Chapter 28: Ben's New Pain (still in Hospital)

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Ben’s POV:
Well, after our discussion, the class and Mrs. Flora came to visit us. They asked me a lot, like a papparazi was going on, I didn’t know how to demonstrate what happened, but Tucker stopped them and let me rest. They apologized, then Mrs. Flora sat by me, like mom would, she always reminded me of her. “You must have been really shocked to see your brother coming to hunt you,… I-I’ve never seen anything like it. Thank God you’ve survived. But you need some rest, first. Health is important for you, so that you can come back to school.”, she said in a motherly voice. “Thank you, teacher.”, is all I could say. Then everyone left, leaving all three of us alone. Both of them later went out to do something, which they didn’t tell me. Suddenly, a weird voice coming to my head “You must be thinking about those two, right? If you still live with them, you’ll be a burden, a hindrance to them. And, you’ll be the bad result of their lives, connected to your fate. Soon, people will criticize you for no reasons.”, I bursted out crying, I bet no one heard me crying from inside, since the room is soundproof, so I could cry whatever I want. Then I heard the door opening, I quickly removed my tears and covered my cried face with a white blanket, making snores to fool them that I was sleeping. “I think we should leave Ben alone, he must be tired.”, Kirt said. “Yeah, I think we should sleep, too. I’m feeling tired, already.”. “Me too.” Both of them then making their “beds” and they were sleeping. A while later, I opened my blanket and saw them sleeping soundly. I grabbed Tucker’s white sweater with space theme and tip-toed to sneak out, without waking them up. That was easy. I then went out of the hospital’s back door, leading me to the small park-like garden, no one was there but me, all alone. I sat by a bench, it was cold and breezing, I looked at the moon, remembering what that voice just said to me. I then made a silent cry. “Why? Why? Why? I’m not a hindrance like that, it’s just a dream.” But then, that voice kept repeating about the same words. I couldn’t hold it, so I clenched my fist and used my other opened-hand and slapped myself repeatedly. I then scratched my arms with my short nails really hard. Suddenly, it was getting colder, so I wrapped myself, sleeping on a bench to make myself fall asleep.
Kirt’s POV:
I was having a nightmare again, it was about my parents, again. I didn’t know why I had such bad dreams like that. I then looked at Ben’s bed to see Ben wasn’t there. I widened my eyes looking surprised. I rushed to wake Tucker up. Tucker opened his eyes and yelled at me. “What do you want?”, he asked while rubbing his eyes. “Ben… Ben…”, I was stuttering while tring to explain to him. “You must be dreaming, Ben was right…”- he paused, looking shocked to see Ben not lying on his bed, but rather missing. We looked at each other, scared and rushed outside to search for him. We looked everywhere in the hospital, until we met a nurse. “Excuse me, have you seen a patient named Ben Miller anywhere?”, Tucker asked politely. “Yes, I saw him going outside to the garden. Oh, tell him I’m a big fan of his.”, she said smiling. We both thanked her and went to the garden. Again, we were in the garden, it was cold like in winter, but it was in spring. “How could he be outside like this?”, Kirt asked. “Yeah, maybe he was sleepwalking, and I can’t see my sweater anywhere. It’s so cold out here.”, Tucker said while shaking himself. “Come on, we have to find him.”, then the search continued, we both were yelling his name out until we saw a person, lying on a bench, shaking his body, wearing Tucker’s sweater and struggling to sleep.” We ran to him and I picked him up bridal style. We went back to our room, putting Ben on his bed while Tucker went to get warm water and towels. I was really worried of him. How did he go out at this hour, and why? My thoughts were snapped when Tucker came in, we both put towels on his forehead, covered him with two or three layers of blankets, his hands were still trembling from the cold. I rubbed his hands gently, even Tucker put socks and gloves on his cold hands and feet. We were worried a lot, so we decided to put him sleep on the floor with us, he was between us so I stroked his hair and kissed his forehead, while Tucker hugged him, looking pitifully at him. Then we both slowly put oursleves to sleep.
