Chapter 17: Ben's Birthday (part 2)

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“Happy Birthday, Ben!”.
Ben’s POV:
I was puzzled, not knowing how to react or how to say. It was my birthday, how could I forgot that. “Wait, today is already January 12th?”, I asked Kirt in confusion. “Yup! I made this surprise for you, well, we made this surprise for you.”, said Kirt with a happy smile. “We really wanted to thank you for helping us all those years, so maybe a grand birthday party, just for the special birthday boy will repay you.”. I was crying in happiness: “Thank you guys so much for the party, I don’t know how to make you feel so proud of me. Why standing there? Let the party begin.”, I said and let the party started.
Kirt’s POV:
Oh, Ben! I didn’t know what to say but the birthday date was fun and you were smiling at me, feel loving, I loved you so much that I couldn’t resist you.
Then I went back to reality to see him talking to our friends and the celebs, I stood there, holding a glass of diet coke, and kept staring at his cute face he got, and I was interrupted by Quinn. “Hey, are you alright?”, asked Quinn as she shook her hand on my face. “Huh, oh! I’m fine”, I lied to her as I quickly gave a fake smile on her. “Oh, I see, well, why don’t you talk to Ben with the celebrities, they are really sweet.”, she demanded. “Okay, okay! I’ll see what I can do.”. Then I left her and went to Ben.
The celebrity’s POV:
Ben’s birthday party was so glam and fabulous and one of his friends came over. “Oh, hey there!”, said the boy with the glasses and curly hair. “Hi. You must be one of Ben’s friends, I assume.”. “No, we’re not friends, we’re best friends.”, said Ben with a happy look. “Oh, I see.”. And later, I had an idea. “Well, since it’s your birthday, why don’t you come to America to be my guest on the show, with your best friend as well.”, I said as I gave them tickets to my show. “Thank you so much, I’ll see what I can do.”, said Ben and he went somewhere else.
Kirt’s POV:
After a chat with the celeb, Ben and I went to get everyone’s attention as I got a glass with a stick to make the noise. “Hello, excuse me! Can I get your attention, please?”. Every one at the party stopped talking and chatting and they gathered to listen. “It’s time to bring out Ben’s cake.”. Then, a big square-shaped fruit-flavored cake with a picture of Ben and two candles shaped 1 and 3 makes 13 was put on the cake. “Alright everyone, let’s sing a Happy Birthdy song for him.” (Happy Birthday song played by everyone).
Ben’s POV:
I looked at the cake and it was big, with a picture of me and candles “13” was put on it. “Alright everyone, let’s sing a Happy Birthday song for him.”, said Kirt and I sat and listened to the song. It was really my very first time celebrating my birthday (3rd person’s POV: Ben had never celebrated his birthday when his father was around). (Happy Birthday song is played by everyone.) “Alright, make a wish, birthday boy.”, said Kirt as he smiled at me.
Well, I had so many wishes. But there is a wish: to stay away from nightmares and I will be Kirt’s, forever.
And I blew the candles. Everyone clapped their hands in happiness like an applause. “Okay, it’s time for gifts.”, said Quinn as she was the first one to give me new colourful clothes from Uncover. “Well, since you look like a goth, maybe you need to add some colours to your life. I swear I don’t want to see you in black again.”, she joked at me. “Umm… Thanks, Quinn, nice gift.”, I said as I smirked at her. Then came along the celebrities, they gave me expensive stuff from their countries like souvenirs or more clothes, and electronics.
Then it was time for the party to be over, so I gave them a goodbye speech: “Okay, thank you all for coming here for the party, I’m so glad to be with you in this special occasion, but it has to end for today, but we have more every year. So the party is over, and thank you for coming here.”.
All of the friends had gone home a few minutes later and Kirt had another surprise for me. “Hey, I have one last surprise for you.”. “Really? I thought you had surprised me already, there’s one more?”, I asked him. “Just follow me.”. Then we went to my bedroom to see it was filled with white candles, then a bowl of water and rose petals and a heart filled with the petals. “Do you know why I did this?”, he asked me with a serious tone. “N…No. Why do you make this… for me?”, I stuttered. “Well, this was our first anniversary of our relationship from where we became friends. You have taught me so much to get my new life, with you, and I made this so much for you to say how much I loved you.”, my heart was pounding really fast and I was getting butterflies in my stomach. Then I took a deep breath and looked at his eyes and gave him a smile. “I… I… I love you, too. Kirt. It’s just… I didn’t know what to say.”. Then we sat by my table, looking at the light of the candle and the bowl and Kirt put his hand in the bowl to get, a sapphire heart-shaped necklace. “Here, let me put it on for you.”, and Kirt moved his head closer and kissed me gently as he put my necklace. “Okay, your turn.”. I slowly put my hand on the bowl to get a ruby heart-shaped necklace, and he let me put it on for him. Then he picked me up in bridal style and gently put me on my bed. Then he climbed into bed and we both laid down with our eyes captured on each other. I then buried my head on his chest while he wrapped his legs and arms around my body. “Good night, Ben.”. “Good night to you too, Kirt.”. And we drifted off to sleep, this was the happiest day of my life.

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