Chapter 34: Ride

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My mother would be proud of me. My brother would be proud of me. My father would very proud of me. Knight otherwise would try to understand. My belonging, being that box designated for her, is in the flat that still has not been bought out. and for now my house is under the care of a poor man who is getting a well deserved shower or munching on snacks. I put on a spell on the apartment so that if anyone wants to find me they will go to that flat. Except for Soong he knows where I am.

"What is my other self like?" I asked.

"Fire Giant." Soong said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes really," Soong said. "'Except your father was Surtur. And your story was still the same."

"Did you compare notes with my Data?" I asked.

Soong looked over toward my direction quite blankly in fact.

"Why yes, I did," Soong said. I felt my face turn a heated red. "Strikingly, Mr Data was not aware you could burn off your belongings as a fire giant."

"Me. . . naked . . . and on fire." I said.

"Yes." Soong said.

"Did I strike a pose?" I asked.

"No," Soong said. "You had a suit on. One that could resist the temperature."

I snickered.

"You do not intend to survive this, do you?" I asked.

"Affirmative," Soong said. "Do you need to be beamed over to the Borg cube?"

"Mr Soong," I said. "I don't understand why you don't want to go back but I respect your wishes. And yes, I will, but do it. . . after I leave. I suspect you are going to do it shortly after I leave."

"Affirmative." Soong said.

I made a plate of brownies appear.

"Want some brownies?" I offered.

"Yes," Soong said. "Thank you for the generous offer."
Soong took a brownie and munched on it, holding his hand out to catch the crumbs. Surprisingly Soong was . . . different from Data in my perspective not just because he is very human and . . . different. There is guilt on his shoulders. Whatever happened earlier before I came into the picture must linger around in his conscience. I take a brownie off the plate then start munching on it. I put the plate of brownies on the counter making a spare plate appear on my lap. I made a glass of milk appear in the cup holder. In between bites I had some sips of the milk. I watched space pass by, planets that were so new and not known as realms to Asgardians glide by. Nine realms and there are countless worlds out there we do not know of.

Amazing, quite really.

If only Stark was here to see it and fanboy over it.

Harder than Steve.

I only assume Stark would fanboy about because of those references that he makes toward me.

May 4th was just a day away. We were going to appear above Asgard, beam me aboard, and let me take care of the rest. I want. . . to personally . . . be assimilated by the Queen. Maybe she is fascinated by the lost son of Laufey. There is a good chance she is. She can't see through my spell. No one can, not even Knight. I stared at the ceiling feeling tired. It must be eight thirty-three PM on Midgard. Yes, that it must be.

I am going to make you feel proud of me, brother.

For being a hero.

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