Great Power

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Tara's Pov

"Hey there, this is your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-man and Purple-Spider."  My brother said, as Me and him after fighting a villain name Trapster. The we saw something in the sky. Me and Peter looked up, It was Shields helicarrier.
"Whoa, it is Shield's helicarrier." Peter said. "Spiderman, Spiderwomen. " A voiced called out to, from behind them.
It was Nick Fury the Director of Shield and a super spy.
"You super spies make a point to sneak up hard working hero's like ourselves." Peter asked Fury. "Kids." Fury said to us, as he point to the side. Me and Peter looked at the construction we cause during the fight. I saw a car webbed to a wall, a women trying to pull her child
off a street light, and a police officer trying to pull his horse that was glued to the floor.
"We gotta talk. No one isn't saying you both didn't get the bad guy, but look around you." Fury said to us. "Is this the way Captain America would have done it." Fury continued talking. "He could've captured Trapster in 5 seconds. You two took 3 minutes. With lots of collateral damage." Fury finished explaining to us. I lowered my head a little bit.He is right about that.
"We do a good job." Peter told him sounding offended. "Your a clueless rookies." Nick told us but mostly to Peter. "Yeah- wait, huh." Peter said, I shook my head at my brother he can be so dumb sometimes.
"Look, everyone starts out clueless even Iron man back when he was anonymous. But he learned eventually." Nick said to us. I laughed quietly at that last part.
"So me and my sister are done, here. We're gonna-" Peter said, as he took my hand as he began to walk away while dragging me with him.
"I'm serious Peter parker and Tara parker."Nick said to us. Peter stop dragging me and I was in shock that he knew our names. "You know." Me and Peter asked nick.
"I know everything, I'm a super spy remember." Nick told us with a smirk on his face.
"With great power come great responsibility. Good works from a great man." Fury said to us.
Uncle Ben was the best. I said sadly, look down at the grown with tears in my eyes.
It's has been what, a year now." Fury asked. "Today would have to be his birthday." Peter said sadly.
Fury placed a hand on my shoulder. You two have honored him, doing what you do. Now I'm offering you a chance to do better. To learn responsibility." He told us.
I was started thinking maybe joining shield will be a good idea.
"Translation." Peter asked, not understanding what he is saying. "I want to shield train you into being better heroes. The ultimate Spider-man and Purple-Spider." Fury said to us.
"Just how ultimate.. is ultimate." Peter asked Fury slowly.
Fury drew out his Blaster and shot at Trapster who was trying to get away, and knocking him out. "Wow." I said impressed. "Sweet." My brother said.
Then Peters phone began to ring. "I should probably set my ultimate cell phone on ultimate vibert." My brother joked. "Your tech needs an update. Try ours." Fury said as he placed a piece of tech on me and my brothers wrist, and it turn into a small projector and it lit up a hologram target shooter.
"Too big, and to clunky." My brother compiled as he flexed his wrist. Fury was about to take it back. "I don't say no." Peter respond, to Fury.
With your talents and training, you could learn to be better heros. The next Cap, the next Iron man" Fury explained to us.
"Thanks for the offer, but we don't talked to strangers." My brother said as he walked away and jump on a building and climbed away.
"Are you sure that you are his twin." Fury asked me. "Yes I am his twin."I said to Fury and I turned to him. "Mr. Fury I will think about that offer." I told him. He nodded his head and took out a small card and handed it to me. If you and your brother change your mind, call me. I nodded my head and took the card from his hand.
I then teleported to school.
Me and my brother were at our lockers. "Hey guys you were late for school again." Our best friend Harry Osborn asked us, with our other best friend Mary Jane aka MJ walked towards us.
I looked at them with a smile on my face. "Our bus broke down." Peter said to them, I nodded my head at them.
"Yeah, yeah sure." MJ jokes.   "Shut up." Petet growled playfully at them.
Then I heard a bang against a locker.
I know who it is, my brothers bully Flash Thompson. "Hey puny, Peter Parker. It is Locker time." Flash said to my brother. Then he shoved Peter in a locker and then left. "Tara go to class I will catch up." Peter said to me from inside the locker. "Ok bro." I told him and walked away to my first class of the day.

