28. Caught Doing Something Naughty ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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28. Caught Doing Something Naughty ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

OYZZ, still occupying Yu Zhenzhen's body, walked forward and pushed open the door. Er Xi immediately greeted her with a smile and a small bow, "Princess! Are you finished praying?"

OYZZ ignored her and walked towards the resting quarters with her dagger hidden in her sleeve. Er Xi was confused and a chill vibrated through her heart since the princess' behavior just now was very similar to how she used to act before her amnesia.

Er Xi paled at the thought of the princess having regained her memories. "Princess! Where are you going?"

OYZZ ignored her and continued walking until she stopped in from of a door with a very specific person occupying the room beyond the door.

Yu Zhenzhen continued to beg OYZZ to not do anything foolish, but the pampered princess had already made up her mind. Stubborn and bold, she opened the door without bothering to knock.

Yu Zhenzhen's floating ghost followed and both OYZZ and ghost paused at the sight in front of them. They were shocked at the masculine man that had his wet eight pack abdominals on display lying on the bed.

His wet hair was fanned around his face and his eyes were closed, his face showing no expression. He looked like an angel without a care for the world.

Yu Zhenzhen could feel something warm dropping down and she squeaked in embarrassment when she realized it was her nose that was bleeding.

So this was the infamous nosebleed. It was very odd especially when the bleeding didn't show any signs of stopping.

She used both her hands to cover her nose and looked away from OYZZ's gaze that was full of amusement.

Speaking of OYZZ, she had felt a spark in her dead heart as well. But when she remembered that this was the same man that had killed her and her family, her ration mind had overtaken her foolish heart and she only gave him a look of disgust.

She inched closer with the dagger still hidden in her sleeve, very careful not to wake him up from his slumber.

Nangong Longwei didn't move and continued to breath softly and his eyes would twitch every once in a while like he was dreaming about something. Or someone.

OYZZ was now standing in front of his chest. She raised her arm, about to pull out the dagger, but two strong arms pulled her arms and caused her to stumble in the bed.

She squeaked until she was underneath Nangong Longwei. He gave her a cold smirk, "Wanting to pounce on your lordship while he's in bed?"

OYZZ's mouth was dry, not knowing how to respond to the wolf in front of her. "Who wants to pounce on you?" And to test his jealousy, she added, "Besides, Prince Natsu will always be there in case I need to pounce."

His face looked utterly chilling and his sharp eyebrows furrowed with anger, "Your precious Sin-gege?" OYZZ wanted to ask where he got precious from her words, but once again, she decided to play with the man.

Her next words were stuck in her throat when he pulled out the small dagger from her sleeve and gave a harsh chuckle, "Trying to play dirty, wife? Your lordship shall teach you a lesson on not to play on dangerous territory."

He slowly leaned forward and tried to capture her lips with his. For a moment, OYZZ was tempted by his handsome to allow him, but then remembered what he did. How he was behaving this way in this lifetime confused her, but she didn't allow it to change the course of her revenge.

She turned her head and he managed to kiss her cheek. She tried to kick him, but his body was firmly plastered above hers in a scandalous position.

Meanwhile, Yu Zhenzhen stood watching their entire encounter with her nose still bleeding. She knew she shouldn't, but they were both too beautiful! And it was like watching another historical drama, but right in front of you.

She sighed, wishing she had popcorn to enjoy along with the entertainment. She seemed to have forgotten her purpose and seemed like another fangirl watching a beautiful couple.

OYZZ knew she wouldn't be able to overpower the brute in front of her, so she opened her mouth and screamed.

It worked as Er Xi, Qing Xiaolin, Shangming Yunwang, Ouyang Dichen, and even Natsu Sin burst through the door and paused in horror and shock.

Their mixed feelings appeared on their faces as they eyed the infamous duke partially naked and Yu Zhenzhen looking flustered.

Er Xi was the first one to shriek, "My lady! Have you been sullen?My lady speak to me!"

Yu Zhenzhen rolled her eyes at her friend's dramatic behavior, but of course, the ghost wasn't seen rolling her eyes.

OYZZ smirked for a fraction of a second before putting on a look of distress, "I only wished to speak to his lordship about a matter, yet I found him half naked and then... he..."

She sniffled and began to cry. Yu Zhenzhen had to applaud OYZZ for her acting since it surpassed hers by a few levels.

Shangming Yunwang gave the duke an icy look and pulled the princess away. Nangong Longwei gave OYZZ a look of amusement for her dramatic antics and hid the knife from view which confused OYZZ.

Wasn't he going to use it as evidence of her trying to harm him? Why was he accepting the blame?

A feeling of dread weaved its way in her heart when she realized that Nangong Longwei had finally accepted her and fallen for her in this lifetime, yet it wasn't her at all!


Anddd update... next chapter will be Shangming Yunwang and Yu Zhenzhen's date ;)

Which means another boytoy-I mean, charm added to Zhen Zhen's charm bracelet.

Which is also a spoiler that OYZZ will leave Yu Zhenzhen's body. Yay.

Anyways, how do you like the novel so far? Headed in the right or wrong direction?

I have then ending planned out ;)

This book will be around fifty-ish chapters or less... :(

But good news is, I finally updated ROTFT after so long! Yay!

And updated GS (Glass Sight) as well.

Here's the preview:

"Princess," Shangming Yunwang said stoically.

Yu Zhenzhen sighed as she wondered how an old fashioned and cold man fell for Qing Xiaolin in the past. He seemed so strict and rule-obeying! Seducing him? It seemed like it was impossible to even befriend him!

"Princess, we should go back."

Yu Zhenzhen shook her head stubbornly, "No. Even if I did come to Flourishing Temple to pray, I still want to have some fun. Please!" She gave him the modern equivalence of puppy dog eyes.

He was shocked mentally at her adorable expression, but expressionlessly nodded and gave in.

Yu Zhenzhen squealed in delight and gave him a hug which stunned him in awkwardness. She giggled at his behavior. He seemed like an unknowing child and she a harasser. It made her feel a bit perverted, but he was handsome, so it didn't okay.

"Let's start by going over there!" Yu Zhenzhen pointed to a red surrounded area.

Shangming Yunwang paled. Yu Zhenzhen furrowed her eyes since this was the first time he was showing emotion and it was him growing anxious. Was he against going there? But it had red lanterns and people seemed to go in constantly, from what she observed.

She didn't wait for his reply and quickly dashed in the direction of the red surrounded store.

Shangming Yunwang shook out of his daze and gasped, running after the princess. "Princess! That is not a store for you! That is the red district-"

He paused at the horrible sight before him...

Andddd cut. What do you think the sight was?

Until the next update.

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