Tip #13

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Helping Nursing Queens.

Queens provide the kits for the clan to have more warriors in future generations. Here are a few things to take mind in when caring for a queen.

1.) - Their behavior will change. They could start becoming chatty or snappish. It is explainable with their coming kits but make sure you keep your cool and that their behavior does not become destructive. It usually doesn't until a clanmate decides to make fun of her kits.

2.) - Do not give a queen poppy seeds. This might affect the kits when they are born and give them breathing problems.

3.) - If the queen needs more milk, give her borage leaves. If she does not need anymore, let her take parsley.

4.) - Make sure she is excused from her warrior duties. Before kitting, an expectant she-cat can continue doing most tasks to a lower degree. Most queens are usually ready to go back to her duties once her kit can eat solid prey.

5.) - When her kits are old enough, tell them what deathberries are. Tell them the most common plants that often pose danger to them. Many kits have their curiosity get the best of them and you never know what type of dangers that bring them.


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