Chapter 4

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Singe snuck through the shadows towards a large and hollowed out tree, as she neared it she saw four figures standing in the shade talking. She quickly climbed a tree and sat listening to their conversation, a smirk spread across her face at the idea of killing their target before them.

"Ok so are we going to be taking out the army's general since well he is a menace and keeps hunting us down which to be honest is annoying," Connor grumbled, Altair nodded.

"Yes we are and we do it tomorrow night got it," he whispered just loud enough for midnight to hear, the three nodded in response.

"Fine by me, anything else you want to tell us?" Arno asked leaning against the tree, Altair shook his head.

"Not really no, anything you three want to tell?" Altair asked, Connor nodded.

"Uhh yeah why are we still doing this I mean come on I know this target really needs to die but seriously I never can figure out why we should protect the stupid civilians," Connor grumbled, Altair gave him a glare.

"You know our oath means a purpose The wisdom of our creed is revealed through these words. We work in the dark to serve the light. We are assassins. Nothing is true everything is permitted," Altair grumbled angry with Connor, Arno's expression changed to that of security after he heard the oath repeated to a more experienced assassin. While the four kept blabbering Singe began to sneak away, she made a mistake and slipped. She landed on her feet and turned to see them staring at her, she gave a smirk and vanished into the shadows of the night.


Altair watched her run and held up his hand for them to not follow, Connor rolled his eyes and leaned against the tree.

"Nice job oh fearless one," he sneered, Altair turned hitting him square in the face. He ignored the pain in his hand and watched Connor hold his nose as it bled, his eyes narrowed at the foolish assassin.

"How dare you forget the oath and then sneer those words to me!" Altair spat, Connor looked terrified as did the others since he never ever hit them before. Connor stood back up and shakily walked away, Altair looked at the others and walked off towards the ocean needing space to think. He continued his path towards the shoreline when something dashed past him, he instantly followed without thinking. He soon tackled the thing he was chasing and looked at it as he held it, he saw that it was the black assassin who had made him slowly relive the past. He held him down as he struggled to get free and run again, Altair did not release his grip on the strangers cloak. As the black assassin began to stop struggling he managed to catch the strangers oddly yellow eyes, he also saw that they had mistaken this assassin for a man whenever they heard its voice but looking closely he saw that this assassin was not a man but rather a women. He jumped off her his eyes wide with shock as they stared at each other, her gaze burned into his soft blue eyes. She turned suddenly and ran leaving Altair confused and shocked, he turned and headed back towards the cave where the others were.


Singe ran through the forest the sudden stare down with Altair had left her stunned, she shook it off. Now he knew that she was not a man as the four thought she was, she shook the thought out of her head and knew she must get back to the others to inform them that she was going somewhere the next night. She soon arrived back at the sleeping camp, she quickly went to her hut to sleep as she was exhausted. She went inside and layed down, she could not shake the sight of Altair's face after so long he had never changed from his ever lasting youth. She rolled over and looked at the roof, she shook it off as he was now her biggest enemy and could never feel that way for him again not after he left her to die in the freezing snow. Eventually sleep washed over her, she let it take over since she needed the rest.

Hmmmm part of the plot revealed >:3.

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