Chapter 8- Escaped Into Thin Air

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Stan carefully placed Kyle on the bed in the hotel room.

After tucking Kyle in, he went outside to talk to Kenny.

"Unexpected." Kenny crossed his arms.

"Yeah no shit, he's been freaking out lately but not to that extreme." Stan sighed and leaned against the door.

Kenny hadn't ever seen Kyle freak out that badly.

"I better go talk to him. See you tomorrow." Stan headed back into the room after Kenny said goodbye to him.

When Stan opened the door to him and Kyle's hotel room, Kyle was on the balcony, watching the sky lay over the world.

There must've been a thousand stars lighting up the world blanket.

Stan's chin fell to Kyle's shoulder as he wrapped his strong arms around Kyle's waist.

"Please tell me what's going through your head." Stan spoke with a somewhat whine indicated in the request.

Kyle put his hands on Stan's locked together ones that were placed around his waist.

An interesting thing about crying is that it can be done in different ways.

Loudly, inside the mind, silently.

Kyle's crying started out very silent. Stan could feel his stomach moving in and out.

The crying became louder.

"For god's sake Stan why do you want to be with a psychotic prick like me?" Kyle cried.

He moved out of Stan's relaxing grip on him.

"Just talk to me, okay? All you have to do is talk to me." Stan tried to calm Kyle down with what words came out.

Sometimes to Kyle it wasn't the things Stan said it was the way he said them. That would comfort Kyle the most.

Kyle walked back into the room, "Don't fall in love with me. You'll regret it for the rest of your life."

That's it, Stan thought to himself.

He walked up to Kyle quickly and pinned him against one of the 4 walls.

"I'm in love with you, and let me tell you something, it's permanent. It's the best feeling I've ever felt so nobody better try to take it away from me, especially you. You're my everything and I hope I'll be your everything if I'm not already."

Stan held the stare in process with Kyle's eyes until Kyle grabbed his face, kissing him with passionate force.

Stan wanted to break apart to talk, but he wanted to see where this would go.

Maybe Kyle would go one another rampage, or stay passionately hungry for his boyfriend.

Eventually, the possibilities wouldn't leave Stan alone.

He broke the kiss and pulled Kyle to the bed to sit and talk.

"What's happening is not you. In my opinion, it's not your fault."

"I get this overflow of angry emotions at times. It scares me. What scared me most was feeling like I couldn't stop myself. It feels like someone is brainwashing me. It makes no sense." Kyle explained innocently.

Stan listened closely to Kyle saying that he was out of control of his actions.

He was confused by all of this.

The word brainwash was scary to hear.

"I'm sorry I scared you, are my everything." Kyle hugged Stan tightly.

"We need to talk to someone about this. For now, we need sleep. Especially you." Stan stroked Kyle's cheek.

The dark haired boy got up to shut the lights off.

"Stan?" Kyle asked.

"Yeah?" Stan turned on his side to face Kyle.

"You're really in love with me?"

Stan was surprised Kyle was asking that.

Stan thought he was aware of that.

"Always was, I thought you knew that." Stan replied.

Kyle just buried his head in the crook between Stan's neck and shoulder.

The bright circle hung in the sky at 7:00 AM.

A half hour later, Stan and Kyle were still asleep.

They were supposed to be driving to school at this time.

"Shit! Kyle we're late!" Stan sprang up from the bed.

He changed into clean clothes as did Kyle.

On the car ride to school, Kyle was rather quiet.

"If you have any tests or quizzes today, just do your best. Coach'll probably ask why we ditched gym class. I can take the blame." Stan offered.

He focused on the road ahead but glanced at the boy next to him ever so often.

Kyle simply nodded and took out the homework he didn't finish from yesterday.

Both Stan and Kyle had Earth Science first period.

They had 3 classes together total. Earth Science, Gym, and Study Hall.

Gym was every other day, so they'd have it tomorrow.

Since the boys were late to class, Mrs. Lantarse wasn't pleased.

Stan and Kyle had walked in while Mrs. Lantarse was introducing the solar system, which was the new class topic.

"Since you both were late you can pass out the pretests." Mrs. Lantarse handed Stan half the pretests and the other half to Kyle.

Okay phew, only a pretest. Not graded, Kyle thought to himself.

The class was an hour long but it felt liked it'd gone on for longer.

Kenny caught up to Stan and Kyle after his class in the crowd in the hall.

"Feeling better?" Kenny asked Kyle.

"I'm fine." Kyle kept his focus on the person he was texting.

