Everything Is Fine

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Between work and school and surviving, I am really struggling.

I've sunken back into procrastination habits. I tell myself relief will come with completing the tasks, not escaping them. But my "10am" always turns into "2pm" which turns into "4pm" which turns into "6pm" which turns into "tomorrow." And then, repeat.

Things I need to do NOW:
- contact my school's PTO
- contact a librarian to interview
- write a schedule to get all my assignments done
- submit my disability forms to OAS

Things I need to do ASAP:
- get started on 407 project
- get started on 459 project
- find a psychiatrist
- mail my handicap parking application

General things that stress me out:
- My cat's litter box smelling (where TF is the litter I ordered?!)
- My poor hygiene (can't be bothered to shower daily let alone do my 6-step skincare routine)
- Money (I have it thanks to student loans but what if I run out??)
- Eating
- Being sleepy during the day

And now the election is coming up and I am NOT keeping up with live updates. I will just find out who wins when they announce it. And I will pray it isn't a result that sends me over the edge and turns this into full-on depression.

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