Chapter 55

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Chapter 55

The sensation of being dragged by the neck was not pleasant to say the least.

Pranee managed to get the necklace off her. Her neck was burning from the sensation and she was sure that her wig was taken away in the process.

She was laying on her side with one palm pressed against the ground while the other was still wrapped around her neck. Tears streamed down her cheeks and she looked around trying to find her attacker. The loud sound of wings flapping echoed throughout the cave and light suddenly flooded the area. Pranee looked up to see that fire was now burning on torches that she never was able to see before.

What she could now see was the kinnari.

The upper half consisted of a women's body from the hips and upwards while the lower half was a chicken's body. Her dark teal wings were stretched out as they flapped sporadically. The chicken part of the kinnari's body showed raw skin as the feathers seemed to have been plucked off her. Her talons were mangled as the toes were curled up and she had to rely on her human arms to attack the wizards.

Shashi was hovering around the kinnari and Bayu was on their staff so she could attack the kinnari. Her staff spun in the air as the air crackled with energy before it hit the kinnari.

The kinnari didn't seem bothered by the attacks. Her wails seemed to come from another source as she didn't even notice the magic hit her body. Her head flailed as she seemed to be searching for something while her hands gripped tightly around the necklace.

Pranee searched the ground for the sword. It laid a few feet away from her and she made a desperate grab for it.

Her hand just barely grasped the hilt before she felt her body slam back to the ground. The kinnari's talons pinned her arms to the ground while the necklace dangled over her face.

"You!" The kinnari screeched. "I know it's you. I recognize this necklace."

Pranee attempted to sit up only to be slammed back into the ground.

"You cursed me to lose my feathers. My beauty. My life." The kinnari's hand wrapped around Pranee's neck. "I see that you're now just like me. The universe has given me the opportunity to see you this pathetic and to kill you a second time."

Tears began to run down Pranee's face and the pressure on her throat increased as the kinnari squeezed harder. She began to see dark spots form in her vision and she could only let out a gargled scream.

"What happened to your confidence?" The kinnari sneered. "What are you hiding?"

A glow suddenly surrounded the kinnari and she was yanked away from Pranee. Pranee coughed and regained her grip on the sword. She looked up to see Kiet had made a net to trap the kinnari. He clung to his staff with gritted teeth as she thrashed and screamed.

"Good job Kiet!" Wipa yelled from the other side of the cave. "Think we can hang her from the top of the cave? That way it'll be easier juts to trap her."

Shashi gave an annoyed nod while Bayu immediately ran to Kiet's aid.

Pranee could feel her body shake and she took a few steps towards the kinnari.


Shashi's voice was lost on Pranee and she could barely process her own actions before it was too late.

The sword was already pierced through the kinnari's heart.

"You didn't change." A croak escaped the kinnari before the light left her eyes.

"What just happened?" Kiet's net disappeared and he stared at the corpse with disbelief.

"We at least don't have to deal with the kinnari anymore." Wipa's words rung through Pranee's ears.

Pranee could only stare at the kinnari and her hands while the tears continued to pour down her face.

"Pranee?" Shashi's voice was full of concern. "It's over, she's dead. You shouldn't–"

Her body crumpled to the ground and all she could see was black.

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