Chapter Seven

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The Countess sat on the couch, just thinking about vampire Queen Dracoleen, who the hell does she think she is?
Turnilupo entered the living room, watching as the Countess tried to wrap her mind around this. It upset her to see the Countess so stressed, she wanted her to be happy and stressed free.

Why though? Turnilupo isn't the type of person that's necessarily concerned over others, so why is she feeling so sad looking at the Countess. And what makes things worse is that she and the Countess barely know each other but they have this way of clicking, and why wouldn't they? They're ruthless killers and that's the one thing that they can bond over, the one thing they completely get about each other and finding friends to murder with is the most amazing achievement in both their lives.
The Countess was sipping blood as she thought about Dracoleen, she had to die. The countess concluded.

Turnilupo went over to the Countess and sat on her lap, looking in her face. It was weird for her to do it but The Countess had come to know that Turnilupo just does the most random things and never thinks twice about crossing boundaries.

She was extra and doesn't know how to behave in a society which is a weird thing because everyone ought to know. The Countess smiled as she looked into Turnilupo's beautiful brown eyes, Turnilupo placed her hands on Bathory's shoulders and grinned. She leaned in and kissed the Countess' problems away, and was surprised to see the Countess kiss her back.

Bathory wrapped her arms around Turnilupo's waist and held on to her, they kissed each other passionately, getting lost in each other's lips.
Her lips are so soft, the Countess thought to herself as they made out.

The blood taste in Elizabeth's mouth tasted so sweet she clenched her jaw as the taste danced in her mouth, she liked it. The Countess moved her touches upwards to Turnilupo's breast and fondled them sending vibrations throughout her body.

The sound of Old Man, the butler clearing his throat caused the two to stop making out.

"I really hate you," said Bathory

"I love you too Countess Bathory," he said, and the Countess rolled her eyes.

"Why are you interrupting us?"

"To let you know lunch is ready."

"Seriously? Countess Bathory is my lunch." said Turnilupo in a low seductive voice and grinned naughtily. Countess smirked and they started kissing again.


Countess Bathory and Vampire were standing outside, at an old and abandoned building.

"Next lesson, strength," he said.

"I want you to punch this wall,"

The Countess looked at the building. Abandoned it might be, but it was still in good shape, and well built because the walls were thick.

"Are you sure?" She asked nervously.

"Yes, now punch." he said. The Countess formed a fist with her hands and looked at the wall. Vampire rolled his eyes and punched the wall. His punch was so strong that he punched through the wall, causing a huge hole in the wall. Bathory's eyes twinkled as she widened them.

"Imagine punching a human being with that strength," Bathory said in awe. Wanting to try it out.

"I know, I've done it before. Instant death, now do it and remember, try not to think too much about it."

Countess Bathory sighed, closed her eyes and punched with all she had. Unlike Vampire's punch, nothing happened and they just looked at the wall in silence. What was good to her was the fact that it didn't even hurt one bit.
They both started hearing what sounded like cracking, and dust came falling from the wall. They saw as the wall cracked right there were the countess punched and pretty soon the cracks travelled through to the entire building.
They moved back and watched as the building fell to the ground. Vampire's jaw dropped.

"Wow, you're as strong as Count Dracula himself!" he said in awe, she smiled in satisfaction. She was super strong.

"Female Count Dracula, you're the real vampire Queen," he said, and that brought the thought of Dracoleen back to mind.

"Hey Vampire, do you know Dracoleen?" She asked.

"Dracoleen? Who doesn't? She usually goes to Count Dracula's castle if she's free, she's one of the best vampire Queens," he said, the Countess shocked to hear that.

"One of? How many are they?

"They're three, she's the best,"

"Three? Why is she the best?" She asked, that same anger building up inside of her.

"She is very powerful, as powerful as Count Dracula's brides,"

"I want them all dead, I'm the only vampire Queen there should be!" she said, and angrily flew away to her mansion. He joined her.


Elizabeth went back to her mansion filled with anger and even jealousy. She doesn't even know Dracolene but her being feared and respected throughout the vampire world brought out a very ugly side to the Countess.

"You're the better vampire, hands down Countess. No need to feel threatened or jealous." he said the moment they entered the mansion.

She angrily turned around, thrown off by the term jealous. But she was jealous, not just of all the vampire Queens out there, but because of their fame. She was jealous that she's the supreme vampire Queen, and gets no recognition for it. No ones knows about her, worships her, loves her. But more than anything, she was jealous of Count Dracula. He had a huge army and a huge coven that loved and adored him. He had riches, fame, fans and so much more, but what about her? She hated that and wished that all vampires could die, leaving only herself to build an empire of her own and let her vampires run around alone.

"Jealous?" She repeated. "I am not jealous..."

"And nor should you be darling," interrupted Turnilupo from behind her and walked over to the Countess.

She hugged the Countess from behind, wrapping her arms around her waist and resting her head on the Countess' shoulders. That instantly made her feel better, Turnilupo pressing against her took away all her problems, her worries and for a bit, all her jealousy. She just wanted Turnilupo to hold on to her, the soft touch of a woman was just amazing. Especially if it's a woman you can't help but deeply like.

"You're the only Vampire Queen that matters, Dracoleen is nothing compared to you, my dear, " Turnilupo said.

Countess Bathory gave her a small grin but she really didn't feel as supreme as she should be and she wished more than anything to just feel like there's none other.


That's it for now :) please vote/comment.

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