Tip #11

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Diseases and Injuries.

As a medicine cat, it is important to know certain types or diseases and injuries any cat could get. Even more importantly, what herbs can be used to treat it. Here is a list compiled with more common problems:

Greencough and Whitecough - Catmint works the best, but chickweed, hawkweed and tansy are also helpful.

Bellyaches - Severe bellyaches can be cured with yarrow or nettle leaves. Juniper, parsley, mallow leaves, chervil or watermint can be used otherwise.

Rat infections - Burdock root and wild garlic.

Poisoning - Stinging nettle, tormentil, wild garlic, wintergreen, tansy, snakeroot, and yarrow.

Loss of Sensory Perception - Celandine.

Joint-Aches - Daisy, ragwort, comfrey root, fennel, feverfew, and marigold.

Toothache - Alder bark.

Fever and Chills - feverfew, borage, catmint, and lavender.

Wounds - cobwebs, golden rod, marigolds, burdock root, wild garlic, comfrey root, and stinging nettle.

Infected Wounds - Tormentil, chervil, sweet sedge, oak leaves, and horsetail.

Pain - Poppy seeds, raspberry leaves, biting on sticks, dandelion, dock, and willow bark.

Cracked Pads - Dock, coltsfoot, and yarrow.


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