Chapter Four

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The young woman got into the carriage, and tried avoiding the tied up, mumbling girls who were tied up before her.

"What's up with all these hopeless girls?" Asked the young woman and placed her feet on top of one girl as if she's a table. When the girl tried to wriggle free, the young woman would kick her in the face.

Countess Bathory sighed, she was wondering if she should share her secret with this beautiful stranger. She has never been one to lie especially not about big things but unlike Old Man the Butler she wasn't assigned to her.
She looked at the young woman again, she had huge light brown eyes, and a cute small nose and beautiful pink lips. Countess Bathory couldn't help but wish to kiss them, to feel her touch all over her body. She studied the girl further, she had beautiful feet and cute toes, and those legs were just amazing. So firm and so silky, and her body figure? Freaking on point, she had beautiful curves, her body was carefully shaped and man did god do a good job when forming her.

Countess Bathory has never seen anyone so perfectly perfect. Her breast were so beautiful, full and perky, and her nipples were so pink and so sexy, Countess Bathory wished so badly to squeeze them and to suck them. She cleared her throat and shook her head, she wanted to get those thoughts out of her head.

"I'll be honest with you, I'm a vampire, and I feed on young woman," the woman just looked at Bathory. If the woman tries to tell anyone she'll kill her.

"A vampire?" The woman spoke. Countess was expecting her to be surprised or terrifed but she wasn't, she was more taken aback. "But why feed on women? Aren't we suppose to look after each other and have each others backs?" She asked. Completely unfazed by the fact that she's a vampire. As if it's a normal thing.

"Oh, you're one of those women?" Countess asked.

''Well, yes I'm one of those women because as a woman I know that only women can truly understand what I'm going through, they're the only ones that can relate to my  everyday problems and the other way around," she leaned into Countess Bathory and grabbed her hand that was on her lap, "we as women need to take care of each other. You think these men care about us? If they did we'd be more than just their objects,"

The Countess ran her words carefullly through her head, she can understand where the girl comes from. She let out a small smile and lookwd right into her hazel eyes, "tell you what, when they're all dead I'll start hunting on men," the young maiden smiled, Bathory decided that she will be her new friend and wanted her to be happy and comfortable.

They safely made it home to,
The Countess took ten woman and threw them over her shoulders, five on the left and five on the right shoulder. Leaving the young woman to gawk at her. She carried them alone into the torture room.

The young woman took four girls and pulled them by their hair. Two in the one hand and two in the other. The girls cried out in pain as they were being pulled by their hair.

Old man the butler went to the remaining tied up six girls and untied them.
"Please don't struggle and just come with me," the woman sat their crying and whimpering.

"If you put up a fight, the blood Countess will kill me and make your deaths even more torturous," he said and the girls got out of the carriage and followed him.

He entered the mansion and saw the young woman still dragging the girls.

"Look, I do it without the requirements of my hands." he bragged, the young woman stopped and walked over to the butler still pulling the girls.

"You little show off," the young maiden spat and stuck her tongue out causing the butler to chuckle.

By the time they made it to the torture dungeon, Bathory had already tied the girls up and killed two woman already. The two dropped off their girls and with her vampire speed, she quickly tied those up as well.

The woman nodded her head and smirked, she leaned against the wall as she watched Bathory, "Oh wow. So you really are a vampire? Why are you eyes purple? I saw vampires before and they have red eyes,"

The Countess made sure that the women were bounded tightly and turned around to face the young woman. "Yeah, I am. I don't have red eyes because I'm not like those vampires that you've met,"

"What do you mean?"

Bathory shrugged and ran her fingers through her lustrous hair, ""I don't know. That's something I'll have to figure out on my own. Come, let's go to the lounge. Old Man will make you some tea ,"

The young woman walked around the mansion and studied its pink walls and other decor. She would pick stuff up and place them where they don't belong, she was rather extra and the Countess wondered if her parents ever even taught her manners.

"Wow, this place is so..."

"...Beautiful," the countess interrupted.

"No, ugly. It makes me want to throw up, in fact, it looks like a unicorn did its business in here." Bathory chuckled.

"I never got your name," the Countess said.

"Yeah, it's a shame," the young woman replied and looked at the countess. They looked at each other so long, as if they were having a starring contest

"Well are you going to give it?"

"Are you going to ask it?"

"Well, what is your name?"

"I'm Turnilupo, and you?"

"Countess Bathory,"

"Sweet," Turnilupo said and threw her body on the couch and placed her feet on the coffee table. Where is this girl's manners? Bathory asked herself.

"Oh Countess, I'm not a vegan,"

"And what does that mean?"

"It means that I crave beef, oh and I do eat meat,"

"I know what a vegan is,"

"So why'd you ask, also I hate vegetables," she said and placed her hands behind her head as she got in a very relaxed position.

"This is not a hotel!" the Countess snapped, Turnilupo got up and stood in front of her.
Being this close to Turnilupo made her nervous, she was even more perfect up close. Not a pimple or a pore could be seen.

"No hospitality, I guess your parents didn't teach you a few things," said Turnilupo.

"Your parents didn't!" Snapped the Countess, annoyed at this point.

"They couldn't, I killed them when I was six years old," said Turnilupo dead seriously and kissed the countess on her mouth.

"Where's the bathroom, do you know where I could find the bathroom?" she asked and walked out of the living room. "Of course you would, it's your place. OLD MAN!" She called out.

The countess watched as she walked away, still a bit lost in that small kiss. She smelt like lavender and her lips were softer than cotton. She watched as the woman searched for Old Man, she behaves like a little child and that has to change.

The butler showed Turnilupo around and prepared a place for her to sleep, after that he immediately started preparing the dinner and called Turnilupo down to enjoy it with the them. They sat at the dinner table, Turnilupo watched as the Countess drank blood from a huge goblet.

"So, how long have you been a vampire?" She asked.

Countess let out a small smile, "not  long. Why aren't you scared?"

Turnilupo chuckled and dropped her fork in her plate as she studied Countess Bathory. The woman who sat right before her was beautiful, her jawline and long neck was Turnilupo's favourite feature on the woman because her beautiful brown her twirled beside it and it makes her look like a dream. She shook her head at the question that was asked, "I'm not afraid of you Countess. I myself am supernatural, so you bumped into the right woman. What can you do?"

Countess Bathroy looked over at Old Man the Butler with furrowed brows and then right back at Turnilupo, "what do you mean?"

"Vampires come with incredible powers and abilities. What can you do?" Turnilupo picked her fork up again and started picking at the food on her plate.

"I don't know, I don't know what I'm suppose to have or do because I have never seen another vampire before,"

Turnilupo nodded her head and picked up her fork and aimed it at The Countess, "promise, I promise that we will find out. No matter who we'll kill." promised Turnilupo.

"How will we find another vampire?"

"Trust me, I've told you I myself am supernatural." she replied.

Thank you for reading. Please don't forget to vote :)

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