Chapter Twenty-five

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"Ten years," I said loudly with all my vampires gathered to hear me speak. A lot has changed, for one I speak up now and I don't get as nervous.

"Ten years and just ten years," I told my coven, "this is the end of our journey, the ship will be reaching it's destination and we're not getting off to have fun. No! We go out into the world and turn as many humans as we can and when the ten years are over you march with your coven to his castle we will meet up for battle,"

My coven cheered and raised their glasses high. I will miss my coven but we need to expand if we really want a chance at this. We don't even want to let The Count know we're coming, we'll surprise them and they will not know what hit them.

I went back to my room where I heard a knock on the door and Aviana entered with her beautiful smile. I ask, is there anyone as perfect as Aviana? Sometimes I wonder what exactly it is that I feel towards her, all I know is that I have never felt this way before and I'm afraid of what I actually feel.

What I do know is that as cold and ruthless as she is, she's my very own ray of sunshine, the only light I need in my life and honestly that's enough.

"We are going to have to split up," she told.

I didn't follow her. I folded a blouse of mine and packed it into my suitcase. Avaiana sat down on the bed and just looked at me until I stopped packing and met her eyes, "what are you talking about?"

"I'm going my own path as soon as this ride is over..."

"... no! No, Aviana. We're a team,"

"You and Grant are a team. Besides, I think it's ideal. We can cover more ground and turn twice as much people,"

I processed her words and sighed, she was right though and I couldn't deny that fact. I continued packing the clothes, "but... I think it'll be better if we're together,"

She giggled. I loved it, especially since it doesn't happen that often, "I've never been free. Ever. I was turned by one of the third rated alphas when I was almost your age. I was twenty-three and didn't get to experience anything and I would love that more than anything,"

I didn't want to be selfish here and I really understood where this comes from. I gave her a small smile but my heart wasn't feeling the same way. "I understand. Besides, we have all eternity to spend together,"

She lit up and gave me the biggest smile that she ever threw and jumped up from my bed and flung her arms around me. For a few seconds I didn't return her embrace but eventually did. I held her close and took in her lovely scent. I will miss it, that much I knew but I also have to be strong.

The day came when we all had to gather up and say our goodbyes, we really became like a real family. Very close. After all we've been together for months and it was all worthwhile. We laughed, cried and let it all out before leaving each other.

I know I will miss Aviana a lot but Sir Captain has become like a father figure in my life and I love that and will surely miss that. But for now mama, Grant and I have to settle down and find ourselves a new place to call home.

We found a guest house whose owners were quickly turned and so were every new guest that made a booking. It has become apart of my cycle now, turning and training humans and the guilt even died out a bit because I know it's for a good cause. Ending Count Dracula.

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