Chapter Twenty-six

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She laughed as Simon just looked at her. She was enjoying it and Simon didn't understand why then again he never truly understood Valerie. No one did. She was like a little kid, she raised her hands in the air as she enjoyed as the blood rained down on her naked skin. Her eyes shut, her mouth wide open as she tried catching some of the dripping blood. A human hung above her, each limp was tied against a pole. She poked holes in him to let the blood fall over her body like she was taking a shower.

Simon watched her curiously, several more bodies laid around him as she had already fed on those.

She giggled and he loved it because she was happy or at least she seemed pretty happy.

"Valerie... shall we be going then?" The redhead asked.

She stopped her joyful laughter and put on her dress. She bit her lower lip and walked over to Simon, "let's see who reaches the castle first. Shall we?"

He smirked and nodded his head. She waited for him as he slowly turned into a wolf and once he was one hundred per cent wolf she did the countdown.


They both ran at the same time and for a short while they ran at the same speed when he started running past her. She couldn't have that. She took advantage the same way he did and transformed into a human-size cat. Her nails grew and her hard vampiric skin was covered in fur before she knew it. Her four fangs pushed out and grew longer. She was a cat and that enabled her to run faster than she normally would.

They ran for hours before the castle showed and they both made it together. They didn't even stop at the doors and ran right in and up to the top floor were she bet him with a second but she knew it was only because he let her win so that she could be the one to open the door to Count Dracula's hangout spot.

The second they made it, they both transformed back into their human form and started laughing. Everyone in the room looked at them.

"Cranters... reckless I say," muttered Dracolene under her breath.

That statement immediately wiped Valerie's smile and she looked over to her father Count Dracula. He wasn't her real father he just raised her himself as if she was his own. This was after her mother was killed by a cranter and her father pushed off a cliff by an eight-year-old Valerie. The Count loved that she did that, especially since she giggled right after she watched him laying in a buddle of his own blood not too far down below.

He was going to kill her, The Count, but he came out of hiding and took her in instead.


Count Dracula gave Dracolene a firm frown, "now now, Nicolene, play nice,"

Dracolene rolled her eyes and poured herself a glass of blood.

"Father, you called for me?"

He nodded his head, "my child," he said and in a flash, he stood before her and cupped her face with his big hands, "draped in blood. You haven't changed a bit,"

She chuckled, "god forbid,"

"I am God,"

She bowed before The Count and looked right into his eyes right after.

"My child you know that you are by far my favourite cranter and I believe that it is time for you to be ready to become a vampire queen,"


"... I want to send you on a mission to Africa. If you can return to me with Pharoah's head and his daughter as one of your own, my child, you may have whatever you,"

Valerie looked over at Simon who just shrugged then she looked back at her father and smirked, "yes father."

He kissed her on that bloody forehead of hers and smiled. "You will travel as the captain on a ship and lead a group of vampires and cranters alike, the waters can get real dangerous but I know you can handle it,"

She nodded her head, "of course,"

"Oh and another thing," he said and clapped his hands. Carmen, The Count's cranter bride gave Valerie a potion in a green bottle, she took it and studied it well.

"What is it?"

"That is not your concern but I do trust that you can hand this over to Helena,"

"The witch?"

He nodded his head, "yes my child. But be careful, it is dangerous and many supernatural creatures want it."

She nodded her head. She didn't understand what her father was doing or why he trusted her with such a huge task but she sure hopes that she impresses him.

She took a real shower and Simon joined her in her bedroom after dinner.

"What do you think it is?" He asked as he picked the bottle up that rested on her bedside table.

"Honest to god, I don't want to know. Think it'll be best that way,"

He sighed heavily and sat down on her bed, "I hate to say this but I do not trust your father, at all,"

She giggled and sat down on her bed as well. She sat next to him combing out her long, strong beautiful brunette hair. "Who does? But... I would love to be the person who he trusts and who I can trust,"

He frowned, "Valerie, this will blow up in your face. I know it. And you know I'm physic that way,"

She nodded her head, "and what do you suggest I do? I want to show those vampire queens and brides that I to am worthy to hang around in their quarters. They look down on me and I cannot wait to wipe that smug smiles from Nicolene and Avaina's faces,"

Valerie said with a burning passion. It frustrated her that she knows she's capable of handling tasks the way they all do but they still look at her like she doesn't belong or like she's a baby.

"They do whatever it is that will make you happy,"

She smiled and pulled her long term friend in for a very long hug.

"You're joining me right?"

He scoffed, "of course. We will be running an entire empire when we return and Dracolene will have to finally pat you on the back and say she's proud,"

"And that's all I want."

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