Chapter Seventeen

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"Be safe okay?" Grant instructed as he grabbed his coat from the coat hanger. His eyes were filled with concern and worry for me, but I honestly think that I can take care of myself. I always could.

I gave Grant a small smile to match my small nod. He returned my smile with a weak one of his own and opened the door, the sunlight beamed brightly into the home. As long as the sun was out I'm good, I'm safe, that's if I really am being hunted down by The Count and his army.

If I was being hunted by The Count and his army then I could already be labelled dead, but dead for real this time. No one can run from him nor stand up against him, so how was I going to? An innocent girl who worked in a bakery. Mama must be worried sick but I somehow think she knows I'm dead by now but hope is another thing, mama might have hope.

Grant greeted me and left, he shut the door behind him and I was truly alone and that scared me, what if they come my way? Not that Grant could protect me but being alone is the worse, paranoia all over the place.

I had nothing to do so I started cleaning the cabin and I even baked biscuits like I always did back when I worked in the bakery with mom. After dad died mom and I were left so to speak with nothing, mama didn't work he was the sole provider and it was the first time mama had to vent for herself. She had nothing to do, no skills and no education. Education is for the wealthy people so what was a housewife to do? All mama knew was how to cook and clean and when the insurance paid mom for dada's loss she opened a bakery. I loved the bakery, I think I loved hanging out with mama more actually. We'd wake up early and head over to the bakery and just start baking, it was a whole new feeling, no it was an emotion even. We wiped each other's tears with flour and laughter and for once I was working side by side with mama. It was a first for me because mama was always busy running the household while I was running in the streets thinking I was invincible and that I would never grow up.

Childhood is the best, isn't it? I knew what crying was but I didn't know pain. I knew what fear is but I would never imagine dealing with Satan himself. Can't I just turn time back? To run around carelessly through the streets again, without any worry.

A knock on the door stopped me from rolling dough and I walked up to it. It feels as if my heart was beating in my ears, it was racing and I was honestly terrified. What if it's a member of Count Dracula's army? I have no idea what to do or how to protect myself. With sweaty palms, I slowly opened the door and behind it stood a woman wearing a very beautiful royal blue corset dress, silk made from the very best fabrics one could tell it was a very wealthy woman. Her face was covered by her parasol so I couldn't see if I could trust her or not and by that I mean to see whether or not she's a vampire.

"May I come in?"

I was overtaken by pure fear. It was like I couldn't even speak. I could feel her grinning. She gently moved the parasol from her face and my heart sunk.


It was her, the vampire that helped me escape by tipping me off. Sunlight you say? It's every vampire's weakness. I found it strange that a big bad vampire could be afraid of a little sunlight, but I mainly found it strange that Aviana was standing before me right this second.

She grinned, she was still so very beautiful. Her fangs poked out from behind her luscious pink lips. She nodded her head, "may I enter?"

"This isn't my home, I don't want you coming at night to kill, Grant, "

She chuckled and shook her head. Her laugh was so sweet a very beautiful sound. "I would never travel so far just to feed on one silly human being, besides, I would never harm your pathetic little lover. I'm on your side, "

I cocked my head to the side, I had no idea what she meant. "Are you here to kill me?"

She let out that sweet little laugh again, "honey, I just said that I'm on your side. Now let me in, "

I nodded my head. I wasn't sure if I should even trust a bloodsucker, "come in, Aviana, "

She grinned and took a step inside. She helped herself into the lounge and sat down on the couch. I joined her, we just looked at each other for a long time.

"What are you doing here, Aviana?"

She stared at me intently, "because I need you, Nicolene. You're the only vampire that can kill The Count, "

I wasn't sure if Aviana was joking or not but one doesn't play like this. Was she insane, no one can kill The Count, especially not me.

"I can't, I'm just another girl..."

"You're not just another girl, you weren't supposed to run off and live. The Count wants you alive so that he can kill you himself, do you know why?"

I didn't know, so I shook my head.

She scoffed. "Honey, you died with his venom still in your bloodstream. See when a vampire feeds on a human we release our venom into their bloodstream and if they die with our venom in their bloodstream they turn into a vampire. If they don't die the body kills off the venom in a few days and they'll be fine, but that didn't happen to you even if it was supposed to. It's The Count's biggest fear, "

"What is? Turning a human?"

Aviana nodded her head, "yes, because if he turns a human being into a vampire he gives that human half of his own powers and abilities. The only humans he turns himself is his twin brides, that's why they're nearly as powerful as him. He trusts them, he knows that they will never turn on him because they're married always I think he brainwashed them into obedience. But you're as powerful as the twin brides and he didn't brainwash you into obedience, therefore, you're the only one who can kill him, kill him you must, "

Processing everything she said was a hard pill to swallow and I just couldn't grasp it all at once. "What?" I asked in a very low voice.

She got up and sat down next to me. She looked into my eyes and squeezed my hand, "The Count must be killed, he is bad for humanity, "

"But... Aviana, what you're asking from me... I can't... I... I have no one, "

She gave me a small smile, one with the most dangerous thing attached to it, hope. "You have me. We can do this together, what do you say, Nicolene?"

I looked into her eyes, she was so sure of herself, had so much faith in me but I cannot do that. I'm not a fool, only a fool would want to go up against The Count.

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