Sinister Seven Rising

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This chapter is a cross over with my friend @Mystic_Destiny. So we both worked on the chapter together. Enjoy.

In Gotham City, after the battle with Lila, Damian got an alert on his phone telling him that The Riddler had escaped Arkham Asylum and fled to New York City. 'Why can't the criminals I fight give me a break once in a while?' Damian asked himself. The next morning, when everyone had woken up, Damian gave them the news.

"It would seem a group of us will have to travel to New York City to stop The Riddler," Bruce said as he stroked his chin.

"How about me, Adrien and Marinette?" Damian asked.

Without any hesitation, Bruce agreed to the idea. With that, Marinette and Damian transformed into their full form while Adrien transformed into Cat Noir, and Batman put on his suit and grabbed some gadgets. Together, the four of them hopped into Bat-Mobile and made their way to New York City. Halfway through the ride, Bruce Wayne informed the others that he had a blood related brother living in New York and the others could not believe that news.

Meanwhile in New York, Spider-Man and the team except for Phantom were training at the Statue of Liberty. It was mostly a team exercise, but Spider-Man was having trouble leading it. The team tried dog piling, cliche combo moves, even surprise attacks but they ended up looking like fools. He really needed to get his leadership skills in shape. Spider-Man looked a little worried when Phantom didn't show up for training. He tried calling him on his watch communicator, but Phantom wasn't answering. Although he did get a sudden call from Doc Connors who was in Doc Ock's underwater lab.

"I found something I think you should see right away. Get here as soon as you possibly can! Come alone." Conners said before cutting communications.

Spider-Man wasn't sure if Conners said "come alone" or he might have said, "don't come alone." Either way, Spider-Man wasn't going to take that chance. He asked the team if they could tag along but they all turned him down; Nova mostly didn't want to hear him and Conners spew nerd. Power Man assured him that he can always call them for back up just in case anything went wrong. He finally understood why Fury was always wanting to snap his eye patch from the team's attitude and refusing to follow orders. Still, he couldn't help but wonder why Phantom missed the training session.

Spider-Man changed into his diving suit and went for a dive in the Hudson which was where Ock's lab was. But just as he got inside the lab, his spidey sense was going off the charts. That was when he spotted Conners unconscious and in some weird equipment. Conners tried to warn Spider-Man that it was a trap, but Spider-Man figured that out when he got hit by a force field. He looked up to see Doc Ock appear from the shadows, "Octopus!" he stated.

"Don't call me that!" Ock shouted in anger.

"If the name fits." Spider-Man teased, "Why don't we take this outside? Well, you know, above ground outside?"

Doc Ock turned down his offer and stated that he wanted Spider-Man to meet his new associates. Ock's new associates were villains that Spider-Man and Phantom had humiliated in battle before, Electro, Beetle, Kraven, and Rhino. Doc Ock announced their name as the Sinister Seven. Spider-Man joked that Ock needed to take math lessons again on the count of their only being five members. Of course, with his big mouth, Ock pressed a remote that activated a collar on the back of Conners which turned him back into the Lizard. All of the members cornered Spider-Man like a fish in a shark tank.

"So what? I still don't count seven. What next? A ghost from the ghost zone? A vulture man? Juggernaut? Oh wait, a clown for your little circus?" Spider-Man playfully jokes.

"Riddle me this, what is the opposite of a hero?" A voice echoed.

"Really? A riddle? What is this kindergarten?" Spider-Man asked in a mocking tone.

"Just answer the riddle!" The man shouted.

Sadly Spider-Man couldn't answer the riddle, "The answer is zero which fits New York City's lamest heroes, don't you think Riddler?" A young teen said in a sassy tone.

Just then, a man dressed in all green with purple question marks, a green and purple bowler hat, a purple mask, and a golden question mark cane stepped out of the shadows. "Hey Loki called; he wants his look back." Spider-Man snippily stated.

"Well, well, well if it isn't the Dark Knight, Boy Wonder, and their annoying lackeys!" Riddler growled.

Spider-Man was unsure what this strange, weird villain had said. It wasn't until he turned around to see four figures, one dressed as a bat, one dressed as a black cat with a bell, one that looked like a demon with sharper teeth, black hair with red highlights, red horns, red and black wings and tail, his eyes were as black as the night with a slit in the center that was as dark red as blood. And one that looked like an angel with golden hair with purple highlights, golden wolf ears and a golden tail with a purple tip, a golden halo, a white and golden dress with white and golden boots, a single cross earring, pure golden eyes, and snow-white angel wings.

"Starting a zoo, Riddler? No lions, tigers, or bears? Just our luck." Cat Noir joked.

Ock ordered his team to forget about the sudden heroes and focus only on Spider-Man. Soon Spider-Man found himself in a five-way grudge match with Kraven, Beetle, Lizard, Electro, and Rhino. He was getting tossed around and punched like a rag doll. Riddler refused to listen to Ock's orders and charged straight at the Demon Lord AKA Robin. Batman attacked Lizard before he could hurt Spider-Man. "Hey, be careful! He's a friend from work!" Spider-Man stated.

