Chapter 14 - The First Theory

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My walk to school was refreshing. I had more bounce in my step and my determination to save my school year was still high. But my mood plummeted the moment I stepped through the school doors and found Noah waiting for me. He casually leaned against my locker and I gritted my teeth.

How many times do I have to tell this kid to stay away from me?

He looked up and his eyes locked on me but the usual smile he wore, was gone. I walked to my locker and ignored Noah. 

"Well, good morning to you too. You can't just run off into the woods like that!"

I sighed, "I told you to leave me alone, Noah."

"No, you said, if I was smart I would stay away. Besides my dad got news from Sunnyvale."

I started walking away from him. Talking to him didn't work and I couldn't be involved in this anymore. I was going to pretend like everything is normal even if it kills me. Noah ran around me until he was in front of me, he gripped my shoulders and I couldn't help nut look at him. He was annoyingly good looking. Almost as annoying as his personality.   

My eyes went from his face to the hand still resting on my shoulder. When my eyes locked back on Noah's he was blushing. He pulled his hand away as if he got stung and I felt a little hurt.

He cleared his throat, "Please, Syd. This is really important."

"Yeah and so is my life! Look, I appreciate that you kept quiet about everything but I need to get back to my life. I'm failing every class and now my mother wants to kill me. So believe me when I say, I have no time for this right now."

Noah's mouth fell open, "Wait, you're failing? As in failing school?"

I clenched my fists next to my side to stop myself from punching him, "Yes and that's why whatever this is," I waved my hands between the two of us, "needs to stop."

"You can't just drop everything! This is about you so..." Noah trailed off and a smile broke out over his face. I had to stop myself from staring at him.

"If I help you get your grades back up then you need to help me figure this out."

Whatever spell Noah held me under, broke the moment he started speaking and I was snapped back to reality. 

I narrowed my eyes, "What, do you think I need help?" 

The first bell rang and students started making their way to class. 

"Yeah, I think you do. Look don't answer me now just think about it and meet me at the bleachers during lunch."

Noah turned and disappeared into the sea of bodies. I did think about what he said. All through the first few periods and on my way to the bleachers when the bell rang for lunch. He was right, if I wanted to catch up to almost two months worth of work, I was going to need help. The trepidation at hearing what he had to say about the dead body didn't waver though. As much as I tried to put that at the back of my mind, I couldn't. 

Noah being right irked me more than anything. More so what he wanted from me in return for his help. I've solidly burned my bridges with Leah which meant I couldn't ask her for any help. The cafeteria was swarming with kids and when I walked by the girl's table only Mia tried to wave to me. Shawna gave her a withering glare and Mia shrunk back in her seat. Leah refused to look in my direction and I didn't blame her.  

I picked up my pace and walked out of the cafeteria. Leaves littered the ground and the smell of crushed leaves hung in the air. The branches of bare trees cut through the sky like spider webs. A chill wind swept my bangs from my face as I marched to the bleachers. 

When I reached the bleachers Noah was waiting at the bottom step and as he opened his mouth to speak, I held up my hand stopping him. 

"First, I want to know how we're going to save my school year."

Noah rolled his eyes, "We're going to tell the teachers you've been having some family problems and beg them for an assignment to fill the gap. Then I will help you do them. Problem solved."

I stared at Noah in open-mouthed shock. No way could it be that easy. Then again it wasn't, the workload alone would be a deterrent to most. I really wanted to poke holes in his plan but that's what I was planning on doing anyway. Except now I had his help and he was the only person in school who even spoke to me. 

"You really think they're going to budge for that?"

"Yes valedictorian, they will budge. I mean besides Shawna, you were the smartest student."

Now it was my turn to roll my eyes, "Fine, now what did you find out."

Noah's face went blank and he sat down  on the bleacher's whit a heavy sigh, "You might want to take a seat for this one."

I dubiously eyed Noah but complied and sat down next to him, "Okay, go on."

"So I hear my dad on the phone with the coroner of Sunnyvale, they ruled it as an animal attack."

I frowned and shook my head, "That's impossible, we know that's not true! We don't have wildlife in Brookfield that could do something like this."

"I know, so I thought someone is trying to cover it up and who would have something to lose if the truth got out?"

I thought about it, the only other people involved in this is Biotech. Dr. Benette had a direct link with them before her disappearance and she's the one who killed that man. All the fingers would point to them and they would have no way of covering that up if it got out. 

I looked at Noah my eyes going wide with realization, "Biotech."

Noah nodded, "Exactly, now they're trying to cover it up by saying it was an animal attack. But that's not the worst of it."

"There's more?" I shook my head, "What could possibly be worse than?"

Noah wrung his hand together, "Well after I found out, I did some more research on Biotech, specifically here in Brookfield."  

"Just spit it out, Noah!" I screamed exasperated.

