Chapter Nine

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The Countess went down to their dungeon and looked around at the remaining men and walked up to their favourite Englishman Leo.

"Come back to mock me some more?" He asked looking at Turnilupo.

"Or drink perhaps?" He asked, shifting his gaze from Turnilupo onto Bathory.

Bathory smiled sarcastically at the man. He just looked at the woman, waiting to get killed any day.

"We need you," said Countess Bathory.

"And why do you think I would help you?"

"Look here handsome, help us or else I'll bite off your head okay?" Turnilupo said, and he softly laughed to himself.

"I thought you and I had something special," he joked, she smiled and went over to him.

"Come on darling, we like you, and you know that. We want to turn you into a vampire, imagine that. You'll have so much power, can do whatever you ever dreamed of, darling you could be immortal with us," she said, he smiled.

"I don't know..."

"Oh come on, being a vampire is pretty amazing. Let us experiment on you," said Countess.


"Yes darling, we turn you into a vampire and try to see what separates Dracula's vampires from Bathory's vampires,"

He looked at the two women expecting to hear more, but after that statement was silence, "that's all?"


"You won't kill me?"

"Of course not. We might be cunts, but we're trustworthy honest cunts," Turnilupo's assured.

"Okay then, I'm in," he said, and Bathory untied him.
She brought him to his feet, and he stretched out. He was stiff from being tied up all this time.

"He's obviously hungry, I'll go fix something for him," said Old Man the butler, standing by the entrance.

"Please do darling," said Turnilupo.

The butler took Leo to the kitchen where he fixed him a sandwich, after the sandwich he took him to a room, one he could call his own and Leo took a shower. He also got a change of clothes, that Bathory and Turnilupo cared for.

After the shower and dinner, she bit him. Her venom went into his bloodstream and she killed him with her venom inside of him. When he woke up he was a vampire, and Vampire was the one who took him hunting.


"Okay, choose your victim," Vampire said, Leo looked around at everyone around. It was at noon, so many people were out and about.

"Hunt? I hate this already"

"All vampires start off that way, hating to kill, but slowly their humanity dies out and they become these heartless monsters,"

"Is that what happened to you?"

Vampire nodded his head, "sadly yes, I use to care for the humans, but not anymore."

The thought of his humanity dying was terrifying to hear, who would he be if he wasn't humane? "I don't want it to ever get to that."

"But it will, maybe, I'm not sure with you since you're a Bathory vampire."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Dracula has two vampire brides, Sandra and Madeline. Sandy is known as the tough, heartless one and although Mandy can be that way too, her humanity shows from time to time if you look closely. So every vampire that comes from Sandy's line becomes more like her, however, if you come from Mandy's line, you tend to remain softer," he explained.

"Okay... Let's hunt," said Leo, he didn't understand a thing Vampire just said, maybe because he doesn't know who he's talking about.

"Okay follow my lead," said Vampire and ran in supernatural speed and grabbed a woman as he ran by.
It was so fast that the people weren't exactly sure if the woman actually disappeared or if she wasn't there to start with.

He came back with the woman and drank her in front of Leo, who was struggling to full-on gag. He genuinely wanted to throw up, to drink human blood was the most disgusting thing he has ever seen or even had to do.

After Vampire killed the woman, he threw her dead body down on the ground and looked at Leo.

"Go ahead," he said, Leo gulped. Travel as fast as that? All he saw was a line of blur, surely he couldn't do that, but he was going to try anyway.

He inhaled and started running, Vampire's jaw hung low at what he was seeing. Leo ran as fast as any other human, or should he say as slow as any other human. What's worse, was that one could tell he genuinely tried running as fast as he could, too bad it was very slow.

Leo came back to Vampire, he was disappointed in himself. He knows he pushed hard to run very fast, but it just didn't come out that way. So what could it be?

"I'm sorry, Leo," said Vampire.

"Maybe next time,"


"And? How did the hunt go?" Asked, Bathory the second they entered.

"Your vampire is broken, he has no super speed," reported  Vampire. Bathory and Turnilupo's faces dropped.

"Maybe it's because he's just been turned," Turnilupo said.

"No, it doesn't work that way. He's supposed to have his super speed. I just don't know what's wrong with him,"

Bathory sighed hopelessly.

"I wonder what else he lacks," she said.

"We could find out, right Leo?" Wanted to know.

"Why not?" Leo added and they left.

"What do you think Countess? Think he'll ever gain abilities?" Turnilupo wondered.

"I don't know, maybe... The thing said I should find out what separates me from Dracula, I wonder if having no abilities is the difference," she said.

"Don't worry, we'll find out sooner or later,"

"If that is the case, and having no abilities is what my vampires have, then my vampires suck," said the Countess, she really was feeling down.

Turnilupo went over to her and gently stroked her cheek, causing the Countess to smile.
She then pulled Bathory in for a kiss.

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