Chapter 25: The answer yes

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. . .May 21st . . .

. . Fifteen minutes later. . .

I had merely turned myself into a parrot shortly after flying out of the headquarters of Tony Stark. Finding Bruce was much easier than I originally thought. I perched myself on the bridge of a lamp where beside it on a couch sat a curly dark brown haired and yet very slender Bruce Banner. He had his eyes stuck on a book. The door had been open ajar. The room had nicely been decorated.

Soong came into the room.

"Excuse me, Bruce, but did you see a black raven come in?" Soong asked.

"Black raven, squawk." I did my best parrot impression.

"No." Bruce said.

"My apologies." Soong said, and then he closed the door and resumed the search.

Bruce lowered the book.

"Spill it." Bruce said.

I landed on the floor then transformed back into a man.

"Are you familiar to a species known as The Borg?" I asked.

Bruce appeared to be surprised.

"Cyborg?" Bruce said.

I made the image of a Borg Drone appear.

"Any recognition?" I said, hearing a slight squeak from Bruce.

Bruce nodded.

"Well, I need ONE FAVOR from you," I said. "Tony was against it."

"What is it?" Bruce asked.

"I need an anti-nanoprobe to be created," I said. "The Borg exists. The Klingons. Androids, the ones you met, are really Data!" I waved my arms. "I must sound mad to you. But there are higher beings such as the Q that existed."

"The. . . Q?" Bruce repeated, raising his eyebrows.

"Yes." I said.

"I never heard of them." Bruce said.

"Omnipotent, all knowing, and can do anything," I said. "Unlike me."

Bruce sat there, with eyes that seemed to be that of realization, and he realized who he was talking to.

"Wait, Loki as in Loki Prince of Asgard?" Bruce asked.

"Yes. We are real." I said.

Bruce stood up.

"I want something in exchange." Bruce said.

I used magic to make the door be locked.

"Name it." I said.

"I want nothing to do with The Hulk." Bruce said.

I nodded.

That is a big request, I thought, but I can try.

"Now or before I go to normalize all the Borg?" I asked

"Now." Bruce said.

"So, how do you prefer to being contacted?" I asked.

"Messages." Bruce said.

"Paper or digital?" I asked.

"Paper,"Bruce said. "I want the extraction done."

I looked at Bruce, concerned, and mostly worried.

"If you ever want it back . . . It won't be easy." I warned Bruce.

Bruce glared back at me.

"Being that guy?" Bruce said. "Why would I miss that big guy who gave me hell?"

I sighed.

"Close your eyes and relax." I said.

Bruce did as he was instructed.

Green magic started to come from my fingertips as I raised my hands up. I focused on his abnormality. I had been taught by a healer, when I was a child, on how to remove abnormalities focused in on specific points of the body and different layers. It required intense and very strong motivation that would leave the user unable to conjure a spell for a week so until then they only be able to use small spells. I focused in his DNA sequences where there is a strange dark green glow about it. It was in my naked vision. I had to remove it. I HAD TO. I drew out the unnatural sequences. It was persistent. It wanted to stay. If there was ever a moment where abnormalities had inanimated qualities that proved against the notion of 'abnormalities are living creatures'.

I tugged back bending my fingers.

I drew forth even more power.

Five minutes later I was still at it.

This abnormality was bringing me to my limits.

"Bruce," I said. "When you get angry to a certain point; you will bring The Hulk back!"

I knew that Bruce could hear me in his unresponsive state.

It was typical for someone being freed of an abnormality they were not born with to be in a comatose state during the removal.

I had to go over my limit.

Or risk an explosion that came with zero results.

Bruce's eyes opened to reveal their bright green with a black hole at the center.

"You will thank me for this!" I shouted.

With one final yank I took out most of the building blocks and connections to the gigantic green beast that dissipated upon being forced out. I had left scarce remains of the giant within Bruce's DNA that can be multiplied and returned when he gets very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very mad. I personally can say the repeated 'very' is necessary. Next there was the explosion. Shortly afterwards I got up seeing the hole in the wall. Bruce was on the floor, his shoulders moving, groaning in pain. Weakly, I shapeshifted into a bird then flew out of the building. I heard the door open followed by the shout of one Data.

"Bruce!" Oh, that's my Data.

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