The idea that Biotech was busy snuffing out loose ends didn't make me feel particularly safe. They knew about this and what's worse is now they're trying to cover it up. Now I had to stay hidden on top of fixing my grades and keeping my hunger in check. Why did I even try to fool myself into thinking I could have a normal life. Nothing would ever be normal again. 

"The head of Biotech's biochemical division lives here, in Brookfield. Miranda Freeman."

My heart stopped beating and I felt the world going dark around the edge of my vision. 

"Syd, it's Leah's mom," Noah said hammering the final nail into the proverbial coffin. 

I shook my head, I refused to believe it. This has to be some sick joke he was playing on me. 

"No, you're lying!"

Noah pulled a piece of paper from his bag and handed it over to me, "Here, see for yourself. I don't have any reason to lie to you."

I unfolded the paper in my hand with shaky fingers. It was a Forbes interview held with Miranda Freeman about Biotech. There was a photo of her and she looked so much like Leah it was almost painful to look at her. 

She had the coldest blue eyes I had ever seen and her brown hair was tightly coiled against her head. Her eyes held only cold calculation and I shivered. 

Shaking my head I handed Noah his paperback. Hot tears stung my eyes as my emotions fought for control.

"What's the point of even trying to fix my grades, or trying to have a normal life? I'm a monster and nothing is going to change that." I said. 

"You're not a monster, Syd."

"Really? I killed someone, Noah," I said my voice shaky and uneven.

The events of the last two weeks came crashing into me, making me quake in fear and anger. So much has already been taken from me and now I had to find out Leah's mom was behind everything. I just wanted to be normal again. 

"You had no choice and she had already killed someone before, you were protecting me and your family."

Noah took a hold of my hand pulling me forward, "Come on, let's go save your senior year, zombie or not you are not failing."

"What's the point?"

"The point is you need to stop feeling sorry for yourself. This isn't going to go away anytime soon but that doesn't mean you have to give up on everything!"

I swallowed the rest of my argument like a bitter pill. Although harsh, he was right, again. Why the hell was he always right? 

In school, we stopped at each of my teacher's classes, at first most of them wouldn't even give me a maybe until Noah stepped in. He was a real teacher's pet and although he didn't have any classes with me it seemed like all of them liked him.

They bent, but sure as hell didn't break, I got an assignment from each teacher with a week deadline to make up for the ones I had lost. So on top of trying to figure out Biotech's plan, I now had to work non stop to pass my last year. Noah had promised to help me but the task itself seemed impossible.

Noah came home with me that afternoon to help and I saw my mom's car in the driveway. She rarely had days off, so why was she home this day of all.

He dropped his bag by the coffee table at the door and followed me to the kitchen. Mom was busy making grilled cheese and the smell had my mouth watering. When we walked into the kitchen mom looked at me and then at Noah. 

"Hello Mrs. Walsh, I'm Noah it's nice to meet you."

Noah stuck his hand out at my mom and I nearly laughed at the ridiculousness of the whole situation. 

Mom raised one eyebrow but shook Noah's hand anyway. 

"Although I can say the same," mom paused and her eyes moved to me, "Syd, is actually grounded."

My jaw almost hit the floor and I felt my face, ears and neck flare-up in an angry blush.

Noah didn't miss a beat, "Oh, I know as she should be, but I'm here to help her with extra assignments to pick up her grade."

Noah gave me a pointed look which caused my mother to laugh. I looked across the room for an escape or maybe just a hole I could jump into.

"I like you Noah, want a grilled cheese sandwich?"

Mom may not have been the best chef but she made a mean grilled cheese.

Noah smiled shyly, "Yes please Mrs. Walsh."

"Syd do you want one?" my mom asked me.

I nodded my head. 

After we ate I set up my books and worksheets in the living room, we had decided that while I handled my school work Noah would try and find out more about Biotech. If I needed his help, I could just ask.

It didn't feel good to let Noah do all the work but I didn't have much of a choice.

After what felt like days, I finally wrapped up my first assignment, my eyelids felt like they were made of sandpaper and every blink scratched my eyes mercilessly. Mom invited Noah for dinner and after I said goodbye to him, mom was sitting on the sofa beckoning me closer with her index finger. She patted the spot next to her and I plopped down with a heavy sigh.

"I like him, I can understand why you're struggling to concentrate," mom said

My eyes went wide and I guffawed, "Mom!" I screeched grabbing the nearest pillow to cover my face.

She laughed loudly, "Come on sweetie you have to admit he's pretty good looking."

I groaned into the pillow, this can not be happening, if I turned any redder I could pass for an Oompah Loompa.

Looking up from the pillow I frowned, "Really mom? It's not like that. Noah and I are just friends."

"Oh well, then I don't know why you're resembling a fire hydrant right now."

I jumped up from the couch, "I'm not having this conversation with you, like ever!"

My mom laughed, clearly enjoying my discomfort. I said goodnight and went to my room. 

I stepped into the shower finally alone for the first time today and the severity of my situation started sinking in. How did everything get so complicated? 

If I only I had known then, that it was only the beginning.

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