Chapter 15- Brave Agreement

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"Kyle please open the door." Stan was still standing outside his bedroom door, hoping for it to be opened in the split second passing by or the next one coming.

No response came from the other side of the wooden bedroom door. "Ky, open up."

The door flung open, "You want to send me to a psych ward. For what? To make me feel like I'm even more crazy than I actually am?"

"To get you the help you need. You're not okay. This is our solution. You probably won't be there very long anyway. I'm not sure. Believe me, I'm trying to help you." Stan said to his frightened boyfriend.

Kyle shoulder bumped him and walked into the kitchen to get something to drink; Stan wasn't doing anything wrong.

Anything but the psych ward. Why did it have to come down to this? Why? Kyle thought to himself.

Because you belong in there you idiot. You know Stan's sending you there to get out of telling you the truth. He is actually seriously sick of your bullshit. Just go. When you get out, don't go back and live with him. You love him and want him to be happy. So don't go back to him when you get released from that place.

"Fine. I'll go, but I'm not coming back here."

"What the fuck do you mean you won't come back?" Stan showed his look of astonishment.

Kyle walked up to his boyfriend, "Look you know I love you, I do. But I'm not going to keep pretending that I'm not putting you through shit you don't deserve."

Both boys didn't want to argue like how they were right now. One boy needed desperate mental help and the other really needed his boyfriend back to normal.

"Kyle, no. You can't leave me for good." Stan said, feeling himself holding back tears.

The redhead made his way back into the bedroom with an oversized amount of thoughts that wouldn't quit running his brain gears at a rapid pace.

"Don't leave me." Stan begged intensely.

It wasn't a whiny beg, it sounded like a demand.


"Don't give up on us." Stan was still pleading.

Kyle whispered to say something but then the tears started coming slowly instead. Stan ran his hands to the sides of Kyle's waist soothingly.

"Why do you want to leave me?" Stan asked above a whisper.

"I don't want to leave you. I don't ever want to leave you should leave me." Kyle sniffled.

Stan kissed his cheek and brought Kyle's head to his shoulder to cry on. He petted his hair in relaxation to keep him calm.

"I want you to get help. I don't want this to break us apart." Stan said still holding Kyle.

Kyle wanted to get help just as much as Stan wanted him too, but somewhere in his mind he was being told it was all going to be fine if he didn't.

Something was saying he deserved this. It was horrifyingly evil. That voice again. Not only did it torture Kyle, it demanded things from him.

"Will you please go...for me?" Stan questioned hopefully of the act, the act that Kyle didn't want to get himself into.

He wanted help, but going to a psych ward would make him lose his mind even more than he already was.

"I'll think about it." Kyle compromised.

"Thank you." Stan hugged his boyfriend tightly with that thankful feeling applying itself to his emotions.

Kyle was going to give this a thought. He would do anything for Stan and didn't want to lose him.

All he was scared about was being given tests or drugs that fucked around with his head or convinced him to feel or know something he really didn't.

That was already happening but it wasn't supposed to.

"I just don't want you to be someone you aren't anymore." Stan added.

Kyle nodded, "Me neither."

"I don't have to call them right now but maybe this week, okay?" Stan looked at Kyle for assurance he could do that.

Stan didn't want Kyle to be uncomfortable but he needed help and denying it was not going to do anything along the lines of helping.

During the beginning of all this, Kyle was denying his...conflict. This life conflict that was strangling him by the throat.

The demands, the torturing, the denial of the situation. This was not Kyle Broflovski.

His true self was there, just not in attendance at the moment.

  The scary part of his life wasn't at its beginning, it had gotten worse from the beginning.

"Mhm...yeah...that's fine." Kyle was agreeing to what Stan had said to make him happy and to make himself happy, or to get happy again somewhere down the bumpy road of life he was currently going down.

"Let's go do something. Wanna go hang out with Kenny? He texted me during the appointment and asked if we could go hang out at the mall for awhile." Stan suggested.

"Sure." Kyle put on his shoes and followed Stan out to the car.

Stan and Kyle didn't go to the mall often; sometimes they'd go to walk around or meet up with friends but other than that they weren't there frequently.

Stan parked his car in the parking lot. He was able to get a spot close to the entrance.

The black-haired teen was in the middle
of texting Kenny to ask where to meet up. Kenny said to meet in the food court.

Off the two boys walked to the food court; Kenny was sitting in a booth when Stan and Kyle approached him.

"What's going on?" Kenny smiled and greeted.

"Not much. What's going on with you? You seem happier than usual." Stan got a hint that Kenny was really happy right now.

"I know you guys will be pissed that I didn't tell you, but I got a boyfriend."

"What happened to Kacey?" Kyle asked his friend curiously.

