Chapter 2

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Guys I know all the assassins I name in this chapter come from different times but for the love of god do not post it in the comments.

Wren awoke the next day her side still sore from the wound, she sat up and reached for the cup of water by her makeshift bed. She rubbed her eyes and noticed that everything was oddly quiet, she looked out the window to find that most of the group had gone. She was about to get up to go look for them but remembered her cut and didn't budge, she was about to call out for someone when she noticed something in the corner of her eye. She froze when she noticed the oddly familiar brown cloak of the brown assassin, she slowly turned to look at him. His arms were folded and his face holding a hostile stare as he stood in the shadows, he walked over finding her to be no threat since she was too wounded to make a run for her weapons.
"Your finally awake," he chuckled, she was confused but suddenly remembered at how she had killed the golden assassin.

"Yeah so what," she muttered her eyes narrowed as her mask covered her face, he rolled his eyes.

"Your going to stay quiet or your friend ain't gunna live tonight since the others gladly agreed to distract them while I came to get you since well we have a few questions we gotta ask," he whispered in her ear picking her up, she tried to struggle but whenever she did he put pressure on her wound causing it to hurt. She heard a great number of footsteps a distance off knowing that red was leading the others to kill or capture the other assassins, she kept quiet knowing he would kill her if she so much as made a simple noise. They soon arrived at a cave that went deep underground, a few torches marked the way down into a large cavern where she guess was their small camp. He sat her down against a wall knowing that she wouldn't move unless she either wanted to die or re open her wound, since her voice was cracked whenever she talked to them she sounded more like a boy then a girl. She guessed that they thought she was male and rolled her eyes at the thought, she knew they would never take her hood off her since it was an assassins greatest secret always so if they were to act normal about the streets they would never be snitched by a traitor if seen. After a short while the other three soon arrive, the brown was leaning against the wall near Wren and she kept quiet.

"I see you got him, good because any longer and those others would have caught us sneaking away from the trail towards here after we quickly checked the camp to find both you and him not there," the dark blue cloaked assassin murmured, the green nodded.

"What's your name?" The green asked, she made sure her voice was deep and cracked so she sounded male.

"None of your business," she hissed at them, the brown one gave a chuckle and pressed his foot gently on her wound, she winced in pain when he moved it away.

"Answer the question or I'll....." he began but was cut off when the white held his hand up to silence him, he kneeled down before her.

"What would you prefer us to call you then?" He asked his voice calm as a calm ocean surface, she glanced at him her eyes narrowed.

"Call me Singe," she croaked still sounding like a young man, the white nodded.

"Decent enough for your black coat," the dark blue coated man said, the white nodded.

"You can call me Altair, brown coat there is Connor, greeny here is Arno our newest member and blue coat is Ezio," the white cloaked man said, Wren nodded realising how much she liked her new name.

"I know your names but you would probably not remember my proper one so Singe will be my name until you figure out what you forgot so long ago," she murmured keeping her deep voice going, Altair nodded.

"Fair enough then but why is it you killed Edward, the fool shouldn't have done that," he murmured the last part of his sentence almost too faint to hear if not for the cave, she nodded.

"He was a fool to save you after all it was you who made the biggest mistake that day," she hissed through her teeth, his eyes narrowed with confusion.

"Don't you remember that battle so long ago when you made the mistake to leave me behind!" She half yelled half whispered incase the cave decided to collapse on them, he shook his head unable to remember.

"Ummm Altair what is he talking about we have never seen him before until well about a month ago when he and his gang of somewhat smart ass assassins killed off our very brotherhood," Arno interrupted, Altair nodded.

"True that now for my last question, how on earth did you manage to defeat our whole camp and a whole captains fleet almost all on your own?" He asked his eyes narrowed as he waited for a reply, she shrugged her eyes narrowed.

"Just as you killed an entire army with your bare hands and any nearby weapons, it's called talent," she scoffed rolling her eyes, she was still surprised at how they had not guessed she was a female instead of a male.

"Fair point well any more questions before we take him back?" Altair asked his voice rather distant as if he were deep in memory, Connor glared at him.

"Let him go after he captured and almost killed Arno, killed Edward and almost our entire creed are you crazy he is a murder weapon I say we kill him," he growled at them, Altair returned the glare.

"Kill him when we have so many questions to ask and to figure out this "mistake" we all made, no, not until we figure out what we did and can apologise for it," Altair muttered his voice still distant, Connor rolled his eyes and stormed off obviously not happy she still lived.

"Let's take him to a clearing near his camp so his fellow creed can find him and quickly," Arno gestured the others nodded and Altair picked her up, he walked and focused on one goal at a time. He set her down at a clearing where the trees thinned out and her black coat would be easily seen, he led the others away to go find Conner. She managed to crawl closer to camp when Sara ( the grey cloaked girl) found her, she yelled for help and a few more of the creed surrounded her. They quickly picked her up taking her straight back to the doctors huts, they sat her on the bed as he inspected her.

