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Heya, SmackDowners!

That's it for Round 1, Parts 1&2. We got 33 stories in for part 1 and 27 for part 2. Not bad at all, I reckon. Thanks to everyone for joining and delivering a bunch of mindbogglingly amazing stories. I mean it. This collection contains easily some of the best stuff Wattpad has to offer.

Now, what's next? 

Our judges are now working their way through all your stories, and preparing the verdict on who's to continue into the next round. So, please bear with us a few more days until we get the results all polished and shiny — and enjoy the stress-free days before we throw the next prompt(s) at you. Perhaps you even find the time to read your concurrents' stories. We can guarantee they are worth your attention!

Well, that's it for the moment — so long, and thanks for all the fish!

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