Chapter Eleven *

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"I've been invited to a ball, are you coming as my date?" Asked Bathory as she applied her make up. Years passed and as the years passed they've adapted to a more normal lifestyle, rubbing shoulders with their rich neighbour's and going to local events.

"What? Are you insane? Do you want me to get killed Bathory?" Turnilupo asked as she placed down the book she was reading to look at the Countess.

"Of course not Turnilupo, it's just that you've been hiding behind these walls for so long, and I want you to go out a little."

"To a fancy ball, as your date? Are you insane? Are you even listening to yourself? This world we live in, hates homosexuals Bathory. If they were to learn that we love each other, imagine what could happen." She huffed and picked the book up again, "besides, witches are being burned all over the place... I'm scared,"

"You're immortal and indestructible Turnilupo, you need to stop thinking about death."

"I'm not going out there, and that's final!" she said, and continued reading her book.

Countess Bathory looked at Turnilupo, and couldn't believe that someone so brave could be afraid of a little judgement. But of course it wasn't that, Turnilupo has given up on her life, she hates to admit it but she misses her home, her friends and most importantly, she misses her soulmate Geoff.

She wondered how it went with him, if he was still alive, she wondered if he thought about her and missed her as much as she misses him.

"Fine! I'll be going then." Bathory said and left. Old Man took her to the ball, and she decided to go alone.


Stepping inside of the beautiful ballroom, Countess Bathory started feeling nervous. It's been years since she's since she's been truly on her own, even after she died Old Man was there and later on Turnilupo who never left her side.

The woman's ballroom gowns were so expensive, only the best materials. Their jewelry were the very best, those diamonds, rubies and pearls on their ears and neck decorated the woman so lovely. But their best accessory so far were their men, she didn't have a date, and felt so alone.

The food were top class, prepared by the very best Italian chefs.

"Care for a dance, Milady?" Bathory heard one handsome voice ask behind her. When she turned to face the voice, she turned into a very handsome man.
This man had beautiful green eyes, and was very tall. His beautiful long brown hair hung well over his elbows, and he had beautiful full lips and a very strong English nose.
She's seen handsome men before, but none like this.

"Why I would be delighted." she replied and gave him her hand, he took it and kissed it. He then led her unto the dancefloor where they danced until the soles of their feet hurt.

Bathory and Gerard had lots of fun when they finally sat down to rest their feet, they talked about everything and laughed very loudly. Gerard was the first human she didn't want to drain, and she felt comfortable around him.
He even offered to go and visit her sometime, she sure did make a friend that night.


Turnilupo spent that evening waiting for her to return, and to get fed up with her talking about Gerard the entire night.

"Oh my god, I missed you so much," she said the second Bathory entered the house.

She hugged the Countess tightly, and knew something was up, the countess didn't return her hug. She was in a trance, a love trance.
Turnilupo withdrew from the hug and looked at the Countess.

"How'd the night go?" She asked instead, afraid to hear the worse.

"Well it was lovely, I met a man named Gerard. He is lovely."

"Yeah, a man. I knew it."

"Oh relax Turnilupo, you're still the one I love. Anyways, he said he'll come over some time."

"He's coming, here?" She asked.

"Didn't I just say that?" The Countess noticed the saddened jealous look on Lupo's face.

"Oh cheer up Turnilupo, you'll love him."

"Is that what you're doing Countess? Loving him?" She asked and went upstairs.


He did eventually come over, and Turnilupo dreaded every second of it.

"This must be your sister that you spoke of, Turnilupo?" He asked, Lupo has her arms crossed angrily and looked at him with all the hatred and disgust she could gather.

He was going to steal her girl, she was sure. And she hated him for that.

"Yes, Turnilupo, this is Gerard. Isn't he wonderful?"

"How would I know, we've just met,"

"Turnilupo, I've heard so much about you. It is lovely to finally meet you,"

"I wish I could say the same,"

"Turnilupo!" Exclaimed Bathory, utterly embarrassed by her behaviour.


"Lunch is ready Countess." Said Old Man the butler upon his entry, and everyone followed him to the dining area.

Their nostrils greeted the wonderful scent of a delicious home cooked meal, and they took their seats.

The Countess and Gerard spoke the entire time, ignoring Turnilupo. They didn't even notice that she left the table.

She went to the servant's court, where Old Man was hanging out, and she missed her home so much she's decided to show it to the butler as well.


She took out her wand and opened up a portal that would lead them directly to her home dimension.

"Oh my Turnilupo, this is a wonderful place," he said as he watched pixies being chased by dragons. "Isn't anyone going to help them?"

"No one cares about their lives, no one here in 'San cares about anyone's lives. Do you wish to befriend mermaids? Or perhaps a Phoenix?" Turnilupo asked, with excitement.

They went over to the forest, beyond it laid a river, with all sort of magical creatures.
She and the Old Man swam with the mermaids and sirens, it was wonderful.

"Turnilupo?" They heard a male voice say.

She saw who the voice belonged to, it was Franz. He is a sorcerer, one of the best. But he is also her friend.

She swam to the river bank and gave him a tight hug, and he held on tightly to her as well. The Old Man also swam closer to them.

"How are you Lupo?"

"I'm wonderful Franz, I'm happy. I'm in love,"

"I am too, her name is Celeste, and we're going to have a baby,"

"Wow! That's amazing," she said, but she wanted to know about Geoff, "how's my rock doing?"

"I actually came to visit him, he is not doing good. You know how some smart people tend to go insane? Yeah, insanity is taking control of him," said Franz, he could see the hurt in her eyes. "I bet you could help him,"

"I can't. How's our death penalty?" She asked.

"Death penalty?" Asked the butler.

"Yes, the only reason that I'm on earth, is to avoid the death penalty. My death penalty. I'm a horrible person butler, and I must pay for my crimes,"

"That's why you're afraid to leave the mansion? You're afraid of the death penalty,"

"Yeah, I told the Countess about all the deaths I've heard about going around in London. They've killed three of the most powerful witches not so far from where we live,"

"Well the penalty isn't going well. So far Lord Gravitino has been caught,"

"No, my soldier,"

"It gets worse, both Ryan and Jayden has been caught,"

When Turnilupo heard that, she dropped to the floor and cried. Her best and only friend has been killed.

"No!" She screamed.

"I'm sorry." Franz told and got on his knees and held on tightly to her, consoling her. The butler consoled her too, it took her a few hours to feel better.

They went back to earth, back to the Countess and she was just so sad.

"Turnilupo, where were you?" Asked the countess.

"Don't pretend that you care Countess, when you're probably screwing Gerard,"

The Countess was taken aback by what she heard, and offended by it too.

"I'm a bisexual Turnilupo, not a cheater. I am loyal and faithful to whomever I am in a relationship with. A bisexual, it doesn't mean a cheater." The Countess said and went off to her bedroom.

Now Turnilupo felt worse, and the Countess doesn't even know what she's going through.

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