Your Choice (H.O.R part 25)

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Mello my dudes! I only need one more chapter left and this book is officially done!

Warning: tiny bit of angst and fluff!!!

Jeremy's P.O.V

'Ugh... Where am I?'

'Why don't I feel any more pain?'

'Why is everything dark?'

'Am I even awake?'

'No, I'm still asleep'

'Wait... I see light.... I'm waking up!'

Finally, I opened my eyes. Only to squint from the bright light above me. Nothing looks familiar. I got up and looked around, I see fluffy clouds and clear blue skies.

"Hello Jeremy Heere!" I hear a voice. I looked around but I saw no one. "I'm up here" the voice said again and I looked up. I see a guy with long curly hair and an old fashioned coat, he also had a halo and white fluffy wings. He flew down until he was standing right in front of me. Wait... Didn't I learned about him in history class and from how much Christine talked so much about him? (I did my research on history people so chill)

"Hi! My name is John Lauren's, and from what I can read in your mind, you did learned about me in history class and from how much your friend, Christine, talked about me and my boyfriend" He gave a soft smile, I smiled back. (Shush, I ship them ok)

"Wow, if Christine was here to see this she would have freaked out" I chuckled before going to the point. "So, am I dead?" I asked.

"Well, that's what I'm here for. You are dead but not technically in the right place for where dead people should be..." he scratched the back of his neck, I was confused! "What do you mean?", Mr. John sighed and put a hand on my shoulder.

"You, Jeremy Heere, did something that was truly brave. You saved your friends and your boyfriend, saved them from any harm and instead sacrifice yourself just to protect them. That is the bravest thing anyone can ever do. So, I am sent here to ask you this as a reward.... You have two choices you can choose. You can either come with me to the gates of heaven or.... You can go back to Earth and continue with your life with the people you love" he told me and my mouth was wide open I swear it could have hit the ground.

'I can choose! Sweet, this is awesome!'

I said to myself but, soon realizing that I need to choose.

'If I choose to stay here, Michael would be devastated. And, most likely to kill himself for me.... But if I go there... Nah there wouldn't be a problem I already killed Clint'

I kept on thinking until I finally made my decision, I turned to Mr. John.

"Mr. John..... I choose to go back" I said out of courage, he seemed surprised. "Are you sure?" he asked me to see if this was my final answer.

"Yes sir, I choose to go back. No matter what choices people give me to stay here, I will refuse. I refuse to leave my whole family behind without a proper good bye. I will not let them dread and grieve of my death.... I just want to make them happy" I said, a tear slipping down my cheek, it wasn't a sad tear it was a joyful tear. He seemed to understand and smiled.

"Remarkable, you truly amaze me Heere" he put out his hand. "If we shaake hands, you will be sent back to Earth, it was a pleasure to meet you". I took his hand, "It was a pleasure to meet you too Mr. John" with a shake of our hands, the clouds around us seemed to go towards us and swirl around me.

I was consumed in darkness again.

Michael's P.O.V

I was sobbing, still holding Jeremy close to my chest. My friends try to pull me away, tears streaming down there faces as well.

"Michael, he's gone... You need to let go" Chloe said, but I ignored her. I refuse to leave. "N-no! I w-w-wont leave him!" I cried out loud and buried my face in Jeremy's hair.

Suddenly, I felt breathing against my neck. I looked at him, thinking I was just paranoid or just going crazy. I put me ear to his chest, checking for a heartbeat and sure enough there was.

"G-guys! I hear a heartbeat!" I told them, the just stood there and looked at me as if I was loosing my mind. I looked at Jeremy's face, I waited and waited until, a miracle happened.... He opened his eyes!

"Ugh fuck, my head hurts" he groaned and looked up to me, he smiled. "Oh, hi Michael" he said casually like what the fuck man? You just died and now your alive and just think you didn't even died?!

"J-Jeremy!? Jeremy your back!" I screamed out loud before bending down and I kissed him. God, it so long since I kissed his soft pink lips. We pulled away and I hugged him tightly, "I misses you so much, I thought I lost you! I love you Jeremy, I am not letting you out of my sight again!" he giggled and returned the hug, "I love you too..." The squad clapped and yelled around us before running in for a group hug. Jenna punched his arm.

"What the fuck dude?! You scared the living shit out of us!" she yelled angrily and hugged him again.

"Oh, I got lots of things to tell you guys" he said with a grin
There's one more chapter to go guys! Wait for it to be published and boom you can stop before your hearts can explode from too much angst in my story 😂

Stay tune for the next chapter!

Smile more!

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