Tweek was asking to borrow his Industrial Revolution notes at lunch.

Kyle was fine with any conversation that didn't involve his rampage last night.

The school day had slowly drawn to a close. Stan and Kyle both climbed back into Stan's car.

Only now did they remember that neither one of them had a home.

"Where do we go now?" Kyle asked Stan.

"Wanna call your aunt?" Stan suggested.

"She won't take us." Kyle said.

"But I thought-"

"She won't, I don't wanna live with her anyway." Kyle interrupted.

Stan rested his head back on the driver's seat headrest.

An answer didn't hit his head immediately as to where they'd go from here in the parking lot.

Neither one of them knew what to say.

"Our friends won't let us live with them, my family probably won't...wait," Stan whipped out his phone from his jeans pocket.

He was thinking about what other family he had that would support him and Kyle's situation.

Stan's grandpa never understood him, never learned his name for god's sake!

Stan was looking through his contact list in his phone.

Hmm, Uncle Jimbo? May as well, Stan told himself in his head.

Him and Kyle had mentioned Jimbo.

Stan hadn't talked to him much lately. He started the car and drove off to his Uncle Jimbo's house.

Kyle was confused, "Where are we going?"

"Uncle Jimbo's, worth a shot talking to him." Stan made a turn onto a different road he'd been driving on.

They were only about 5 minutes away now.

Kyle highly doubted Uncle Jimbo would take them in.

Was it even worth a try? Once the boys got there, Kyle stayed seated in the passenger seat.

"Coming in?" Stan opened the car door on his side.

"I'll stay here." Kyle responded to the question.

"Why?" Stan asked curiously.

"Just because. You'll do a better explanation of the situation anyway."

Stan shrugged as he got out of the car.

He knocked on the door. When Uncle Jimbo opened the door he was surprised to see his nephew.

Everything was explained.

"You're really happy from the sounds of it." Uncle Jimbo was seated on the living room couch.

"Yeah, I don't know what I'd do if I lost him." Stan was in the brown leather recliner.

Uncle Jimbo turned and pointed to the empty room down the hall, "That room with all the boxes was going to be a gun room, but I can hang them in the garage."

Stan smiled at what he heard.

"You sure?" Stan asked his uncle.

"Yeah. Can't be living with people who don't understand you." Uncle Jimbo said.

"Thank you." Stan thanked his uncle.

He texted Kyle and told him the agreement.

No reply.

Stan got up from the recliner, "I'm gonna go grab our bags." he ran outside, only to find himself standing in an empty driveway.

No car, no Kyle.

He looked over to see his bags near the garage door.

Stan called Kyle, no answer after 2 calls.

Where the hell did Kyle go? Where did Stan's car go?

It could've been too soon to focus on the negativity, but what if Kyle was kidnapped?

The kidnapper could've stolen Stan's car along with Kyle in it.

For what purpose would someone want to kidnap Kyle though? Someone couldn't of
kidnapped Kyle. That's a little out of the ordinary.

To be real, nothing was even close to ordinary right now. Kyle was going through something and having rampages.

The boys were going to be living with Stan's Uncle Jimbo instead of in their old regular homes.

This change wasn't going to bring out much negativity, right?

Uncle Jimbo wasn't a bad guy, he supported his nephew and Kyle.

He didn't know Kyle well but he knew he wasn't a bad person; his nephew made that very clear.

Stan never brought up the times where Kyle had breakdowns. If they happened again, they'd happen and that'd be that.

Stan knew he'd have to tell his uncle at some point because Kyle needed to get to some kind of doctor.

All Stan wanted was normal issues. He hated knowing that this wasn't going to be easy. Life isn't easy. He knew that for a fact.

Dealing with this was going to change his life. There was something about those breakdowns that pushed over the line of only depression.

The way Kyle said things now when he did freak out, the way he acted, the way he breathed, the way he paced around.

It all moved into a direction of differences that were nowhere near part of Kyle's real personality.

Kyle wasn't ever like this except for once, but even then it wasn't as bad as it was now.

It wasn't just anger, it was sadness; it was sadness built with anxiety and stress.

That person inside was trying to be his normal everyday self again. Stan knew something inside wasn't letting him do that.

It hurt him so much to see this ongoing issue with his boyfriend.

Worry hadn't just begun to built up, worry had built up a few seconds ago, it created a small anxiety rush inside Stan's body.

Calling wasn't doing anything. What the fuck Kyle! Stan thought, where are you?

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