Love Blooms

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Takes place during the Team Awesome episode.

After Danny spent more days in bed, he finally started to get better thanks to Loki's medicine. Vlad, Loki, and Danny looked like a loving family all together with all the time they spent during Danny's recovery. Vlad has been slowly developing feelings for Loki these past weeks. Vlad hadn't felt like this since he had a crush on Maddie when he was in college. He would watch from a distance as Danny bonded more with Loki over their training sessions. Loki figured that Danny could use more hand-to-hand combat training during his fights.

Vlad looked at how Loki acted more gentle and motherly to Danny. It felt like Danny had another parental figure in his life, one that was a mother to him. This time, Vlad was determined not to miss his chance with Loki. He started looking for Loki all around the house, he was gonna ask Loki out on a date. He finally found Loki out in the garden, reading a book under the shade of a tree. He worked up the courage and walked up to Loki who was so lost in his book that he didn't even see Vlad coming up to him.

Vlad tapped Loki on the shoulder to get his attention. Loki looked up from his book to face Vlad who was smiling at him. "Hello, Vlad. What brings you out here?" Loki asked.

Vlad tried to speak but he just froze, couldn't even speak. Loki kept asking him what was wrong but Vlad was just lost in his thoughts to say something. He finally snapped out of it when Loki used his magic to break him out of his trance. "I'm sorry. This is new to me." Vlad answered, "I was wondering if you would go out with me?"

Loki looked stunned at Vlad's question, he was asking him out on a date. This was new to him too, Loki had never been on a date mostly because everyone in Asgard was afraid of him. Loki agreed to go on a date with Vlad, he just needed to change real quick. Since he was still on the Avengers' most wanted list, he needed to change his appearance in case the Avengers are looking for him. Vlad was waiting for Loki when Danny walked in looking really worried. Vlad asked Danny why he looked so worried,

Danny told him that the science fair is today and he was worried that his project won't be good enough. "Daniel, I'm sure you will win. You're a bright boy, my bright boy. It'll be their loss for not seeing it." Vlad assured.

That was when Loki came down and left Vlad and Danny speechless. Loki wore a dark green dress and heels, he changed his facial features to look more feminine but kept his long black hair. Vlad looked mesmerized by Loki's beauty, he handed Loki a red rose and told him that he look wonderful. Danny looked a little stunned but he was finally glad that Vlad and Loki were starting to date. He kinda knew that Vlad had a crush on Loki when Loki agreed to stay with them. Loki put the rose behind his ear to center the whole outfit.

"What's with the new look?" Danny asked.

"Your dad is taking me out on a date. I'm still on the Avengers wanted list so I had to change my look a bit." Loki explained.

Danny just left for school before he was late for the Science Fair. Vlad then took Loki's hand and lead him to the car, he took him to a restaurant where they ate lunch and talked. No one even notices the God of Mischief dining with a billionaire half-ghost. Vlad looked up at Loki who was a little bit nervous to be out in the open. "You ok?" Vlad asked.

Loki snapped out of his trance, he apologized for being so quiet but he just couldn't stop worrying about the Avengers or S.H.I.E.L.D finding him. Vlad took Loki's hand into his and told him that everything was gonna be fine. Loki smiled gently at Vlad, he was having a great time on thier date. Music started playing softly in the background, Loki intently pulls Vlad out of the chair and drags him to where other couples were dancing. Vlad stammered out that he couldn't really slow dance but Loki insisted that they dance.

Vlad finally agreed, he slow wrapped his hands around Loki's waist and they started dancing. Vlad looked impressed with how amazing Loki was at dancing, it was the first time he had ever felt close to a loved one. They stopped dancing when Loki leaned in close and kissed Vlad on the lips. Vlad was shocked at the surprise kiss, but it made his heart all warm and fuzzy. Loki pulled back leaving Vlad speechless after the romantic kiss. Loki looked worried when Vlad wasn't speaking or moving.

Loki thought he was going to fast with the date, he ran out of the restaurant feeling so disappointed how the date has gone. Vlad ran after Loki shouting at him to stop. Loki stopped when Vlad grabbed him by the hand "It's ok. I'm sorry for what happened. I was just startled." Vlad explained.

Loki looked at him with tears in his eyes, little bits of the makeup he had on were smudging. He explained that this was his first ever date and he just wanted it to be perfect. But he just rushed in with the kiss and he was afraid that he had messed up their relationship. Vlad wiped away the tears that were falling from Loki's eyes. "It's fine. Because this is my first date too. We can figure this out together." Vlad assured.

With that, Vlad pulled Loki in and kissed him back on the lips. Loki melted into the kiss, he finally felt like he belonged to someone. The two headed back home, only to find Danny in the living room covered in gray goo. "What happened to you? What is that stuff?" Loki asked.

"Someone brought a S.H.I.E.L.D project to the science fair and it got out of hand. Ava and I had to give up our project to help Spider-Man. And this goo is from that thing." Danny explained.

Loki insisted that Danny should take a bath to get the gunk off of him. Danny came back a few hours later all cleaned up, only to find Loki and Vlad on the couch kissing. He screamed and covered his eyes shouting "My eyes! I'm blind!Make it stop!"

Both Vlad and Loki untangled from each other, laughing at Danny for being so over dramatic. Loki practically pulled Danny into his arms, smothering him with kisses all over his face just to make him squirm. Vlad was howling with laughter with Danny squirming and struggling to get out of Loki's hold. The tree of them spent the night watching movies and eventually fell asleep on the couch, except for Loki. Vlad had falling asleep with his head on Loki's shoulder while Danny was asleep in between the two. Loki had finally found what he was looking for, a new lover and a wonderful son.

Loki felt Danny turn a little in his sleep, he then heard Danny moan out the word 'Mama' as he buried himself deeper in between the two. Loki liked surprised, the boy really thought of Loki as his mother. He heard Danny start to whimper and shake in fear from another nightmare which woke up Vlad. Loki gently took Danny into his arms and started rocking him back and forth while humming a lullaby. When Danny stopped shaking, Loki got up from the couch with Danny in his arms. Loki took Danny to the guest room that he was staying in and tucked him into the bed.

Loki then bend down and gave Danny a small kiss while saying "I'll always protect you, my little warrior."

Vlad did the same thing as Loki then the two of them took a different side of the bed. They snuggled close to Danny, wrapping him in their arms as a shield to protect him.

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