Chapter 9: Loss of speech

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"Captain, I am not sure he will be awake in a week." Came a woman's voice.

"Mr Rogers?" Came Picard's voice.

"In my experience, Asgardian related beings heal a lot faster," Steve said.  "In a day, really.  Loki is no exception."

I could hear but my eyes were having trouble opening,

"Doctor." Picard said.

"I am not sure about this, but it hasn't been tried on a Frostarian like Loki."  The woman said.

Usually I would be made of steel but then I felt a quick pain in my neck and my eyes bolted open feeling a renewed sense of energy and my brain operating. I tried to speak but no words came out. I looked toward the woman with curly short hair looking in my direction then point at where my adam's apple is.

"Your  Broca's  Aphasia is still healing," The woman said. "My name is  Doctor Crusher.  It is miracle you are still alive. Your brain was almost fried."


I looked over toward Steve confused to see the Klingon known as  Worf beside him.

"You have been out for four days." Steve said.

I raised a eyebrow.

"Your Frostarian brain had extensive damage so the healing took a lot longer." Doctor Crusher said.

I lowered my eyebrow and then lowered my head.

"We are taking you to your home planet 'Asgard'," Picard said. "But not as willingly. . . Our instruments seem to be possessed."

I frowned.

Machinery being possessed?

That is impossible.


. . . 3:20 PM. .

. . . Holodeck. . .

Apparently Steve told Picard what I did.  How else would I know? Worf warned me not to pull any stunts or tricks, because if I did then he wasn't afraid to put me into the brig or in my assigned quarters with guards. That honestly made me feel more safer.  Now where some might be wondering where in the nine realms I am.

I am in the holodeck.

A holodeck, as I came to learn, is capable of projecting a fake environment complete with programmed people. A entire deception to the black room with yellow lights crisscrossing one another that made the shapes of squares.  It was different, that I will say about it. I wasn't the only one capable of deceiving others with their surroundings.

I ran to the other side of the field waving the racquet from side to side keeping my eye on the flying green and white ball.

I leaped then struck the ball sending it flying back in the direction of Data.

Data, without any word or effort as it seemed, struck the ball with ease.

I GOT IT!, I thought with my eyes on the ball. 

I ran and ran until I tore through the wall chasing after the ball.

With a lot of velocity, Jotuns too can go through programmed walls/real walls not just Asgardians.

I went into the other court yard in the middle of a match then hit our ball at Data's direction.

"Hey!" A holoprogram person shouted.

A holoprogram person is a person who is merely a program to make the holoprogram realistic.

My apologies, I thought.

The  ball flew back in my direction over the courtyard wall.

"YOU BROKE THE WALL!" The second holoprogram person shouted in outrage.

I leaped up then hit the ball back at  Data's direction then return to the courtyard.

It was quite fun playing against a machine who made me sweat.

It was a great challenge.

A thoroughly entertaining tennis session.

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