Chapter Twenty-three

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I opened the door and stepped into the hallway, sometimes I wonder if people would find it suspicious if they only see me at night but I'm convinced that it's only the anxiety speaking. Who even knows I'm here except the few people that I came in contact with?

Aviana suggests that I turn someone new everyday that way we get to start everything sooner. I walked up to Caroline's room and knocked thrice. I heard the shuffling of feet making its way to the door so I waited.

A little boy opened the door, his ashy brown hair hung over his eyes. He seemed sad or perhaps worried. I had no idea that Caroline had a child and that idea made me sick. I killed a woman who has a dependant and the poor kid must wonder why his mother is acting so weird.

Another thought came to mind, what if she gets hungry and kills the poor guy. Oh god I'm a horrible being for allowing this to happen, why did I strip both her and Sir Captain's humanity? They both had full lives to live and I just snatched that away from them. It broke me.

A single warm tear escaped my right eye and it just reminded me how cold I truly I was. It slowly rolled down my cheek, warming it as it made its way down and entered the corner of my mouth. That has been the only bit of warmth I've felt since I did and it came from tears, tears of regret. I'm becomming a monster or I'm not and becomming one is my biggest fear. Which it is. Everyday I fight not to turn into what Count Dracula is but I still wonder what if one day my battle will be lost and I am just a shell of what I used to be.

But something actually alarmed me, I could smell the strong scent of blood and for a second I feared for the little boy's life.

"Who is it, Joey?" Caroline's voice emerged from deep within.

Joey faced his mom and shrugged.

"N..." I said but my voice was frail so I cleared it so that it could come out stronger, "Nicolene,"

"Oh! Nicolene, please come in,"

The boy opened the door and I took a step in. Caroline looked like a mess, her ginger hair stood wild like she's been tossing and turning the whole evening but what worried me was the faint blood drops on her white night dress. "Caroline!"

She started breaking down and cried and rushed over to her and flung my comforting arms around her, "Caroline, what is it?"

She gently pushed me away from the embrace and wiped her tears. Then she pulled me on the sleeve of my dress and lead me into her bedroom. The second I entered the room I was stunned.

A dead man laid on the bed under a big pile of his own blood. She started sobbing again as I observed the brutal scenery before me. The covers were messy and he laid on top of it, his blood still dripping on the floorboards. He had the two punctured holes a vampire leaves when feeding but it seemed as if she wasn't doing much feeding since there was blood everywhere. Maybe that's because his guts were splattered across the room.

"I'm so sorry, I couldn't stop myself," she said softly and cried loudly.

I waa freaking out but I knew that I had to remian calm before her, I also needed to take care of this. Fast.

"Um... I need you to call Aviana, now!"

She nodded her head and ran out the room as fast as she could. All I could think about was the little boy. How could I be so reckless?

"What happened?" Aviana asked the second she stormed in. I didn't say anything since it wasn't even needed. The scenery spoke for itself.

She wasn't in shock like I was, she held her composure so well. A real leader. What am I even doing?

She cleared her throat, "first, we need to get the boy to your mom. She is going to have to take care of for a while. Just until Caroline knows how to control her hunger and secondly... we need to get rid of that body without getting caught or raising suspicion,"

I nodded my head and so did Caroline. Caroline took the boy to my mom's leaving me with Aviana.

"This is all my fault,"

Aviana scoffed, "what? No! This is not on you. This is one hundred percent Caroline's fault but we don't blame her, not all vampires are the same. The captain could handle himself she seems reckless which could be a good thing if we're going to war against The Count. Nicolene, I believe it's time to tell them what we're doing and why we're doing it but first you need to turn someone else. Understood?"

I nodded my head. I understood, The Count needs to die. He is ruthless and the world will be better without him in it, much safer. But I wonder sometimes if it's what I truly want or if it's just what Aviana wants. Who can blame her? What her eyes have seen over the years of living with him isn't exactly the prettiest.

I looked at her, she seems so sure of everything. She is going to take care of the body and I was going to go look for my next victim.

It was a young man in his mid twenties, I sat at the bar when he approached me. Good. I wasn't in the mood for hunting so he made this easy for me. He introduced himself, Markam he said aspiring doctor who is on board to celebrate his grandmother's 80th birthday. People of money, he bought me a drink which I declined and gently took him by the hand.

"Your hands... they're abnormally cold. Are you alright?"

The inner doctor spoke but I let out a small smile and lead him out where we could be alone. The boiler room. It was dark but my vision isn't exactly humane. I pushed him against a wall and immediately kissed him in his neck and before we both knew it he was softly murmimg. I would know that feeding can be pleasurable to the human it's like you know it can be deadly to you but at the same time you don't want the vampire to stop.

I listened closely to his heartrate and when it started slowing down I knew to stop, which I did. He grinned and pulled me in for a kiss, I was not expecting that. I've never been kissed before so this really caught me by surprise. He pulled away and I placed both my hands on his neck and looked into his dark brown eyes for a short while before I twisted his neck and killed him with my venom inside his bloodstream.

This is beginning to become easier and I'm not sure if I should be applauding myself or should be worried.

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