Chapter 23- Sneaky Trap

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Feelings shouldn't ever be played around with as if they're some kind of game.

Stan and Kyle knew that a lot better than some people in South Park.

They'd been through a lot in the last few years, dealing with high school drama and other outside-of-school problems.

Ever since they had gotten back together, everything just wasn't the same. Kyle had said that himself.

Even though things wouldn't go back to how they were, that wouldn't mean it was negativity from here on out.

Stan had felt bad that he had been playing doctor a little too much. It wasn't ever his intention to make Kyle look at him differently.

After rekindling those feelings that one night, Stan did a whole apology speech right before him and Kyle fell asleep.

He said he wouldn't be like that as much anymore. On the other hand, he still had to be like that.

Well, he didn't have to, he chose to.

That was his own choice, his decision.

Stan didn't want to forget the whole situation with Kyle completely. He simply couldn't.

It was an unforgettable thing to stop worrying about. It was an unforgettable thing to worry about.

"I wish school would be over already." Stan sighed walking out of gym class with Kyle.

"Me too." "Me three." Kenny walked up with Cartman at his side. Stan or Kyle hadn't seen or heard from him in awhile.

"Where've you been?" Stan wondered. 

"Vacation." Cartman answered.

Stan wasn't eagerly curious, he was just trying to make conversation.

When Cartman finally walked into his next class and Kyle walked into his, Stan asked Kenny a question.

"You didn't tell him about Kyle did you?"

"No of course not, it's none of his business." Kenny responded.

"Good, he's liable to do something stupid if he knows." Stan rolled his eyes.

"That's why I didn't say anything, we all know what he's capable of doing." Kenny said.

Stan nodded, "See you later."

"See ya." Kenny waved and hurried into his class.

Stan's phone alerted him he had gotten a text, it was from Kyle.

Kyle: We have a quiz wtf I didn't study I didn't know we had one

Stan: You'll do fine, relax Ky

Kyle: I can't relax!!

Stan: Look over your notes until you get your quiz

Kyle: Okay, I love you

Stan: I love you too

Phew that was a close one, Stan thought.

He was afraid Kyle was going to have a breakdown in class, hopefully he wouldn't.

Kyle would never be back to his normal self.

It wasn't going to go away. The medication was helping, but it didn't make the Schizophrenia and Psychosis go away all together.

That wasn't ever going to happen; Stan and Kyle knew they had to face that fact.

Kyle didn't deserve this, he would never do anything to hurt anyone on purpose. Unless it was in the case of someone purposely hurting him or his friends or family.

All of a sudden the fire alarm started blaring through the school.


How could anyone stay calm?

Stan followed his classmates and teacher out of the school. "Everyone stay together!" Stan's teacher called from the front of the line.

Stan looked around for Kyle outside but couldn't see him. He texted him to see if he was okay.

Stan: You okay?

No reply, for 10 whole minutes.

Stan: Ky did you make it out safely?

Kyle: I'm trapped in my classroom!!

Stan: Wait what???

Kyle: Some kid had the key to the classroom and locked the door while I was trying to leave. Stan I'm freaking out.

Stan: I'm telling my teacher now. Hang on Ky.

Stan quickly went up to his teacher and told him the situation.

Stan's teacher immediately went over to the principal and told him what was going on.

The principal told the firefighters about Kyle locked in one of the classrooms. They frantically rushed inside and broke down the door to the classroom.

They led Kyle outside and he of course ran over to Stan the split second he met eyes with him.

He held back his tears into Stan's shoulder.

"You're okay. You're okay." Stan repeated into Kyle's ear.

The firefighters put out the fire in the classroom that had flames up and rising.

It was a failed chemistry experiment; it turned out to be an electric fire.

It happened in the classroom next to the one Kyle had been trapped in.

It could've ended up spreading if no one had gotten there to save him in time.

Luckily someone let the principal know, who then let the firefighters know, and then they saved Stan's boyfriend.

His life was no longer in danger, from the fire.

The other things could end up robbing him of his life any day going forward.

All of it was one huge crazy mess.