"It seems your capturers took no care to your wound since it seems that the brown cloaked assassin as you say put his foot on it re opening a small section of it," he murmured aloud, midnight nodded. She winced as the doctor began to stitch it up again, red bolted in at that moment his eyes filled with relief when he saw that she was fine.

"Oh thank the heavens you're ok Wren," he sighed, she held up her hand and waved.

"I changed my name to Singe since I didn't want those scum bags to find my true name out and I know theirs but for ya know not being stupid I can't tell ya unless I have a death wish," she chuckled, red gave a smile and chuckled too. He sat down next to her while the doctor finished fixing her stitches, his gaze was as sharp as ever.

"Now this time please don't get captured ok because if you do I am going to need extra supplies that the nearest town doesn't have," he scolded, Singe nodded her black coat hiding the faint traces of blood from her wound.

"Come on let's get your cloak cleaned since well you got dirt and blood  all through it," red suggested helping her stand, both limped down to a nearby river where they could wash their cloaks off in the running water.

"I thought they would kill me but they asked me some questions and well I ain't gunna say what ones," she sighed seeing a short flash of white and hid her face, she made sure that their stalkers could not see her face since they would surely figure it out instantly that she was the forgotten friend they had left to die. Red noticed this and spotted the flash of white and stood holding both their cloaks, he turned away helping midnight to walk.

"Lets go and dry these cloaks since well we are gunna need em," red murmured tilting his head slightly to where the white assassin was watching them, she nodded and limped away towards the camp. They soon arrived and let their cloaks dry on some warm stones, Singe sat down in the sun soaking up the warmth as she had not done for months. Red sat next to her his arm behind her neck and let her lean on him, a smile spread across their faces as the sat in silence but always alert.


Altair watched from the bushes  as the two walked away with their soaked cloaks, he had barely caught a glimpse of his face when he hid it. He knew he was familiar but could not place his finger on it, he shrugged it off and walked silently back to the cave where the others were gathered.

"Sounds like he is keeping us a secret since when I listened to their conversation by the river he didn't mention what we told him or what he told us," Altair grunted as he jumped down from a ledge, the others nodded. To him they were almost like brothers, they were the closest thing to family he had left so he wanted to keep it that way.

"Did you see his face or did he out smart you?" Arno joked, the four of them gave a light hearted chuckle before Altair answered.

"No, well not really I caught I tiny glimpse but I think he spotted me when I accidentally stood up slightly and my cloak must have flashed or something but they both went quiet," he murmured half to himself, it echoed slightly through the quiet cavern.

"Was he familiar to you?" Connor asked from his ledge not far up, Altair nodded.

"He is familiar but I can't place my finger on it," Altair muttered his gaze distant, a loud sigh came from Connor.

"What is the deal with those guys anyways I mean come on we have done nothing to them when they first attacked us, why don't we just recruit new assassins and kill the buggers!?" Connor question his eyes narrowed as he hated them after they killed his friend long ago, Altair shook his head and sighed.

"You know we can't do that it wouldn't be right and I am not going to kill without proper reason, the reason you suggest is revenge and we do not do that," Altair growled, the others looked shocked since he barely ever lost his temper.

"Fine but I am going for a walk," Connor muttered angrily jumping down from his ledge, Altair stared after him as he left and shook his head.

"You made the correct decision there lad," Ezio murmured from near Arno, Arno looked exhausted as only two days ago he had been captured and beaten sore and given a few cuts for him to remember them. Altair stared off into the jungle deep in thought, he swore that their greatest enemy used to be their greatest friend if he still remembered them all. He jumped slightly when Arno walked silently up behind him, Arno's face was filled with concern.

"Is everything alright? You seem on edge lately," Arno question standing beside him, Altair nodded his gaze still distant.

"Yeah just........ thinking," he murmured his gaze slowly drifting to the distant hills, a sigh sounded beside him as Ezio joined them.

"You can't live in the past, especially that day when we all made a mistake of leaving her behind, it was stupid of us yes but no one would help a dying assassin and we were driven off since we were outnumbered by guards, please Altair buddy stop living that one day over it's not your fault," Arno pleaded, Altair turned a hostile glare on him.

"You want me to forget the one day when I lost her!" Altair hissed through his teeth, both Arno and Ezio looked shocked not used to seeing him get this angry.

"A-Altair calm down," Arno whimpered, he gave an angry grunt and walked off into the jungle. The others watched after him with worried faces, he shrugged it off unable to forget that fateful day.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and until next time bye bye.

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