Chapter Fifteen

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I saw the Count, as clear as daylight I saw the Count. It was him, but he looked enraged, his red eyes illuminated through the dark. I didn't know that they could even light up.

Around him were the two twins that took me to the castle in the first place, I've later learned that they're his wives. Sandy and Mandy.

"I want her, and I want her alive so that I can kill her myself!"

"Yes, sir." all the vampires in the room said.

"Where'd you find her?"

His wives looked at each other and gulped, "about four towns away."

The Count shrieked, the ground shook. He grabbed the closest vampire and drained its blood and pulled out his heart, just because he could.

"You two lead vampires to and through the towns and find her! Now go!"

They nodded their heads and rushed out of his room to gather an army of vampires.

"Aviana, " The Count said referring to the vampire that helped me, "bring me another virgin. I need the blood of a virgin to calm me or I will wipe out the entire existence of all vampires."

Aviana nodded her head and left.

The Count seemed so mad, and I was trembling as if I was the one he wanted, I trembled as if it was even real.

I tried opening my heavy eyelids but it was a struggle but I managed.

A man rushed over to me wearing a bright smile. His green eyes looked so happy to see me.

I tried to sit up but that was difficult too, the man helped me sit upright and once I was up I looked at my surroundings.

I was in a very dark room, a cabin, and I sat in single bed covered in thick blankets but I was still very cold.

"You're still so pale, but at least you're up now. "

I mustered to give him a weak smile.

The room was a little messy, had lots of books and papers laying around in disorder and chaos, next to me was a small bedside table and on top of it rested my crucifix. It brought a smile to my face because it actually helped me, just like mama believed it would.

I reached out to touched it but it felt as if I placed my hands in fire. I instantly pulled my hand back and winced out in pain.

"Are you okay?"

I nodded my head but my stomach growled, "I guess I'm a little bit hungry."

He nodded his head and left the room. Where the hell am I? And where's mama? I wanted to know what happened, the last thing I remember is me passing out under that tree and nothing more.

The man returned and gave me warm chicken soup and pulled a chair up to me and watched me as I ate it. It really smelt great but tasted even better.

I gave the blonde beside me a small smile, one he returned.

"What's your name?" he asked me.

"Nicolene, and you?"

"Grant, "

I chuckled, "Grant. I like it... Where am I? How did I get here Grant?"

"You're in my home, a cabin in the woods, I found you passed out under a tree and just had to bring you home with me where I nursed you. You are so pale and so cold, it had me worried. I even called a doctor, he'll be over tonight, "

I nodded my head, "you're too kind good sir, "

He grinned, "it's nothing, really. I have to get back to work, "

I blankly stared at the man, "why? It's dark outside?"

He grinned and nodded his head, "my bosses are hosting a huge party in a few days and we have to cook and bake lots of food for them to decide on. After the party, I assume things will go back to normal,"

I nodded my head. He got up and pulled the chair back against the wall it was standing at, "what do you do for a living?"

"I'm a chef, " he replied and put on a brown jacket, "be safe okay? Don't open the door for anyone, vampires all over are enraged. I have no idea why, but they're terrorising the villagers. Thank God I grew tired of it and moved out into the woods."

I nodded my head as I enjoyed my soup and just looked at Grant leave.

When I finished, I cleaned my bowl and decided to go out for some fresh air. The wind was cold but the air was cool, a weird combination because I wasn't sure if I needed something for warmth or not.

I walked down the busy streets in town and it felt as if I was going mad. Perhaps I was. I could hear heartbeats from babies in wombs, could hear the chatter of friends far from me and I could even smell their blood which strangely made me so hungry. I sat down on a bench because it became too much for me, I couldn't handle all the sounds I wasn't supposed to hear, I couldn't handle all the blood I smelt and I just couldn't handle how that blood made me want to harm the people around me.

We all heard a woman screaming out loudly but her screams were louder to my sensitive ears. I held my ears, shutting them immediately because her screaming hurt my eardrums. Then we saw the woman who screamed. She was running through town away from something, and then everyone started running and screaming. I rose to my feet, alarmed, scared.

I saw vampires, we all did and so we all ran but me especially. I had this strange feeling that they're here for me, I know sounds weird.

I ran back to the forest where I was sure I was alone now. I couldn't hear the crying and panic from the innocent villagers and that was good I guess. I just couldn't stand their cries, it hurt my eardrums. I leaned against a tree, tired, weak and strangely hungry. It was like I haven't eaten in weeks.

A man on a horse made it towards me, once they reached me the horse neighed and stood on its back legs. It was terrified, it had fear in its eyes, fear of seeing me. The man fell off from its back and the horse galloped away.

The man's heart was jumping rapidly and that sent his blood flooding through his veins. I could smell it so strongly as if he tore his skin and weirdly enough I could taste it. Not that I just could already taste it but that I wanted to taste it, just one drop.

He got to his feet and held his head, "what are you doing out so late? And for a young maiden such as yourself, "

I gave him a small smile, I wanted him to stay away from me but at the same time, I wanted him to come up to me. My thoughts were scaring me.

"What's your name?"

"Nicolene, "

He grinned, "Nicolene, what a pretty name. My name is..."

"... Please don't, " I begged. I didn't want him to tell me his name because I knew that I wanted to have his blood in my mouth. Putting a name on him would just make him a human being with a name and a family.

I walked closer to him, I didn't know about him but I was terrified of myself and what I wanted to do to him. I grabbed him gently and leaned into his neck just like how The Count did to me and before we both knew it my fangs tore into his soft flesh and blood gushed into my mouth.

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