Chapter 25- Anxious Pressure

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Since both boys were lost for words, Kyle decided to take a walk and clear his head, think a little bit.

Stan went back home to clear his head and think a little bit as well.

He still felt terrible for what happened.

In some way, somewhere deep down, he believed there was a small chance Kyle...hated him.

Maybe in some way he did.

Stan couldn't really tell for sure, but it was a possibility.

Kyle walked his way all the way to Kenny's house. He needed someone to have a conversation with about all this.

If he didn't work this out with Stan, he didn't understand what life meant.

Nothing made sense without Stan Marsh no matter how pissed off he made Kyle.

Kenny answered when Kyle lightly banged his knuckles on the front door.

"You okay?" Kenny asked.

"No. Can I talk to you?" Kyle wondered with his hands stuck inside his jeans pockets.

Kenny moved the door more towards the wall so Kyle could come inside, "Yeah, c'mon in."

Kyle thanked him and tried to make himself comfortable on Kenny's living room couch. He couldn't exactly get very comfortable but he made light of the situation and tried to remain calm.

"You want a drink? Water?"

"Yeah, thanks." Kyle took the glass of water from Kenny's hands when he walked back in from the kitchen.

Kenny sat beside his friend, "So what's going on? Where's Stan?"

Kyle sighed, "We got into an argument. I was headed to Cartman's to kick his ass when Stan had to run after me like usual. He treats me like a child, Kenny! He thinks he's my parent and I'm his child. That's what this relationship has become and it pisses me off!"

Kenny hadn't been around a scene of Stan and Kyle arguing since that one night at the hotel.

"He never lets me do anything I want."

Kenny was able to find his words to form a sentence to say, "He doesn't want you to get hurt or killed."

"No it's more than that and I know why, because I've changed. I've got 2 motherfucking disorders and they've crushed my relationship." Kyle slapped his hands over his face.

"That's not your fault. Stan doesn't know what you're feeling, you can maybe show it but only you will ever know what's going on in your head. He's just upset that these disorders are screwing around with your life. He isn't a bad guy and I know you know that. He wants to help you. He's doing the best he can."

Kyle nodded his head at the words Kenny had spoken.

This had been the worst argument ever.

There'd been bad times, sure, but none like this.

"He asked me if I love him." Kyle threw that out of his mouth without wanting Kenny to ask him if he actually did love Stan.

"You do. I don't need to ask if you do."

That was like Kenny read Kyle's mind.

"It hasn't been long since this was all figured out. Stan will always be there for you, that's a known fact."

Kyle nodded once again.

Sudden loud banging erupted all over the front door.

Kenny and Kyle jumped from being startled. Kyle clapped his 2 hands over his 2 ears when he heard it. The hatred he had for loud obnoxious noises was strong.

Kenny peeked out the peephole in the door. His sight showed Cartman huffing and puffing with the same guy Kenny had seen him with around South Park High.

The blonde friend unlocked the door and opened it slightly. A black eye-wearing Cartman barged his way past Kenny over to Kyle.

"See what you're fucking boyfriend did to me? You're psycho ass just has to wreck everything! I fucking hate you, Kyle!"

Xavier tried to hold Kyle while Cartman threw a punch but missed when Kyle swung his head back and hit Xavier straight in the nose.

Kyle charged at Cartman furiously, envy and anger spitting out from his eyes.

His thumbs caved into Cartman's throat. Kenny managed to pull Kyle away from Cartman with the strength he was able to maintain.

Kenny's parents weren't home most of the time, so they couldn't do anything to stop this fight.

Kenny was Kyle's only hope and Xavier was Cartman's only hope.

"Cartman, you and you're douchebag friend need to get out of here right now!" Kenny yelled.

Xavier shoved Kyle into Kenny, "You're lucky you didn't die like you were supposed to."

His threat didn't make Kyle cry, all it did was just whip up another dose of anger for Kyle to continue overdosing on.

"You'll be dead soon enough." Cartman told the one who tried to cut off his air circulation.

"Try it. Fucking try it, Cartman." Kyle glared at the 2 boys exiting Kenny's house.

Stan was on his way to Kenny's house with blood on his knuckles.

He'd knocked out 2 of Cartman's teeth and bashed his foot into Xavier's ribs 3 times.

They were somehow able to make an attempt to fight Kyle. That was a little surprising.

Stan had changed his mind about going home after all. He needed to fight out his anger towards Cartman and his friend.

He heard the door shut from Kenny's house. He was only seconds down the street.

He eyed Cartman and Xavier with a blood-boiling feeling that made his heart thump hard in his chest.

Xavier didn't see him because he started walking the opposite way Stan was going.

Cartman of course had to say something like always, "I'm killing your boyfriend whether you like it or not. Just do it yourself, you could have a great life, Stan."

Stan had never wanted to do this to anyone, especially people he hated, but he'd had enough.

He had gone home to grab one of his uncle's handguns.

Yeah, he'd really gotten sick of this bullshit and wanted it all to end.

He pulled the handgun out of his pocket and lifted it up so Cartman could see it.