It was lunch time know. Me and MJ was sitting at me and my friends table, waiting for Harry and Peter.
We then see them coming. Then all of the sudden my spider senes tingled. Something back is coming.
All the suddenly there was an explosion. Knocking everyone to the grown. I looked up to see what is happening. "Attention students, your principal has something to tell you." I heard a voice called out. I looked up to see our principal and three other people behind him. "Students, attention, please. The school is now under control of the- the." Our principal said, before turning around at the three people behind him.  "The frightfull four." The women said as she was floating in midair. "Uh, there's only three of you." MJ told them. I smirk at that, they need to learn how to count.
Then the principal was throwed at the wall.
When u learned there names they were Claw,Wizard and Thundra. "Before the Trapster was captured, he learned Spiderman and Purple spider go to this school." Wizard said. My eyes widened, when I heard that. "And unless they give themselves up, we'll tear this place down brick by brick." The Wizard said to everyone in the cafeteria.
I then heard a student cheered on that.
"We're serious." The wizard hissed at the student that cheered.
Then he turned his head to Claw.
Claw then started to open fired. Everyone started screaming in shock.

"So, who is our mysterious wall- crawlers. Two teachers? Two students? Two Cafeteria ladies. Wizard asked flying around in the cafeteria.
He was tried of waiting he ordered Claw to do something.
I quickly hide behind the garbage cans with no one watching me and teleported to my locker and put on my super hero outfit.
I then enter the cafeteria to see my brother in his spiderman suit and fighting the frightfull four.
  I then shot Electricity at Claw.
He scream in pain, then I used my telekinesis and throw a table at Thundra. Then my brother was hit in the face by Thundra and kicking him in the abdomen and fall back down.
I wish I can help him but I was fighting Wizard. While I knock him down for a little I saw something that made my heart stop. Harry was hit by Claw. I got so mad. I used my Telekinesis and sent Claw flying in the air.
When some hurts my friends, they have to deal with me.

After awhile they left I teleported to the girls restroom and change out of my heros outfit. Then I went back to Harry.
"Harry are you ok." Me and MJ said at the same time. The paramedics got and took Harry to the hospital.
I then heard Flash being called from inside of a locker. I let him out and he thanks me.
Me and Peter were at home, with my Aunt May. My Aunt May is the coolest aunt ever. She has the greatest hobbies ever, even Peter doesn't now about it.
"Hey Anut May." Both me and Peter said to her, as we saw her in the kitchen, making food. "Are you guys. I heard there was trouble at your school." Aunt May asked us, while walking up to me and Peter.
"Were find aunt May." I told her. She smiled at us and gave us a hug.

Then we arrived at the hospital and at Harry's room. "I was so worried about you." I said to him, while hugging him.
Harry smiled at me and Peter. "There's still some ringing in my ear but the doc said I'll be find tomorrow." He told us.
I smiled at happy that he is going to be alright, so did Peter.
Then Harry's dad Norman Osborn asked us. Who do we think is spiderman and Purplespider is at our school. Peter just joked. "I think they sit next to us at Spanish class."
Mr. Osborn didn't smiled or laughed at that.  "No, sir, we've never heard that." I said for both of me and Peter.

When we got home. Aunt May said to us. "You know what if we had Mr. Osborns money, I'd put you two in a privet school immediately."
"Uh... that will be sweet, hey when's dinner." Peter said to Aunt May.
"It's is almost ready." Aunt may said to us, while eating a carrot. "And Tara can you put the candles on the cake." Aunt may told me. My eyes widened when she said that. "Cake." My brother said in shock. "Yes, the cake you and your sister promise to get in the city today." She told us. I was almost crying, we forgot to get Uncle's Ben birthday cake.
"We are so sorry Aunt May, after what happened today we forgot to get it." I said to her, with tears running down my face.
"It's ok, after what happen to day, I didn't expect you two to remember." Aunt may said putting her hand on my shoulder.
"I am so glad that you guys are home safe." She told us.
After dinner me and Peter went to our rooms and started thinking.
I pulled out Fury's card and pulled out my phone and contacted his number, I put my phone against my ear waiting for him to answered. "This is Fury." Fury said in the phone. "Fury, I am in." I told him.
Me and Peter got in our suits and went to Shield helicarrier. When we arrived the alarms went of and weapons started firing at us.
But then Fury deactivated the lasers off.
"Fury me and my brother are ready for duty." I told him, before sulating with my brother not far behind.

"Welcome to Shield, Spiderman and Purplespider. Hope you survive the experience." He said to us. My brothers eyes widen when he heard that.

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