The fire was a big mess, it left a big mess.

The firefighters let the principal know that it was safe to return inside.

The students who had been learning in the classroom that caught on fire were to go on with their lesson in an empty classroom not being used.

"You gonna be okay?" Stan asked Kyle while they were standing outside Kyle's classroom.

"Mhm, I'll see you at dismissal. I love you." Kyle's hands held onto the sides of Stan's neck as they kissed goodbye.

Kyle didn't want to let go so it was a really long kiss.

The way home was talkative, mostly about the fire and the student who had somehow gotten ahold of the key to the classroom Kyle was trying to exit out of.

"He gave me a weird smirk and then took off running." Kyle told Stan.

"Describe him."

"Curly blonde hair, green eyes, kind of tall. He looked to be about my height or an inch taller." Kyle remembered what the student looked like.

"That's weird, we don't know anyone who looks like that." Stan said pulling up into the driveway.

Kyle didn't say anything and left the car with his backpack over one shoulder.

Stan suspected something, "Do you know him?"

Kyle continued going into the house, he had clearly heard Stan.

Stan followed him in, notching his uncle wasn't home.

"Kyle, do you know him?" Stan repeated.

Kyle still wouldn't say anything, it was bothering Stan.

The darker haired teen eventually grabbed Kyle's wrist and pulled him backward.

Kyle tried jerking away his wrist from his boyfriend's grip but Stan wasn't loosening the somewhat tight grip.

"Let go of me." Kyle said low in his throat.

Stan was still refusing to let go which made Kyle yell, "Let go of me now!"

"Not till you tell me if you know him!" Stan shot back.

Kyle pushed Stan backward; it ended up being pretty rough too so Stan stumbled back and hit his head on the wall.

Stan groaned and held the back of his head with one hand. It wasn't just a light push, it was a hard shove.

Kyle stood there blankly for a few seconds and then seemed to snap back into reality.

His eyes widened from being mortified at what he had done.

He burst into tears and pulled Stan into a hug, apologizing into his neck and leaving kisses there.

"I-I-Stan-" "Don't. It's fine." Stan headed out into the kitchen to get an ice pack.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't-" "I said it's okay. Stop apologizing." Stan kept shushing his boyfriend's apologies.

Kyle was so upset with himself.

"I'll leave you alone."

Stan didn't want Kyle to leave him alone, he knew that he had to deal with outbursts and mistakes.

"No. Come over here, please." Stan set down the ice pack.

"Don't hit me." "What? I'm not gonna hit you, I'd never hit you!" Stan exclaimed in surprise.

He couldn't believe Kyle would think he'd ever hit him.

Kyle walked over to his boyfriend slowly.

He received a gentle kiss on his forehead.

"You don't hate me?" Kyle asked curiously.

"Of course not, it wasn't anything major." Stan picked up the ice pack and set it against the spot on his head that had hit the wall.

He kept it there with his hand.

"I never want you to think I'll ever hit you or hate you, okay?" Kyle nodded at what his boyfriend said to him.

Kyle walked behind Stan and looked at his head, "Does it hurt?" "Yeah, it'll be okay though." Stan replied.

"Oh god I'm so fucking bad for you!" Kyle cried.

"That's not true." Stan turned and brought Kyle close in his arms.

"It is true! I hurt you and make you mad. Just tell me I'm not lying already!"

It broke Stan's heart to hear those words.

"Ky, stop it. Let's go lay down." Kyle kept trying to breath but they kept coming out very uneven due to his crying.

Stan looked at his boyfriend with serious eyes, "Take some deep breaths for me."

After getting Kyle to settle down, Stan held Kyle's face in his hands, "You are all I want. You cannot help some things you do which isn't your fault. I am always going to be here for you." Stan explained to Kyle.

"I love you so much." Kyle buried his face in Stan's shoulder.

Stan whispered soothingly, "I know you do, I know you don't mean to do certain things. I love you no matter what."

Kyle didn't need Stan to tell him that, but he still loved hearing the words that kept him going ever single day of his difficult life.

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