Under The Moonlight I

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A few hours had passed since Dragonbane had been revealed. Now you were sitting on a comfy cushion or at least what looked like a cushion and watched as it easily countered every spell directed against it from the combined effort of Selene and Moxie, who were at this point completely exhausted. Before anything else could happen she falls, face first into the a nearby cushion.

" How about we call it a day? She's out cold. " You state the obvious.

" I suppose I have been pushing her harder than normal. " She responds.

You thank her for an eventful day and carry Moxie back home. Selene gave you a map of the land and marks her home on it. It's near the outskirts of town, you wonder why but eventually brush the thought away. Upon making sure she's tucked in and safe, you decide to stroll around town, careful to avoid crowded areas. Seeing as the streets wouldn't work you opted for the roof and easily scale a nearby building to reach its top. The obsidian night, pinpricked with little white dots was beautifully amalgamated with the varying lights on the city beneath. The air was crisp and made your skin tingle. You materialize a cloak, black with red accents, a red sash, a beak shaped hood with two small tail like projections from the waist down. You don on the attire, feeling it automatically adjust itself until it became akin to a second skin.

' Ah, this feels nice. ' You think as you crouch, imitating the stance of an Olympic sprinter.

' 3...2...1...GO! '

And with that you're off, leaping over a street onto the next building, free running in random directions, leaping off ledges and swinging onto nearby poles and hoisting yourself up.

* Clack clack * You hear as you run across the roofs of various homes. Every once in a while you find an open window and indulge yourself by going through it, and through some mysterious means always find the next window which is also opened to leap out of. After doing this for a while an idea pops into your mind. You think it over, taking into account your location and the objective of not being discovered by many people which at this point you may or may not have failed, you search far and wide until you find what you're looking for, the tallest building in the city, which ironically was the palace itself.

' Of course, makes sense. ' You think as you make your way across rooftops until you reach the palace walls. Guards patrol the walls with sentries posted at vantage points. You retreat and hide behind a chimney, observing them. Soon enough an opportunity presents itself. Along the West wall a shadow had been cast, the shadow being large enough for you to pass through but you would have to do it quickly. You take a deep breath and run, using a nearby conveniently placed set of bricks to leap across the gap. For a moment you thought of using your powers but, where's the fun in that? Scaling the wall proved to be easier than you had previously anticipated. Soon enough you sit on the highest ledge, overlooking the entire city, or whatever they call it here.

As you sit there you think of recent events, from dimensional hopping to realizing 682 is a female. And 131 and 999 being dragged into whatever this is. And just what is all this anyway? Why you? Why them? Why here?

These thoughts and many more freely occupy your mind but you're brought back to earth when you pick up movement, from directly below you. Thinking fast you quickly roll backwards and stop a few inches away from a pole. You look at it and after a moment, climb it. It wasn't that high and once you quickly reach the top you " Synchronize " as you put it. Basically you were able to get a detailed bird's eye view of a region, the radius depending on how much time you spent synchronizing. Synchronizing reveals certain points you find quite interesting and you mentally note to visit each and everyone of them sooner or later.

" Why did you call me here?! You know it's too risky! " A hushed voice snarls out suddenly.

" Oh relax. The guards are not smart enough to patrol up this high and besides no one even comes up here save for the occasional bird or two. " A second voice whispers back. This one being more calm and collected.

" Hmph! Fine. So, how's the plan coming along? " The first one questions.

" Everything is coming along fine but there's been...an unforseen event. " The second replies.

" Explain  'an unforseen event'. " The first one says, clearly irritated but trying to hold their anger in.

" Our contact on the inside has been found out. Security just got a whole lot tighter. " The second voice explains.

" Hmm. Do we continue or change our plans? " The first inquires.

" No. We do not change anything but we do have to be very careful from this point on. " Second states.

" Very well. " First simply says.

For the next few moments you hear nothing, no movement whatsoever.

You instinctively lean to the right, avoiding a sharp projectile aimed for the back of your head. You look back to see two black robed people, one with a hulking figure and another with a petite figure. A glimmer emanating from underneath the bigger one's robes was enough indication that you are not supposed to be here.

" I feel the need - the need for speed! " You say as you leap of the ledge, legs together and arms stretched to the sides. 

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