Round 6 - the Ultimate SmackDowner

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It's been a wild ride...  almost nine months did it last, and here we are with the final results. The judges have done their secret rituals, emptied the last stock of Aldebaran whiskey and Romulan ale, and came up with a decision. 


To make it short, RJGlynn is our ultimate SmackDowner — congratulations!

A few comments of the judges to the winning story:


"Amazing world-building and I just love how intense the action scenes were."

"A bit of dark humor is always welcomed!"

"Great flow, easy to get into the world and to follow the main character..."

"Beautifully crafted and had me totally glued to it."

"Had me nailed to my seat - hoping against hope Ren would make it out, somehow."

"Great story telling and an amazing world created here."


This doesn't  mean, of course, that we didn't have a worthy adversary. You should totally check out the story by theidiotmachine too! Great work, and we hope to see more of you in the future!

A few of the judges comments:


"Strong and interesting story (loved the opening line, heart stopping!)"

"Storytelling at it's best."

"Loved Kollock and how she connected with the Creed!"

"The first sentence had me in."

"A pretty cool story and the characters are likeable."

"I think the Creed are an interesting race and I'm curious about them."

"Kollock is the star of the story!"


Thanks to everyone who joined in the fun, especially to the amazing judging board and every author who dared to pick up the gauntlet.

See you soon folks!

For the Ooorah SmackDown team,


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