Chapter 13- Up On Roofs

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Kyle got a call back from the sports store in the mall. The manager told him to come in for an interview.

It was a little colder than normal on Thursday.

That's when the interview was scheduled.

"You'll do great." Stan encouraged.

Him and Kyle were parked in the South Park Mall parking lot.

"What if they don't let me have the job? What if I have another breakdown?" Kyle said panicking.

"Hey, don't think about that. It's only the interview. You'll be fine, Ky. It's not like you're rude or anything."

Kyle appreciated the words of encouragement.

He prayed he wouldn't end up panicking and start sweating way too much during the interview.

"What time do you need me to pick me up?" Stan turned to his boyfriend and asked.

"Probably like 1:00." Kyle answered.

"I'll be at the front doors at 1:00 then." Stan said.

"Okay, see you then." Kyle was pulled back into his seat so Stan could kiss him goodbye.

"You don't leave without a kiss." Stan joked, he was being serious though.

"Sorry." Kyle laughed.

"Alright, go." Stan said and let him get out of the car.

When Kyle got on the sidewalk, Stan drove by and yelled, "I love you!"

"I love you too!" Kyle yelled back to him.

Kyle walked into the sport store and went to the back where he saw a door that indicated it was the manager's office.

He knocked first to be polite. He was 10 minutes early which is appropriate for a job interview.

"Come in." The manager called from inside.

"Hi I'm Kyle, I applied for the cashier job." Kyle said stepping inside.

"Yes, c'mon in Kyle. I'm Jack Deven, the manager." Jack stuck out his hand so Kyle could shake it.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Deven." Kyle shook hands with the manager politely and took a seat in the chair across from the desk.

About 10 minutes of thorough talking and questions and answers, Jack and Kyle shook hands once more and Kyle exited his office.

Kyle felt pretty good about the interview; he answered politely and didn't act stuck up, which was good of course.

Stan picked him up as promised right at the front doors.

"How did it go?" Stan asked as Kyle got into his car.

"Pretty good I think." Kyle leaned back in the passenger seat comfortably.

"You seem to be feeling a little better lately." Stan mentioned while pulling away from the white building.

"Yeah." Kyle said back, he knew it wouldn't last long.

In his opinion he was literally crazy.

Hey, maybe he was, nobody knew for sure what it was; the doctor had to make that discovery.

The relationship Kyle had with Stan made him happier than he'd ever been, but it didn't always keep him sane.

Being around Stan caused him to think that he'd leave him, sometimes.

Stan did nothing wrong, it wasn't his fault. It was just the mix of emotions inside Kyle's head that made him think Stan would leave him one day for someone a lot less insane.

He didn't think it was healthy to feel that his boyfriend would leave him but it was just the way he pictured it every now and then.

"What's the matter?" Stan had seemed to take a notice to Kyle's session of deep thought. Kyle's breaths started coming more rapid and quick.

"Ky, what is it?" Stan asked again.

"N-nothing just forget it." Kyle said blowing off the topic.

"Tell me what's wrong." Stan requested.

"It's just me being stupid, forget about it." Kyle said quickly.

Stan knew that Kyle didn't want to discuss his feelings once again.

That didn't stop him from begging Kyle to tell him the conflict attacking his mind.

Nobody said anything for a few moments in time.

Kyle was sitting in the passenger seat trying to get his shit together so he didn't end up doing something like run out of the car and go try to jump off the roof of the mall.

When those words of jumping off the roof came to his head, he paused in his panicking moment.

The quick, rapid breathing rate dropped to normal.

That monster again with his petrifying voice dropped the demand into Kyle's lap, Hmm sounds kinda tempting, huh? Well what the hell are you waiting for, dumbass? Go do it! Stan will find someone better along the way and you know it. Do him a favor already.

This voice was still around and didn't help with any of Kyle's anxiety.

"I'll uh-be back." that's when Kyle darted out of Stan's car and hurried off to around the side of the mall where the big ladder was bolted into the building wall.

The ladder was meant for people to get up there who had to fix things up on the roof.

Kyle took that to his advantage and decided on using it even though he wasn't there to fix the roof.

