20. I need time

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Wherever you are I know you always stay~🌸

//Next morning\\

You woke up next morning with a terrible headache cuz you were crying alot last night.

"Aish it hurts" you mumbled massaging your forehead.

You drank some water and went to bath, You came downstairs cuz you were feeling bit better after a shower..  You saw jungkook, Alice and Hoseok looking at you with a serious expression.

You deserved it because you didn't ate anything last night, and were just crying.. You decided not to talk to anyone cuz you were feeling sorry.. You just sat on your chair and started eating your bread. Those three too didn't said anything and had their breakfast, After breakfast you directly went to your room cuz you didn't wanted to see him and Alice came to your room.

"Atleast tell now what happened?? You have been crying since you met him.. What happened??"

You told her everything that happened yesterday, after listening to you Alice was shocked and happy the same time.

"I see.. So.. You don't love him that's the reason you're crying??" She asked

Y/N went silent for a while and replied
" I don't know what I feel for him but it's just an unusual feeling.. Much better than before but I don't know how to describe it in words, everything happened so fast I didn't even knew what to say him..  So I just left." You completed as you sighed heavily.

"That feeling..  Is LOVE Y/N."

You looked at her shocked not knowing what to say you just looked down cuz unknowingly your cheeks turned red and this was killing you..


"I... I need some time Alice. I'm quite messed up right now, I need some time for myself.. I WANNA GO BUSAN.. Yes alice.. please.. I wanna go busan. As soon as possible.  Is it okay?? I mean the project??"

"Take time for yourself baby,Go home take rest.. Relax.. Figure out everything and the project we'll handle it don't worry.. I'll call Namjoonie oppa and will inform him you are coming." She replied as she patted your head

"But don't tell him all this.. He'll get angry."
"Dont worry. Babes.. I'll make another excuse"

You nodded in response and said
"I'll not come office today.. I have to pack my bags."

"Okay.. But what about Jimin??" 
"I don't know"

"What do you mean I don't know?  Huh??? Not seeing you here he'll question me."

" 'she needs time' just say this"

Alice hesitantly nodded in response and left for office..

You were packing your bags until you heard a knock on your door you looked around and saw Hoseok..  You smiled and gestured him to come inside..

"Packing over??" He asked
"Almost done.. Thinking to buy something for you, oppa and appa"

"Can I come with you??"
"Why not let's go."

You left with hobi for shopping..


Jimin woke up.. He didn't slept well last night cuz he was thinking about you..  He knew he hurt you from his actions.

"I feel like not going to office today.. but what if she comes.. I wanna see her too but.. I'm worried too.. ahh..  I think I should go"  he sighed sadly and got ready.

When he saw Alice and Jungkook coming he excepted you to come to but you didn't and he felt bad.. He went to Alice and asked

"Umm..  Where is Y-Y/N.??" He asked

"She needs time.. She's leaving for Busan"

Jimin was shocked hearing her reply.. And left from there.. And went to Tae's house.. Tae opens the door and looks at his sad face.

"Hey what happened-"

Jimin cut Tae while hugging him tightly and crying on his shoulder..

"What!. -what happened Jimin!??  Why are you crying.!?"

"I messed everything Tae.. I messed up every single thing."

To be continued~🌱


A new update after a long timeeee!!! As it's my birthday today!! Happy Birthday to me 🎂  (5.3.2022)

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