Part Thirty Five

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In happiness of 10k views, my super fast update. Do read the last one before catching up with this.

Devasena slowly got down the bike. The journey had been long, but Amarendra was indeed a racer. And his bike a champion.

Anyways, the bigger issue was, they had to now climb up two hundred steps to the Laxmi Narayan Temple, Ujjain.

" I'll die! " , Devasena freaked.
" Shut up. Come, I'll carry you in my arms. "
" You'll faint. "
" You're lying. "
" Lying? About? "
"  That you remember your past! You wouldn't have said I would faint if you remembered what my hands can do. "
He displayed his biceps.

" But in this life you're not a warrior. You are a handsome doctor, only. "

" Only? Need to show you I guess. "

Within seconds Devasena was dangling in mid air, and Amarendra very swiftly jumped three steps at a time, making her stare at him in amazement while hanging from his arms.

Reaching the top, he politely placed her down. And he had no sign of any distress at all.

" I don't believe this! You are just the same.... "

" Then I'm sure you forgot our first meeting in this life. "

Devasena didn't. But she was more afraid and anxious that day.
Really, everything was much better and clearer now. The burden of not remembering was devastating.

The temple had a huge open space before the actual entrance. And people sat on chairs fixed along the edges. It was 5 in the evening.

" This temple is eight hundred years old. But this extension to the temple is new. "

Amarendra opened his shoes, so did Devasena. They washed hands.
And walked into the entrance.
" You've been here? "
Devasena asked.
Amarendra looked at her and smiled.
" You had been too. Look around. "

Surprised, Devasena looked around. And she couldn't move.

The surroundings suddenly started changing forms and took her to a phase of her last twenty four hours long journey.

The smell of sandlewood, turmeric, joss sticks,the sounds of people chirping, the bell ringing, jewellery tinkling, and of the mantras being chanted, and the heavenly feel of winding her little finger around his, taking seven rounds and seven vows, everything started flashing through her eyes and mind. She shut her eyes tight, and reopened them the next moment, to find the same temple, brighter, newer and peaceful.

She looked at Amarendra.
" Our wedding destination. "

Amarendra smiled.
" Marriages were ritually held here back then and even now. You remember I guess.
" I do. I remember where we sat exactly. There, in the middle. "

" Yes. That's the marriage square. "
They came forward.

The temple was huge, and the portico was divided by enormous pillars. At the end of the hall was placed the brightest deity of Laxmi - Narayan in a cubicle separated by glass.

They both walked together, passed the marriage square, and Devasena looked around, trying to identify every bit.

Deja Vu much. Again.

Amarendra went ahead to a priest who was getting ready for the evening prayers, and spoke something in a very low tone.
Devasena either couldn't hear, or was extremely engrossed digging the past.

Amarendra came back to her.
" Done with your recapitulation? "

Devasena was looking up. The roof was extremely beautiful, with huge lanterns.

" I don't exactly remember if Rajmata Shivagami attended our wedding. "

" No royal marriage can happen without Raajmata, Devasena. She had always done her duties. Much more than that. "
Devasena looked at Amarendra who was looking up as well.

" These are new. Aren't they? " , he asked.

" Yes. I don't remember seeing these as well. New in the sense some hundred years old.
Though I don't trust my memory, it forgot even gross things. "

" Hmm... 
By the way Devasena, the evening prayer starts at six. It ends at six-fifty. And pundit ji says there's a very auspicious moment at 7:23. So we'll wait for that. "

" Auspicious? For? "

" For! For marriage! "

Devasena's eyes widened... 
" Amarendra.... Are you.... I mean... We are hurrying..... Or...  "

Amarendra held Devasena shoulders.
" I had told you Devasena, I've no other option than marrying you. I cannot even ask for your consent. And you cannot say a no. Because you don't decide our fate. Fate itself is decided. "

" But Amarendra.... Your family doesn't even know....  "

" My father is a cardiac surgeon, and is very sensitive over issues related to the heart. " , Amarendra smiled.
" Dr.  Ashok Bhawaani has been waiting impatiently for his son to get married. And since that wasn't happening, he led a distressed life. Recently with my constant delay in returning to London, he's totally sure that I've found someone. "

Devasena shied and looked down, smiling.
But the very next moment her smile disappeared.

" Bhawaani......  "
She looked up.

" Amarendra, do you know of any Vushan Bhavani and Raghav Bhavani of your family who....  "

Amarendra placed his finger on her lips, sealing it.
" I had told you I'll listen to you Devasena, not now, at this moment but. "

Devasena slowly nodded.
" I don't know if you're doing it right Amarendra. You don't even know much about Devasena Sehgal....  "

" We will go to Lucknow for that. "

" Lucknow? "

" Obviously. To get your father's blessings and know more about you! "

Devasena slowly smiled.

" Or don't you trust me, my profession, my family....? Well I can show you my passport, my documents, my social media family.... " , Amarendra took out his phone.

" Ohh shut up Amarendra! I trust you, like anything! But things have not been good with us. Maybe marriage and such ties can never keep us happy... "

" So you prefer a live in? Fine, I'm alright with it. My cousin lives in with a Spanish girl and my family is okay with it. "

" Amarendra! "

" I had told you I cannot leave you and hence there's no question of a consent. I don't know where these are cropping up from. "

Devasena lost the battle.

7:20 pm :

The priest lit up the fire in the marriage square.
Amarendra and Devasena sat side by side. Devasena pinched herself.
Was she still dreaming?
Because everything that was happening was no less than a dream. This man already meant a lot before she remembered everything, and now he means something she can never define in quantities.

And she's going to get tied to him for a lifetime.

After a series of chantings, the priest handed over the vermilion and mangalsutra to Amarendra.
He looked into her eyes intently for a second.
Then ducked a handful of vermilion to the parting of her hair.
The current, that same current flashed through her that did on the first day of their meeting, in this life.

Amarendra then tied the mangalsutra round her neck, and brought his mouth close to her ears. " Officially someone's wife again. "
Devasena smiled and whispered, " Not yet. "

Thus, they got up and walked around the pyre, until the priest declared the completion of their marriage.

Devasena was breathing hard. Amarendra spread his arms, and Devasena ran into them.
" Welcome to my life for the second time, wifey! "
" Vice versa, hubby!! "

They touched the priest's feet, he blessed, smiled and went inside.

After almost flying down the stairs this time, Devasena knew she was already out of words.
This was perhaps the best day of her life.

Up there in the temple, Acharya Yotishanand stood dumbstruck before a painting one of the disciples of the temple had recently revived from a very old room on the backyard, and kept aside in a separate prayer room. Everyone in the temple had admired the beauty and the neatness of the painting. It portrayed the wedding scene of a royal couple that happened in this temple itself more than five hundred years back according to the date inscribed at one corner.

Exactly a five hundred and twenty six years back, on this very day they got married.
And today, just a few minutes back another couple got married, having the exact faces those painted.

Acharya Yotishanand slowly lost consciousness.

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