"What?!" The strange heroes all said in shock.

Cat Noir went after Rhino while Goddess went after Electro and Beetle. Spider-Man tried to help but Ock had him pinned down with his tentacles. Demon Lord knocked out Riddler then he pounced on Ock, freeing Spider-Man. "Enough of this!" Doc Ock shouted.

Seconds later, Kraven fired tranq darts at the heroes; one of them hit Spider-Man knocking him out cold. Cat Noir got hit with a tranq dart next and ended up hitting the ground lying there unconscious. When Kraven tried to hit Demon Lord, Goddess, and Batman with a tranq darts they dodged it just in time. Unfortunately, they didn't see Electro behind and all three of them ended up getting shocked and they were out cold. "And now, the game can begin." Ridder stated.

Soon, Spider-Man, Demon Lord, Goddess, Batman, and Cat Noir all woke up in a different room with a screen above them. Spider-Man spotted Phantom who was chained up in ghost chains. He managed to free Phantom who told him that some guy in a green suit had kidnapped him and then he just woke up in here. His reaction changed when he saw Batman and he ended up looking completely starry eyed. "Hang on, you know who the Dracula is?" Spider-Man asked.

Note: the maze is located underground and far from the statue of liberty,

"I'd watch the Dracula comment if I were you, Arachnid Boy. This is Batman." Cat Noir stated.

"Right. And let me guess, you're Cat Boy, Angel Wings, and I want to say, Lord of the Underworld?" Spider-Man said, jokingly.

"No, he's Cat Noir. She's Goddess, and I'm Demon Lord you little freak!" Damian growled.

"Jeez calm down grumpy, hey Phantom how do you know this Batman person?" Spider-Man asked.

"Well, I-I'm a huge fan..." Phantom said in a shy voice.

"Ugh enough!" Riddler shouted as his voice echoed around the heroes.

"Batman, Boy Blunder, Cat Noir, Goddess, and you to extras. I've come up with a maze that you so-called heroes will have to work together to escape. The only problem is one of you will not be able to answer any riddles seeing as how it would be cheating..." Riddler began.

"Therefore Batman, in order for you and the others to escape unharmed, you're not allowed to help solve any riddles. Your detective skills are like a huge advantage, and I won't have that!" Riddler shouted.

Taking a deep breath Batman agreed he knew as the eldest hero he had to make sure the others got out safely even if that meant not being able to solve the riddles quickly. "Father, you can't be serious about not helping!" Demon Lord shouted, sounding frustrated at his father's response.

"I am even though using my detective skills would help us get out of this mess faster, the safety of you guys is more important." Batman explained, only then did Damian understand why his father didn't want to help.

"Boy Wonder by now you should've guessed your father is not one to risk the life of another, not since he nearly lost his last family member." Riddler said with a cheeky grin.

"Enough! Let's just get this maze over with so that I can finally get my revenge on Spider-Man for all the humiliation he's put me through!" Doc Ock orders.

With that the members of the Sinister Seven head to their posts leaving the heroes at the start of the maze. "So now we have to solve riddles to escape this maze, but 'Batman' can't help us or that crazy guy called Riddler will kill us?" Spider-Man asked in a surprisingly calm tone.

When Demon Lord told him yes, Spider-Man now understood the situation a bit better. Now they just needed to figure out how to solve the riddles. Spider-Man suggested that they should split up, but Goddess stated that it wasn't a good idea. It wasn't until the first riddle appeared in front of them, 'What consumes when he hunts, and hunts when he consumes?' Spider-Man instantly got the answer, Kraven. Just then, Kraven jumped out of the shadows and tried to attack them with his spear.

With a few quick moves Spider-Man and the others were able to take down Kraven, just then the next riddle appeared before them. 'What peels like an onion but still remains whole?'.

"Hmm the only things I can think of are a Lizard and a Snake." Demon Lord stated.

"Right, that means the next villain is The Lizard." Danny said in a calm tone.

Not long after the group entered an area of the maze that resembled a forest, lurking in the trees The Lizard waited for the right chance to strike. Sensing something was off Batman quickly took out a Bat-a-Rang and fired up into a tree causing The Lizard to fall from his perch.

"How did you know he was hiding up there?!" Spider-Man asked in a shocked tone.

"I'm the world's greatest detective. It takes a lot to sneak up on me." Batman said with a calm demeanor.

The group of heroes surrounded The Lizard to make sure he couldn't escape but to their surprise he didn't move in fact he was unconscious; Batman quickly cuffed the Lizard to prevent him from moving. Not long after the next riddle appeared 'What has a horn but does not work?'.

"That would be a rhinoceros!" Goddess shouted.