The blonde cringed, "She slept with her ex."

"Sorry to hear." Kyle said apologetically, even though it wasn't his fault for the non-loyal act Kacey had done against Kenny.

"No worries, it's in the past. This guy actually listens to what I have to say." Kenny said.

"He goes to our school?" Stan asked.

"Yeah," Kenny nodded, "He's meeting me here in a few minutes, you guys can meet him."

"Cool." Kyle said.

The 3 friends were talking about school when a teenage boy with light brown hair was making his way to the booth.

He had on a pair of dark blue jeans, a chocolate brown hoodie, and white sneakers.

Kenny noticed the figure of his boyfriend out of the corner of his eye.

He got up out of the booth and gave him a hug.

Stan and Kyle looked up to see Kenny's boyfriend coming to sit next to Kenny on his side of the booth.

"Guys, this is Ryan. Ryan, that's Stan and Kyle." Kenny introduced his new boyfriend to his two best friends.

Stan and Kyle said hey and waved lightly in a way that wasn't too awkward; Ryan did the same.

"Where's your other friend you were telling me about? Uh...Cartman." Ryan remembered the mentioning of another friend.

"Oh yeah he's more of an acquaintance, and uh-"

"A racist homophobic piece of shit douchebag." Kyle added to the description of Eric Cartman.

Ryan laughed at Kyle's description of the 3 friends' acquaintance.

Cartman didn't necessarily act like a friend, sometimes he did but not 100%.

"He's not lying." Kenny laughed.

Stan nodded, "How long have you guys been together?" He wondered.

"About a week." Ryan responded.

"Ken, how come you didn't tell us?" Kyle asked Kenny.

"School has been crazy with homework and tests, I wanted you guys to meet face to face." Kenny replied.

He usually told his two best friends everything; it's not that he didn't want to tell them, he just wanted them to meet first.

The 4 boys walked around the mall for awhile.

Neither couples held hands; it was nothing personal; nobody had really thought to do it.

The time was already 1:00 by the time Ryan said he had to go to work. He worked at one of the 3 coffee shops in the mall.

He kissed Kenny's cheek when he left.

Stan said something, "He's pretty cool."

"Yeah he's been really nice to me." Kenny mentioned happily.

Kyle was kind of quiet. His mind was focused on going into the psych ward.

"I gotta go the bathroom, I'll be right back." Kyle said out of the blue.

"Okay we'll wait out here." Kenny said back.

They had been walking near a bathroom anyway so it wasn't like they had to walk around half the mall to get to a bathroom.

Stan leaned back against the wall. "Well? Did the doc figure it out?" Kenny asked Stan.

"She said he needs to be hospitalized." Stan said unhappily.

"What do you mean hospitalized?" Kenny asked curiously.

"Psych ward." Stan cleared up the confusion.

"You aren't sending him there are you?" Kenny's eyes expanded.

"I have to. He's not okay." Stan told his friend.

"Stan, do you know what they do in those places? He'll be even worse when he gets out."

Stan sighed and closed his eyes in frustration.

He didn't want to talk about it to begin with but he didn't like hiding things from Kenny.

"He's suffering, Kenny. I can't watch it anymore. He keeps telling me to break up with him." Stan revealed with an upset expression on his face.

Just when Kenny thought his eyes couldn't get any wider in surprise, they did.

"You wouldn't do that." His eyes finally went back to normal size.

"Of course I wouldn't do that, I'm not ever leaving him." Stan insisted. That's when Kyle walked out of the bathroom.

The boys didn't really know what to do now; they had walked around the whole mall at least twice or three times, going on and on with conversation after conversation.

"It's only been a week since you've been dating Ryan?" Kyle asked his blonde haired friend.

"Yeah, I think like a week and a day or something. Kacey and I broke up that night at the hotel."

Just the words mentioned of that night gave Kyle uncomfortable chills down his spine.

"Did she break up with you or did you break up with her?" Stan questioned.

"When I came back to the room I heard her talking to someone on the outside of the door. I got her to admit she slept with her ex." Kenny explained nonchalantly.

He honestly didn't care; Kacey didn't show that she cared much about Kenny during the breakup, so he didn't have any more feelings for her.

"Well Ryan seems like a good guy." Stan said to Kenny.

"He is, he seems to really care about me too." Kenny mentioned.

After a few more minutes the 3 friends said goodbye and parted ways out to the cars they came to the mall in.

"Hey umm...can that place next weekend?" Kyle asked when they got in the car.

Stan paused in his moment of starting the car and turned to his boyfriend, "Yeah. Are you sure you want to do it so soon?"


Stan leaned over and kissed Kyle, "You're really brave, you know that?"

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