Part Thirteen

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Devasena was running. She didn't know why. She didn't know where to. But she was running. For a long time now, until she fell, completely exhausted, gasping for breath.

No one stopped her while she ran, no one called her from the back. But when she fell, he came and sat beside her.

Devasena looked at him, her eyes welling up and streaming down now. " Amarendra... I am tired... "

Amarendra looked into her eyes, and the stare reflected so much. " Why did you run Devasena? "

" I... I am afraid... I... I will disappoint everyone. I... I am... I am not Raajmata Devasena... I... I...remember nothing... " , and with this Devasena broke up into an immense wail, that choked her and yet seemed to be her only outlet. She cried , because she hadn't ever been so alone.

Amarendra slowly wrapped his hand across her shoulder.

" You are my strong woman. These tears don't suit you. But remember one thing, I absolutely feel you. And I don't blame your tears. "

Devasena looked into him. " They...they stared at me as if I was a museum artifact. As if I just walked out of the painting they had in their shop. I... I couldn't stand before their eyes. "

Amarendra nodded his head and brought out a kerchief. Devasena didn't take it. She rather slowly removed his hands from around her shoulder. " you will leave. I don't need your support. "

Devasena got up. It was supposedly a garden, and she went and sat on a bench. Amarendra too got up and took a seat beside. Devasena wiped her tears with the back of her palm, still sniffing.

" I found you on facebook. Looking for Devasena everywhere had become my habit. And suddenly one day I discovered your newly created profile. The name, the face, and the caption to the profile picture, ' If I love someone, I can be his slave. But not his captive. '

I knew the very moment, it were you. "

They both looked into each others eyes, Devasena trying to judge the utterly calm features of the man, and the significance of the caption.

" That was almost the first night I slept without pills. "

" I... Didn't get you. The caption? "

Amarendra nodded again.

" That was the last thing you had told to me before we left Kunthala, your kingdom. "


Why? Why even did a cool breeze lighten her heart suddenly? Why did the name ripple down her skin, shivering her in the better way from within? Why did a smile light up her face as she slowly pronounced, "Kunthala... " ?

As if flying to somewhere else, the name created before her the image of a white kingdom shielded with white clouds... She closed her eyes while she kept chanting, "Kunthala.. "


Devasena picked up the call.

" Where the hell are you? " , Avanthika shouted on top of her lungs. She continued shouting while Devasena distanced the phone from her eardrums and kept blinking her eyes hoping for her to end soon.

It was afternoon and she and Amarendra were sitting at a dhaba, having lunch.

" Avanti... I am sorry baby... I was feeling so bad at home that I decided to visit Ujjain. What?... Yeah... Yeah alone obviously... " , she stole a glance at Amarendra who didn't budge and was busy with his own phone.

" what? Ohh...suddenly? When will you return? Ohh... Okay, day after tomorrow. Awww! I won't even be able to meet you now! I am so sorry darling... Okay I'll keep calling you... Yeah fine.. Yeah.. Bring me a gown no! Yeah... Yeah... Haha.. Okay okay bye love you. "

She dropped the call. Avanthika was leaving for Mumbai on a two days' trip.

Why was everyone leaving suddenly?

Amarendra stirred. " I read from the book, my son married an Avanthika. " ,he smiled.

Was this necessary now? A tremendous amount of discomfort returned.

She didn't tell him about her visit to Mr Lamba . But she was sure that Amarendra too knew about what maharani avanthika was suspected of.

And hence she changed the topic.

" Why did I say that to you? The caption? Did you want to take me a hostage? " , Devasena asked, and she herself was surprised that her voice had more of a tease than a query.

Amarendra's smile widened. And Devasena had already noticed how good he looked wearing that smile. She hadn't seen a more innocent face.

And she had also known, his wide smile meant he was not ready to answer any longer.


They boarded a bus at 4, which was supposed to reach Bhopal by 9.

" 1 am. " , Amarendra smiled when Devasena asked about his flight.

Devasena fell silent after that. She knew an unnecessary depression was pulling her in. Why even?

She looked at Amarendra who had slept off, and she kept looking at him. Amarendra - Devasena, together, yet miles apart.

She felt as if she was in an exam hall, and she had forgotten everything she read. Devasena looked away. Staring at the man wasn't good for her health, and she was realising that every moment she stayed with him. Because, he was leaving. And she had no reason to hold him back. She didn't qualify in his eyes.

A big sigh escaped her heart. She knew how alone she would feel back at home now without Avanthika around.

But the very thought of something else almost churned her heart out.

Amarendra won't be anywhere in Bhopal from tomorrow.


" Can you? "

Devasena stared at him with a million doubts.

Amarendra had come to drop her off at the PG. He smiled again.

" Why not? "

Devasena let go the breath she was holding. And smiled back. Amarendra prompted and she saved his number.

He looked at the watch.

" I take your leave now. "

Suddenly, without even she herself being warned, a tremendous gush of emotion threw Devasena off and she hugged Amarendra, tighter than ever. He was not ready for this too. But within seconds he reciprocated, hugging her back.

Devasena slowly came out of the grip. Her eyes welling, her fair cheeks and nose red.

Amarendra cuddled her head, and she felt like wailing again.

" tell me one thing, how did you believe that I am Amarendra Baahubali? "

Devasena stopped weeping and stared at him, taken aback.

" That painting of yours... "

Amarendra smiled again.

" That painting, was made by me. When I was seventeen. No curator found any painting of any male descendent from the palace. Strange but true. "

Devasena faintly remembered that now, someone had told her that. And, a million questions hung in her brain, making her utterly uncomfortable.

" exactly this.I don't want this cloud of disbelief on your face Devasena. You don't need to trust me, neither depend on me for anything. Goodbye! "

Amarendra turned to go. As his silhouette receded down the road, Devasena felt as if a part of her soul escaped, and she sat down on the barren road, cursing her life which seemed so beautiful till date.


The boarding announcements made Amarendra spring to his feet and head towards Gate number seven of international departures. And with that his phone began vibrating vigorously.

It was 12:30.

Devasena Calling.

Amarendra swiped the answer button.

" Come outside Amarendra. Please for god's sake!!!! "

Devasena's voice had an anxiety that uneased Amarendra. He looked at his watch.

" But...the boarding announcements have been made Devasena... I have to... "

" Please Amarendra, please! You...don't understand what I'm going through. Please come out for once, I won't stop you once you have listened to me... "

Confused, Amarendra chose to head towards the exit gate.

A single glimpse of Amarendra made Devasena almost tear through the departure crowd. She crashed stop before him, vigorously gasping.

" What happened? ", Amarendra asked, concerned.

Devasena came close, looked into his eyes and uttered, " Don't leave me again Amarendra! Life without you was hell, and I cannot endure hell any more. I... Remember... Everything. "

A thunderstorm rose the very moment, lightning tore the sky apart, and it began raining.

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