"Meaning the next villain is The Rhino." Spider-Man added.

Within seconds The Rhino appeared and began charging at the heroes Spider-Man and Danny tried to contain the villain, but it was no use. In the end The Rhino was taken down after a sharp kick to the stomach by Batman "how-how did you do that?!" Phantom and Spider-Man asked in surprise.

"Well back in Gotham City I had to deal with a villain known as Bane who used chemicals to boost his strength. This Rhino guy is nothing compared to him." Batman said, boosting his pride.

"Makes sense after all you took this guy out with one kick, whereas after Bane nearly broke your back it took you five days to recover and then you were able to properly deal with him." Demon Lord said with a sly smile, hearing that Batman's pride was shattered.

Soon enough the last two riddles before the final fight against Riddler and Doc Ock appeared, and The Beetle and Electro were defeated. Now was the time for the final battle. Soon enough the final riddle appeared before the group, 'I have a crown, but not a throne, and a flame that does not burn. I hold a book with numbers shown, But the pages can't be turned. My giant robes are always green; My hands and feet are much the same. I have a view that can't be seen; My eyes are still and thus to blame. I am a goddess without powers, But I have my independence. Not as tall as other towers, I am met with much attendance. Left and right are occupied, and my weight remains a square. My name is notable worldwide, But I cannot move elsewhere. I watched the twins as they fell down, After the planes had pierced their hearts. I could not cry, but wore a frown, Like all my other counterparts. What am I? Note heroes this will lead you to our location so think wisely'.

The heroes then began to ponder except for Batman and soon enough spider-Man realized the villains were at the Statue of Liberty, "Wait but aren't we still at the Statue of Liberty?" Cat Noir asked in confusion.

"No, as you can see this is an underground structure and if you had paid attention to the studies, I gave you would know that the island where the Statue of Liberty is located is to dense and unstable to build and underground base not to mention Riddler wouldn't do anything that risked his own life." Batman stated.

"Father, did you know all this from the beginning?" Demon Lord asked Batman.

"Of course they don't call me the world's best detective for nothing judging by the structure of the maze I knew it couldn't have been done all in Liberty Island without harming not only us but all the villains as well and thus I knew from the start that while the minor villains were here to keep us occupied the real threat and his new weird lacky had to still be stationed where it all began but I couldn't share this news with you without breaking the one rule that would kill us all." Batman explained.

With that the heroes made their way back to Liberty Island to face the final battle, once they arrived Spider-Man's spider sense started going crazy and he knew something wasn't quite right. Not long after his spider sense had calmed down a glob of goo tried to strike him looking up, he saw Venom standing right beside Doc Ock, "Hey, Dr. Calamari what did you do with The Riddler?!" Cat Noir asked.

"You insolent brat, I did nothing to him but give him a new makeover, also if you were wise, you would know Calamari is fried squid. I am an Octopus!" Doc Ock shouted.

"Jeez it seems the villains in this city don't understand sarcasm nor bad puns when they hear it" Demon Lord said in a mocking tone.

Working together Batman and Spider-Man took down Venomized Riddler with Spider-Man using sound and electricity to weaken Venom and Batman delivering the final blow to Riddler. While Demon Lord, Goddess, and Danny took out Doc Ock by destroying his robotic legs, Cat Noir, not wanting to be left out, gave Doc Ock a swift punch to the face. "At least now I can check off, punching a mad scientist off my bucket list." Cat Noir joked.

While saying their goodbyes Batman used his com link to communicate with Superman.

The discussion between Superman and Batman while out of ear shot,

Batman: Hey Clark I need your help taking Riddler to Arkham Asylum.

Superman: Sure, thing Bat's where are you?

Batman: At Liberty Island in New York City.

Superman: Alright I'm on my way, hang tight.

Com Link ended,

Not long after Superman arrived and picked up Riddler, he then flew him all the way to Arkham Asylum. Before they left Batman and the others made sure the other villains were handed over to the right authority which was S.H.E.I.L.D. Except the Lizard escaped into the sewers before getting put in cuffs. Spider-Man went after him trying to convince Conners to keep fighting the serum, but the Lizard had other plans. He escaped from Spider-Man, but it wasn't a total loss, Spider-Man and Phantom had made new allies and they put away six of the worst criminals. Fury did lecture Spider-Man and Phantom about how they should have called in the rest of the team.

Though he did give death glares to Batman and told him to not have the Justice League or any of his criminally insane villains in New York again. "Wow, I thought Fury was gonna snap his eye patch." Spider-Man jokes, "But hey, thanks for the help.

"No problem. And if you ever need a helping paw, don't hesitate to call." Cat Noir said.

"Same with you guys. And hey, don't be a stranger around New York." Spider-Man stated.

With that the four of them boarded the Bat-Jet and made their way back to Gotham City. While Spider-Man and Danny made their way back to Vlad's house for a sleepover. 

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