Chapter 29: Placing a package

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. . . June 1st. . . 2011. .

. . . Chicago, Illinois. . .8:30 PM. . .

I closed the door after the two men had left with my head lowered.

"Why bother visiting me?" I asked out loud.

A dead dog visiting a now-mortal-Jotun-prince.

I don't see the point.

I lifted my head up.

"I may never know." I mused to myself.

I walked back over to the table then fold the letter I made earlier for Knight, took out two viles, repackaged the box with a new covering including a bright red neatly tied ribbon, and placed it into the corner of the room on a small table. I made a envelop appear then address to Knight under a very powerful spell connected to my life force. It had to be so intricately placed. I made the decision that I would dead for her to read the letter. The envelope would never open to her if I were still alive. I slipped the letter into the envelope, licked the backside, then slid it down and sent it under the ribbon.

Mortals may poke at something interesting.

So very interesting.

Something that should never ever be poked at.

I made a random needle appear then drew of some my own blood. I wrapped the wound up using a bandaid. All I had to do was make a forth vile for the end product when made by close-as-I-can-get-genius-who-is-a-scientist. I made a little scroll appear then jotted down the purpose of these items by short hand in a way only Bruce can understand using a small quill. I made a small raven appear at the ledge of the window then tidy up the rolled up letter, put a band around the viles, and select them into the raven's talons. I sent the raven off into the sky. It will take a couple days for the dear bird to arrive at its destination

"Good luck." I said.

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