Chapter 27: Dear Knight

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. . . May 27th. . .

. . . Chicago, Illinois. . ..

Dear Knight:

I understand how you must be feeling right now. By the time you've read this letter I might as well be dead or keeping my distance from Asgard. I did this to protect Asgard. All of it. Against the Borg. The Borg are a lot like Cybermen except they assimilate living beings and join them into one singular mind that works together like a bee hive. They can destroy civilizations. Just like I told you.

I crunched up the paper then toss it into the garbage can.

"This doesn't suit me." I said.

I get out another piece of paper and begin writing, again.

Dear Knight:

I didn't tell you before what I was because. . .

I crunched up the paper then threw it into the garbage can.

"Fail." I said.

Let's try again.

I get another sheet of paper out and return writing.

Dear Knight:

I didn't tell you what I was for so long because I didn't want you to come after me. When I go after the Borg cube. I will be either dead or staying away from Asgard after this for a couple centuries. Thor is more convenient to be the king not I. I told you then, months ago, what I knew because I love you and I do not want you to join me on a suicide mission. I also did not tell you how I know of them because the story itself is a little crazy.

You see my mind is from another timeline where a celestial being called Q took me to his universe. There he showed me what Asgard could be . . . Well, he really wanted me to redeem myself in the eyes of his realm. And apparently three judges who put me in charge of saving my universe from being wiped off the map. I saw Asgard. It was in shambles, ruins, and . . . I met you. I met you on the Enterprise as a former Borg Drone with some prosthetics on. We were apparently married in that universe. I must sound mad to you.

But trust me, I am not.

I paused.

"I have to tell her why." I muttered.

I sighed.

Q took my mind into a alternate reality where. . .nothing happened yet. I wasn't a criminal in the eyes of Midgard and Asgard. I was not responsible for the death of one thousand people. I know you might be in disbelief and finding me in fault. Yes, I was. There was a item called the Scepter with the mind stone that used me as a puppet. My inner desires were brought out. It amplified me. I seeked you out to see . . . why the other me fell for you. I understand now.

You can be trusted, and you have a nice personality.

Those hazel eyes of yours. . .

You are probably crying, I realize that, but realize everything that has been said and done was all for Asgard and you.

Don't bother seeking out my remains.


Sincerely. . . Loki.

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