?" His eyes look around frantically. "Percy, it didn't happen. Nothing happened." I felt tears forming, looking him straight in the eyes when they stopped on me.

"I'm sorry I just need some air." I stand up walking away. Hearing Percy call from behind me. I ignore him just trying to rid myself of my thoughts, a grip forms around my wrist and I get pulled back. I look him in the eye before crashing into him, pulling his shirt in hopes of getting closer. He pulls me in tighter. Resting his chin on my head, swinging us side to side.

"And this morning he was gone when I woke up and I thought it was all a prank, but he came back," I say in between sobs. "I was scared it was all a big joke."

"Should I go talk to him?" I pull him closer when I feel like he lets go. "No. No, it's fine I just don't know what I thought, but it felt crazy." He lifts my chin to look at him as he talks to me "Any guy would be lucky to have you, do you understand that? You're special and anyone who doesn't see that isn't worth your time. So what if he didn't come back, it's not like anything happened so it's okay." I nod. "You're right. I know."

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