The Return

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It has been about a month since Nash has been in the hospital, he is coming home today. Ding, Dong. Come in I yell, I wonder who was at the door. Hi, Amanda, look can we please talk. Shawn what do you want, I thought you were still in jail. I was but they let me go early if I promised to stay with my sucurety, Cris. Cris this is my ex girl friend Amanda. So this is the girl. Nice to meet you. Ya, same to you. Liston Amanda you have to believe me, I am very sorry. I thought beating up Nash would make me fell better about my self, but it didn't. I didn't think I was going to get in trouble, then I heard I was going to jail! I thought this must be hard. I just wanted you with me and not Nash. I really didn't mean to heart you. I'm so sorry, is there any way you can forgive me? I really don't know, do you know what you did to Nash? He was in the hospital this whole time with a concution, he barely even remembers any one, still. Your just a big jerk and you only care about yourself. Get out of my house and leave. No, Amanda, listen, trust me I changed. I am really, very, truly, sorry I meant for none of this to happen and I take back all the mean things I ever did or said to you. I start crying on the couch, my legs and arms curled up in a ball. Shawn whispers something in Cris's ear. He comes up next to me and gives me a big hug, that is all I needed right now. You OK. Ya, I'm sorry I got so mad. I should have excepted your apologue in the first place. I'm just worried Nash will never remember me. Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sure it will get better, trust me. Amanda, what is he doing hear? Ariana, Hayes, did I tell you to enter!? No, usually we just come in. Shawn I thought you were in jail. He was, he got out early. Meet his security, Cris. Nice to meet you. Same dude. He changed OK, trust me. I'm going to go now OK!? No Shawn. Sorry its just to much for me. He walk out the door with a sad look on his face. Nice job Ariana look what you did! That what he deserved. You weren't thinking about becoming friends with him again, were you? I continue to look at Amanda. You were. So what if I was. He heart you boyfriend, he's a jerk. Ariana just calm down, Hayes tries telling me. Don't tell me to calm down Hayes, she knows what she did. Who do you choice is it me or him. Ya, that's what I thought. Call me back when your done being a low life. She walks off about to open the door. Hayes aren't you coming? He looks at me and then back at Ariana. He starts mouthing the words to me. Sorry. No, you don't have to go. If I don't then she will just be mad at me. By, by. Now what, I want to like Shawn again. Shawn likes me and he did apologize, but now Arians mad at me. What happens now. I get a call from the hospital. Hi is this Amanda. I'm calling to tell her the report on Nash. This is her, is Nash ok? Yes, I just wanted to tell you that were dropping off Nash at his brothers house now if you would like to see him. Thanks, Ill be over soon. No problem, have a nice day. You to, by. I drive over to Hayes house even though Ariana was still mad at me, I had to see Nash. Ding, dong. Come in, I hear Hayes Yell. Is Nash hear yet? I ask. He's in his room, were just trying to let him get used to things. Is it OK if I go on up? Of course, go ahead. I head up stairs and quietly knock on his door. Hi pretty lady, I hear Nash say. Oh, please tell me you remember me. Your names Amanda, I like you I think. Ya, something like that. It works for me, at least you know my name. What happened to me, one day I was in the hospital and next day I'm hear. Well you probably don't remember this but my ex boyfriend got a little jealous. He came over in the middle of the night and told you to brake up with me, but you refused. He started hitting and punching you very hard. Your brother was sleeping at the time but hear all the commotion. He cam down to see what was going on. He tried stopping Shawn but he didn't want to end up in jail. You ended up in the hospital with a really bad concution and Shawn was put in jail. You don't remember any of your life, but this is where you live, this was your room. I really would like to remember, thank you. Thank you for taking your time each and every day to spend it with me. It means a lot. Don't leave me, I never want this moment to end. Its ok Nash I never will. We laugh and talk for hours on end it almost fells like the same old Nash. But I know he wasn't, which brock my hart every time I thought about it. I guess I wore him out so much with all the fun games and the laughing and the talking, I look over and he has his rested his head on my shoulder. He still didn't remember much but he remembered enough for me. I never want this day to end, it was like a dream and I didn't want to wake up. I just wished there was some way for him to remember more. I see Nash start to wake up. Hi Amber. How are you felling. What do you mean? Was I sick should I go to the doctors? Wears Hayes and Ariana are they OK? Nash you remember who they are? Ya why wouldn't I, is there something your not telling me? He actual remembers? Wow this must be a dream, it was a metrical. He went to sleep the one day and woke up the next knowing everything, wow. I love you, I whisper to Nash in his ear. You to Amanda forever and always.

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