Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

"Hello to you too, Shashi. It looks like you've missed me greatly." A sly grin formed on Wipa's face. She looked over to Pranee and held her hands together with her head bowed "It's a pleasure to see you again, Pranee."

Pranee smiled meekly and copied the gesture. "Likewise."

Pranee could see that Wipa had her staff in one hand and was using it as a cane. She wondered if Wipa had issues walking at times or if it was the most comfortable way to travel with a staff. She seemed to be carrying only a satchel and her silky hair was covered up with a bamboo hat. The elephant on the other hand had a feedbag strapped to its back.

"Why exactly are you taking this elephant to the king of Isla?" Shashi eyed the elephant with suspicion.

"Haven't you heard? There's a great reward for bringing elephants now. Apparently, the palace is in desperate need of white elephants."

"Hmmm." Shashi didn't say anything else and only glared at the woman.

"Why would they need elephants?" Pranee asked in confusion as she stared at the elephant. It was definitely a white elephant it wasn't as high quality as the others she had seen before.

Pranee used to visit the stables every month to see her father's white elephants. There were nine in total so the palace shouldn't have a need to increase the number of elephants. If more were offered, they would be of higher quality than the one standing before her. Though she hadn't visited the stables ever since her half-brother came to power.

"Maybe the king is an animal lover," Wipa mused. She lovingly patted the elephant's head but the action seemed ingenuine.

Ritthirong being an animal lover was very unlikely. Pranee never saw him at the stables and would pay no attention to any type of pet.

"Where did you find the elephant?" Shashi asked.

Wipa chuckled. "This lovely lady is actually from Aslo."

"You brought an elephant from another country?" Shashi only looked more irritated at what she had said.

"Correct, but his highness doesn't have to know she's an immigrant. A white elephant is a white elephant after all." Wipa stroked the elephant's head and the elephant responded happily raising its trunk.

Pranee could understand their frustration but she couldn't help but admire Wipa's ingenuity. In no way was this a farce and it certainly wouldn't affect the palace negatively at all. If her half-brother was desperate for the animal, then he wouldn't have just stopped with Isla.

"Anyways, what brings you two lovebirds to the middle of the jungle? She hasn't been living with you long enough for you two to be considered married yet." Wipa asked it so casually which probably only provoked Shashi more. Her lips twitched slightly as if she wanted to smile but her expression remained neutral.

"How did you know?" Shashi's eyes darkened.

Pranee on the other hand, was flustered by the comment and couldn't stop blushing. She was sure that they haven't told anyone about their living accommodations yet.

"Who do think caught the letter and delivered it to the right person?" Wipa's eyebrows raised in amusement and the smile she was trying to contain was now exposed.

"Who said you could read it?" Their voice came out like a bark.

"No one, but you should be more careful with how you're sending your letters. You may get caught one day."

Shashi's jaw locked and their eyes were cold. Wipa didn't seem fazed by their expression and Pranee wondered if the two usually had so much tension between them. They continued to argue and Pranee had a worse feeling about this fight compared to the one Shashi had with Kiet.

Pranee must've been standing too close to the elephant at the moment as she felt something on her head. Her hands quickly covered her head and the elephant's trunk snaked around her body.

"Aw, looks like the little lady likes you. She's trying to pet you," Wipa smiled.

"Just please don't touch my hair." Pranee quietly whispered to the elephant.

If the elephant understood her, she did not listen as she continued to touch Pranee's hair. Pranee's hands were clamped down to the top of her head and she could only nervously try and move away from the elephant. Her mother would say it would mean good karma that the elephant likes her so much but at the moment she felt too panicked to properly enjoy the moment.

"Ahhh, little lady, I know this girl is beautiful but we have to get going." Wipa coaxed the elephant from letting go of Pranee.

Pranee let out a sigh of relief and quickly fixed her hair before Shashi could notice.

"Also, be careful with that tower. I heard that it was the king's property in Isla but because it's on the border, any person can trick a buffalo into buying it."

Pranee furrowed her eyebrows and turned to Shashi. "What..."

"We need to get back to the tower. Now."

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