Ben’s POV:
I was really sleepy, so I ended up fell asleep on the bench, alone. Nothing warm for me to enjoy, only sadness, coldness, loneliness would make me satisfied. Then, I felt something warm again, but I didn’t know, due to my sleep, so I didn’t know what happened. Until the next day, I woke up to see myself, being covered with warm clothes, blankets on me, a wet towel on my forehead, and two arms wrapped around by me, which belonged to Kirt and Tucker. They must have been there to save and look after me. But then, I was scared, what if I was really a hindrance to them, they had to look for me and take care of me, as well, so I tried to remove their arms but they wouldn’t budge, and I was stuck. A while later, I saw their eyes slowly opened, I quickly pretended myself to sleep. But it was no use, they knew I was awake. “Ben, no need to pretend like that, just wake up.”, Tucker said, lifting me up gently, then Kirt helped me brushing my teeth, washing my teeth, and feeding me breakfast. “Kirt, I can do this all by myself, you don’t need to…”. But he put his finger on my lips, making me not to say more, and I let him do that. After breakfast, they both sat down by me, holding my hands tightly, not trying to hurt me, but rather preventing me from escaping. After that, Kirt started the talk.
K: Ben, I want to ask you something.
B: Sure, what is it?
K: Well, last night, you were at the garden all by yourself, and you had a cold. And your face, it looked like someone has slapped you. And your arms were red, like cat’s stratches. Why were you there? And did you do this all by yourself?
B’s thought: No, if they know, they’ll leave me, I have to put an excuse.
B: W-well, I don’t know. I-I think I was sleepwalking, I didn’t know I was there.
T: Well, if you’re sleepwalking, how could you take my sweater and open the door like that? That’s not how’s sleepwalkers do. Tell us the truth, Ben? Why were you there, all by yourself? You could’ve got us worried sick.
B: I-I…
B’s thought: Oh no, they knew it, I have to tell them, but how could I say it?
B: I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to… (sobs)
K: Mean to? What do you mean by that? Just tell us, we’ll always be there for you no matter what.
B: It’s just I had a nightmare, that’s all.
T: We don’t believe you. How can a nightmare make you roam around like that?
B: Alright! It’s because of me, I’ve become a burden to you. After the incident, I was devastated about that, I was afraid what if it was not me, but someone else? I w-would be blamed for it. It’s best for me to deserve this.
K: W-what are you talking about? Hector’s dead. You don’t have to remember about it. Who told you you’re a burden? If they tell you like that, I swear that person will be directly sent to hell already.
B: P-please. Leave me alone!
T: How can we leave you in this state? You’re just stressed, don’t let it take over you. And you’re still in recovering, what if something happened to you, then, how will we deal with it?
B: (crying hard)
K: W-we’re sorry, we shouldn’t have put you like this. It’s all our fault.
B: N-no. I-it’s my fault. I’m sorry for making you both worried.
T: It’s not your fault, alright. You need some rest. Let us put you to sleep, we’ll sing a lullaby for you.
K: Yeah. Just go to sleep, you’ll be fine. And please, don’t ever do this again. Whatever people say bad about you, don’t believe it, or else you’ll be hurt. And I don’t want that, as well.
So, I leaned on Kirt’s shoulder, holding his hand, and closed my eyes, while Tucker leaned his head on mine, hugging me and they both sang a lovely lullaby.
Song translation:

Look into my heart
And say goodbye to winter
Wind blows but you warm me
Heaven moans, but spring is for us now

 Ask clouds for
Present white dreams to us
Night is flowing and we're following it
(Flowing) in world of mysterious lights

 Dispel melancholy that's inside of me
I'm anxious

Ask clouds for
Present white dreams to us
Night is flowing and we're following it
(Flowing) in world of mysterious lights

I didn’t know they both had beautiful voices, making me to sleep peacefully, and I bet they had also fell asleep due to their singing.

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