Xavier took notice to the situation after Cartman yelled his words at his used-to-be friend.

"Stan we only want to help you." Xavier revealed.

It wasn't a good reveal, it wasn't going to help Stan if Kyle was dead.

"I'm sick of you, and I'm especially sick of you you fatass piece of shit." Stan pointed the gun at Cartman.

Nobody was seeing this go on, until Kenny and Kyle heard the gunshot from inside the house. They hurried out onto the front porch to find the scene in front of their worried eyes.

"Stan, what the fuck!" Kenny shouted.

Kyle didn't say anything. He was still trying to figure out why Stan had a handgun pointed at Cartman.

"Have you lost your mind?" Kenny shouted again.

"Kyle sure has." Xavier said with his arms crossed.

"I've got two bullets left in here so keep your goddamn mouth shut." Stan warned Xavier.

Kyle walked down the steps and stood a few feet away from Xavier and Cartman.

"Do it." Kyle said to Stan's face.

Stan immediately lowered the gun. He looked at Kyle with hurt eyes.

"Just do it, okay? Go have a good life." Kyle looked like he was being serious. He was.

"I'm not shooting you, Ky." Stan admitted to his boyfriend.

"Why? Because you actually love me? Or is it because you want to keep being my parent?" The voice of Kyle Broflovski was increasing in volume.

Cartman and Xavier stood there waiting to see if Stan would actually shoot the love of his life. They were never around to see the life of Stan and Kyle.

They didn't understand their connection.

"Yeah, I know I'm not good for you. So-"

"Stan Marsh don't you dare say it." Kyle said with warning.

Kenny couldn't believe what he was watching from his front porch.

"I'm sorry if I ever made you feel like you didn't matter to me or if I didn't love you, because I do. I so do, Ky. I wanna change for you even though I don't deserve you." Stan hoped Kyle would understand that he'd totally change for him, change the way he treated him and be a better boyfriend.

Kyle tipped his head back a little to glance at the sky and blink back tears. He crossed his arms over his chest when he did it.

This boy had a person who wanted to treat him right. Stan got carried away with trying to be more of a caretaker than a boyfriend. He needed to be a combination of both because he was all Kyle had in reality.

So many people would probably wonder why Stan would want to deal with someone going through such a life-changing issue.

He was in love, that's the answer.

Simple as 4 words.

"If you don't want me in your life, I'll walk away right now. I'll never bother you again. As much as that'll kill me, you deserve to be happy."

Kenny knew Stan would change for Kyle.

He knew they were in love. He was always the one to witness their cute moments and strong connections.

Nobody said anything.

"Well he's not saying anything, better walk away and save yourself now, Stan." Cartman just had to open his mouth at the wrong times.

"Shut up, Cartman! Get the fuck out of here, I don't know what you're still doing here." Kenny demanded loudly.

Cartman and Xavier didn't move.

Kenny went inside and grabbed his crowbar. He had it from a long time ago.

"Both of you get out of here." Kenny said coming down the stairs.

"Kenny c'mon man-"

"No, you've fucked up more than enough! Hope you get your shit together one day, now get the fuck away from house and my friends." Kenny really wasn't in the mood to play games, he was done with Cartman for good just like Kyle and Stan.

Since Cartman was petty, he huffed out an annoyed breath and Xavier followed him down the street back to the house Cartman and his mom lived in.

"Stan, give me the gun." Kenny held out his hand.

"It's fine, Ken. I can hang onto it."

Kyle didn't like the sounds of that. His hand moved quicker than a flash of lightening to take the gun away from Stan and hand it to Kenny.

"Give it back, I won't do anything." Stan promised.

"I'll leave you guys to talk, I'll give it back when you're done." Kenny walked back up into his home.

Kyle and Stan stood there eyeing each other.

"Can you forgive me and let me change how I've been acting?" Stan wondered in a gentle voice.

He took a step closer to Kyle, what hurt him was the fact that Kyle stepped back a step.

Stan studied Kyle's eyesight with hurt emotion diving deep into his pupils and corneas.

"You made a promise to me that you'd never do any more stupid shit, well here we are. What did that promise mean to you?"

"How was I supposed to know that our lives would've spiraled out of control? I know you have it harder than I do, and that kills me, but Ky, I don't know how this shit works. I've been doing the best I can. I thought you needed 24/7 care. I was wrong. It was such a shock to me that I guess I didn't know how to handle it. I'm sorry."

Kyle really hated having to feel so two-sided about his feelings.

"Look, I- I don't..." That's when Kyle felt his chest get a little tight. He began his attempt to get more breath through his lungs. He was so stressed out and upset that an anxiety attack had put itself on a plate all ready for Kyle to consume.

Stan grasped Kyle's shoulders, "Ky, what's wrong?"

The redhead's lower lip began to twitch and shake. He sobbed uncontrollably. He needed this to stop.

His illnesses, his freak outs. his attacks, panic or anxiety, his messed-up feelings; it was all pressure that didn't stay away.

He wanted his life to spiral back into place, but the hope of that was so far away he saw it as a little black silhouette in the distance of nowhere.

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