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Hola Everyone,

I am new "Kaisi Yeh Yaariyan" Fan and inspired by so many wonderful FF writers I thought of writing this short story that's been in my mind for quiet sometime now, though it might not be good like the other stories still do give it a read, it will make me happy🙂🙂🙂.

Without further ado, here is the first part of this story. Hope you like it 🙂🙂 :-


The Train Chugged along leaving the Platform slowly as fear & panic gripped the Man standing at the entrance of the Bogie, beads of sweat formed on his face, his eyes moved around searching for someone among the sea of People standing on the Platform, he screamed her name but it was lost in the Whistle of the Train. He was about to get down but was stopped by his fellow Passengers as they pulled him away from the Door while the Train picked up speed, he pleaded them to leave him, but they would have none of it lest he fell down from the speeding train and injure himself, he looked back at the Platform in the hope that he would find her, he struggled to come of the Grip of the two men who caught his shoulders in order to stop him from the foolhardiness of jumping out from a moving Train. After a brief struggle he wriggled out of their hold as he hurried back towards the door, the bogie he was in was about to leave the Platform when he Finally caught of glimpse of her, their eyes for a brief moment as he stretched his Hand out in the Hope of pulling her into the Train but she was fading away from his vision as he screamed her name "NA....."

The shrill of the alarm broke his sleep as he got up from his bed in suddenness, he was perspiring despite the Air-Conditioner working in full tilt, his breathing was heavy as sweat continued dripping from his forehead. Slowly his breathing returned to normal as he cut off the alarm, wiping the sweat of his face he got up from the bed as he looked at himself in the mirror with only one thought going on in his mind IT WAS THE SAME DREAM AGAIN...


At the other end of the City in the dusty by-lanes of Mira Road in the City of Dreams MUMBAI stood an old 3-Storey where on the 2nd floor of the building a Young woman in her early 20s was arguing with a Lady in her early 40s.

"Please Aunty, this time I don't want to go. That Old man gives me a Creepy vibe, I am not sure I will be safe with him" said the girl, a hint of desperation clearly visible in her Voice.

"Please dear don't deny this one, that guy has been calling me up from the Past one week and then ended up coming here today just so that he can take you along with him" said the woman trying to convince the girl.

"But Aunty I felt uncomfortable around him" replied the girl remembering the encounter she had with the man downstairs just a few moments ago.

"But look at the money he is ready to give dear, it will be enough to pay off for the medicines of your Grandmother along with the College Fees of your Brother" said the woman knowing very well that the mention of the girl's family members would at least set her off to think about the offer that the Old Man had made.

The mention of her Grandmother and brother seemed to have the desire affect on the Girl that the woman was expecting. She sat down on the bed contemplating on the offer that the woman had just discussed about, she worked as a Receptionist at a Firm but the Money wasn't enough for her to take care of her ailing Grandmother and the studies of her brother, she was the lone Earning member of her family of 3 members.

After a few minutes of contemplation, the girl spoke again "But Aunty, is that Guy safe? I mean the way he was looking at me downstairs was making me uncomfortable" she expressed her fears as the woman looked at her thoughtfully, she knew she was using the poor financial condition of the girl as a bait for her own benefit but at the same time she could not risk the safety of the girl.

"Hmm...Let me do one thing. I will send Abhimanyu along with you, he will make sure nothing untoward happens" she said after thinking it through as a small smile formed on the lips of the Girl as she thought for a while and after a few moments she nodded her head slowly in acceptance as the Woman hugged her in glee "I will go and inform him that you are ready, Get ready in  your best of clothes and I will ask Abhimanyu to get ready as well" said the woman as she left the room.

As soon as the woman left the girl sat down on the bed with a thud as tears formed in her eyes thinking about her life, she was a young girl with dreams and ambitions, but everything fell apart for her four years back. That fateful day when her world turned upside down, she wiped her tears and rummaged through her handbag to find something and a moment later she found it, it was her Diary.

She never used to maintain a Diary but then it changed two years back, she remembered the words that someone had said to her "The Diary is like that best friend who will accept anything you give it. Your love, your anger, your frustration, everything but it will never ask you back anything in return and you know the best part. It will give you an insight of your life & teach you life lessons when you need it the most"

She turned the pages as she stopped on a blank page, she picked up her pen and started writing,

"Another Day...Another Client...If only I had told you everything MA..."


In another part of the city a Young Man came out of the shower, his head was aching and the DREAM this morning was not helping him one bit, he thought of taking a day off but then he had an important meeting in the evening, and he had to prepare for it. He could not relax and had to hurry to the Studio to meet his team for the Final Preparations, this was going to be the biggest evening of their lives. If everything went well, his Company would be signing their biggest Deal till date and he could not afford to lose it.

As he stood in front of the Mirror drying his hair his eyes fell on a Diary placed on the dressing table as he frowned, he picked it up and was about to throw it away, but something stopped him from doing it as he remembered someone's words "I never knew a Diary can do so many things and help you in so many ways, Now I feel like writing one for myself. Maybe I will start writing it after this JOURNEY"

Sitting down on the bed he scrolled through the pages of the Diary as he stopped on the page when he last updated it which was two years ago, he read the last words that he had written in it,




Please ignore the grammatical mistakes.

And please do let me know your reviews about it🙂🙂. I will update the next part as soon as possible when I get some free time.



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