In his mind, he was there to fix Stan's life, to get the hell out of his life to take away any issues he'll end up having because of Kyle being around.

"Kyle come back!" Stan jumped up from the driver's seat and shut the door.

He took off after Kyle running toward the ladder.

This was seriously happening again.

A minute ago, Kyle felt fine.

He was confident about his interview with Jack Deven.

The redhead began to think of what he was doing. He was once again trying to end his life because he believed that being dead would make everything easier on Stan.

The monster didn't just cause this constant want to die; it wasn't even a want, it was an assumption.

An assumption that Stan and the rest of the people around him would be happier if he were gone.

Kyle went up the ladder anyway.

Stan climbed up as well. Kyle started walking to the side across from where he'd climbed up.

Stan chased after him and finally grabbed both his arms to turn him around, "What the fuck are you doing?"

Kyle didn't answer.

Stan had made it perfectly clear that he didn't want Kyle to leave him and he didn't want to leave Kyle either.

It was a two-way street.

Kyle had two choices.

Making choices like these gave him giant rolling boulders of anxiety that would crush him flat.

Kyle kept jerking out of Stan's grip and finally loosened out of it enough to run to another side of the mall roof.

"Kyle Broflovski get back here now!" Stan yelled to him.

Kyle stood a little ways away from the edge. He thought over all the times he attempted to do this.

The time on the hotel roof, the time on the abandoned building roof.

These specific freakout scenarios always seemed to happen on roofs. It was a long way down to the world ground.

Stan finally got behind him, standing about 6 or 7 feet away from where Kyle was standing.   

"You keep doing this and I really have no fucking idea why." Stan wasn't sick of Kyle, but he was sick of this continuing to happen.

"No matter how many times you say it, I'm always going to think you're going to leave me one day." Kyle admitted, his back still faced his caring and confused boyfriend.

"What's it going to take to show you that's never happening?" Stan asked him.

"I don't think anything will. As long as I'm like this, I'm always going to think you'll get sick of my shit at some point."

Stan wondered how Kyle could go from carrying on a perfectly normal conversation to sprinting to a ladder to climb up and try to jump off another roof.

This was the third roof Kyle wanted to jump off. It wasn't some hobby, that's sick.

Really sick.

Not the good kind of sick like how some people will say "that's totally sick!" or at least people used to say that.

It can be meant it in a good way sometimes and sometimes it's meant for things that are and can go very wrong.

It was basically the other choice of words for stating something is or is going to be seriously fucked up.

This could continue to go on, and it would.

This obviously could end any way. Nobody was aware what would happen at the doctor's who dealt with this stuff.

Stan knew it was past the point of just going to therapy once a week or some type of bullshit like that.

It was mentally killing Kyle, whatever it was.

"Kyle why would I leave you? You know I'm not that type of person to do that to someone who's dealing with stuff." Stan took a small step closer.

"Because you're too good for me and can be doing something better with your life than dealing with my shit!" Kyle exclaimed a little bit above normal talking volume.

"When you're in love with someone you never leave them, no matter what the fuck is going on." Stan told Kyle.

Kyle honestly did feel bad for having caused this new type of atmosphere between him and his boyfriend.

All he wanted from the beginning was to be happy with Stan without anything getting in the way.

The quick all-of-a-sudden breakdowns put a strain on the smiling and happiness that could easing fly into the air and spread around as much as it wanted.

"What happens when I-"

"I am not leaving you, I'm not I'm not I'm not, okay? I never will, never ever will I leave the one I'm in love with. I'm not saying all this to get you to stop talking about the horrible fantasy of me leaving you, because it's never going to happen. I don't want to deal with anyone else. I want to share my life with you, Kyle. You've sacrificed a lot for me and I love you so much for that."

"Oh please Stan, you've sacrificed way more for me." Kyle finally looked into those blue rings that Stan's heredity caused him to have.

"And why do you think I did all that? Because one day I'll leave you? Doesn't that sound ridiculous?" Stan asked.

Kyle nodded slowly. "Let's go."

Stan tried taking his hand but Kyle yanked him into a tight embrace of a hug.

"I love you so much, Stan Marsh."

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