Happy New Year!

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Heya, SmackDowners!

We've got that year 2021 done and dusted — and with it, the round two of our SmackDown.  This time, 21 stories rolled in from 24 possible ones. Thanks  to all of you who stuck with this challenge and made Wattpad even more cool by adding your creations to this place.

Now, our judges work their way through your amazing stories. This will take a few days and means you actually get to enjoy the beginning of 2022 before we throw the next prompt(s) at you.

If you haven't already read your concurrents stories, we strongly suggest you make some time in your schedule for this. You won't be disappointed!

Have fun, and see you soon in this theatre!

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro