Chapter 7: The gathering room.

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You know what I had to do?

Pratically carry Steve Rogers,in my arms, to this 'briefing room'. I got weird looks because of it, I swear mortals have a cruel way of not acting right when speaking in front of their idols. Never before had been forced to carry a midgardian but here I was doing exactly that! I sat Steve Rogers into a chair alongside me very unpleased and annoyed. Odin can't stress how annoyed I am toward the fainting fool. I made a cup of water appear in my hands.

Then in came Captain Picard, Riker, and a oddly golden tinted man.

"Who's he?" I asked.

"Lieutenant Commander Data," Data said. "You are . . . Very different from how you were last seen."

I made the cup vanish into thin air using a string of magic.

"How long was I gone?" I asked.

"Gone?" Picard repeated. "You never left."

"I don't know if you understand this," I said as the three sat down into chairs. "But we are from another universe." I shook Steve awake. "Which is a major reason why my acquaintance is continuously fainting."

"I am awake!" Steve said, alert.

"Faint and I am turning you into a lizard!" I said.

"Understood." Steve said.

"You referenced I was gone, Mr Data," I said. "Mentioning how I was last seen implies I left."

"You are correct," Data said, cooly. "There are numerous images of you in the galactic database though your head is almost always the same."

In a white flash across the six of us appeared Q sitting in a chair with his shoes on the table.

"That's what happens when there is no case of reference for the guy who was strapped to the mountains wall."

"Q,get off my ship." Picard said.

"Now, doesn't that sound like someone who cares?" Q asked, his head turned my direction.

"No," I said flatly. "Please take me back to my reality."

"Did you just say 'please'." Q said, staring at me probably mind boggled.

"Yes," I said. "Please send me back."

"What the hell are you?" Steve asked.

Q made several cats appear all over the room in a bright light flash.

"Spot?" Data said, with a tom cat in his lap.

"And oh this," Q made a man with a metal arm appear and long hair. "And you're still searching for him so let's not get ahead of ourselves." The man vanished out of thin air in a white flash. "I am Q and I can do anything. I am omnipotent and omniscient. More than your 'magical' friend Loki can do."

Steve stood up fueling rage.

"WHERE IS HE?" Steve shouted. "Where is Bucky!"

Data and Riker had been frozen in time except for Picard.

I assume they were as their faces hadn't changed except for Picard.

"Three hundred years in the past," Q said. "Do you realize where you are?"

"I do." Steve said.

"Do you want proof of what I am, human?" Q asked.

"Yes, I do." Steve said.

"Just remember," Q said. "He is nothing close to being a god. However different he is."

I saw Q be replaced by a floating white ball.

"So. . . That is what you really appear." I heard Picard mutter.

I recalled a memory of seeing a young boy be replaced by a floating white ball. He simply did not tell me his name, at all. There was pain coming from the side of my head that began to increase slowly and slowly. I heard a slight scream from Steve. Steve made the chair flip over staring right at the floating ball. He had his back placed against the wall.

"Afraid of a good floating old light?" Q asked. "How nice of you to celebrate my presence that way."

"If I am not a god, then what am I?" I asked.

"You are a Jotun," Q said. "In this universe; you are a Frostarian."

"Frosty the snow man," Steve said. "I like the sound of it."

I glared at the direction of Steve feeling the pain become worse.

"I never heard of the Frostarian's." Picard said.

"And you are never going to meet them, Jean-Luc." Q said.

"I like to see about that as I am sitting across from one," Picard said.

I closed my eyes wincing in pain. The pain felt hot. I was suddenly relieving a moment. A moment where the Chitauri's torture blade stabbing through my waist. The Chitauri were rather skilled at torturing any kind of race using any kind of material. My world grew fuzzy at the edges and my eyesight grew dim where a blur came around.

I fell out of my seat feeling my brain burning.

And then I heard screaming, the one you wouldn't want to hear on a good old day.

Then I realized it was coming from me.

"What the hell is happening to Loki?"Steve asked.

"His brain is burning." Q said, grimly.

"Q, help him!" Picard demanded.

"That would mean I have to leave, Picard," Q said. "I haven't made it clear why I brought him here."

"Then leave, Q!" Picard shouted.

I heard the snap of fingers.

"Making him mute is not helping anyone." Steve said.

"I know a Q who connected his appearance to synaptic nerves of the brain that are part of the pain factors," Q said. "Turns out he showed his pure Q-light perceived form to this guy right here who is supposed to learn if he wants to be a hero then he has to put aside his excuse of Thor doing it!"

"Make him see it." Picard said.

"I agree." Steve said.

"You want me to take his feeling away so I can tell him?" Q asked.

"It is immoral, but it gets the job done." Picard said.

"Well, I will see him again in my 'human' form as the levels are less dramatic for his eyes," Q said. "I have taken your advice under consideration. If he gets any brain trauma . . . it is your fault, remember that."

Suddenly the frying pain stopped.

"I have brought you to see a possible future," Q said. "One with the Borg. That's why you are here."

Then the flying ball vanished and my world entered into darkness.

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