The end is only the beginning...

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I looked at my alarm clock and it was 8:30 AM. I was late! I rushed through the halls, getting dressed while getting some breakfast.

I ran to school as fast as I could. But before I reached the first set of lights, a parade marched through blocking my path. There were some strange things in it too. There was a rhino that rode on a girl's head. Men who stood on their hands and animals that acted like humans.
I waited till it finished to check the time. 8:59! I had to hurry.
I ran as fast as I could or even faster.
But when I came to the next intersection. The road was blocked off for the same parade. But this time it was even stranger. There were tiny people riding on giant flowers, tiny people hiding in parts of the float and tiny figures dancing around the float.
I waited for it to finish; then I checked the time. 9:30! I was now an hour late!
I darted to school. I was almost there. I could see it creeping up from behind the horizon. I could taste the satisfaction of achieving your goal.
But then, for a third time that morning, the parade had barricaded my path.
I had enough. I thought to myself. If you can't beat them, join them.
And so, I grabbed a funny costume, put it on and hopped in along with the parade.
It was so much fun that I completely forgot about school. I went home that night and dreamt about the wonderful adventures I had.
I woke up that morning to find out that what I thought had happened yesterday, was all a dream.
I laughed. It was the perfect way to start the morning.
It was 6:10 AM. And so, I headed off to school.
The end.

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