Chapter 12: Discovering a heartbreak

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The turbo lift doors opened to reveal the bridge.

I stepped out.

And on the screen I saw myself with machine parts having a discussion.

"State your designation."

My voice.

It was coming from . . . the machine on the screen.

Apparently I am in the universe where I did talk to Knight and every Asgardian so far has been 'assimilated' into the society of machines. His remaining green eye turned in my direction as Picard stated his name. Something flickered in those eyes. It was realization, anger, despair, and a lot like some one jolted him with a thousand bolts of thunder. It looked as though someone had fried him. A slap to the face, really.

"I am thirty-four and you are . . ." Thirty-four stopped. It was like he hadn't said his name in a very long time. There was very much hesitation in saying our name. "End communication."

The screen displayed the outside of Asgard in space. Remains of spaceships decorated the outer rims around the planet. I recognized the planet as Asgard. I saw Asgardian remains outside dotting along the scrap metal that once belonged to Asgardian spaceships. And then I stepped back in muttering "Deck 14". I had to see the state of Asgard from the ground.

The doors closed on me.

I realized then I was trembling. I made a illusion spell to those who see me that I was composed . When I was mute, Data gave me a tour of the Enterprise except for the engines area. Steve and I were assigned quarters in the guest quarters on Deck Seven. There is even a starship named Asgard being a Galaxy Class in Star Fleet. I waited and waited.

The doors opened.

To everyone there, I was walking down with hands behind my back whistling.

In reality I wasn't whistling but had my hands in fists and straight shoulders.

I turned then went into the transporter room disguising myself as Picard with a couple fake security guards.

"Beam us down to the planet surface, Mr Walker." I said, in Picard's voice getting onto the transporter with my fellow fakes.

"Yes sir."


My surroundings changed and before I knew it I was standing in the throne room. I lowered the spell and disguise dissipating the projections around me. I saw the throne had a ship crashed into it just inches away from my face. There were large holes in the ground. The columns were covered by dust so was the floor and what remained of the rug. I looked up to see a blue sky where some of the stars being realms were visible. I lowered my head from the sky then turned away and went out of the throne room.

I pushed the doors open with a loud thud.

The homes, the buildings, and everything that made Asgard . . . Asgard. . . were either crumbling or destroyed or overgrown.

Asgard had indeed fallen.

"No. . ." I said.


The realm I was raised on had fallen to shambles in a war that should have never happened.


A realm that used to be so beautiful.


And then outrage.

"NO!" I shouted coming to my knees and then unleashed my Jotun powers.

When I reopened my eyes I realized I had coated the realm in snow. Tears were coming down my cheeks. Plant life was being covered by snow. The pathway was coated in snow. I saw the Bifrost Bridge and building were destroyed. In short there were too many starships in the path that had caused a blockage. How had this come to be? There had to be some record regarding the attack. . . Something . . .Like a projection diary.

My projection diary.

I stood upright then walked right back into the castle.

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