Form submissions!

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As mentioned before, character species can be hybrid (human dragon) and also tribe can be hybrid (IceWing NightWing, etc)

Here is the form template!

1:- Name (include gender in parenthesis here)

2:- Half human half dragon or full dragon

3:- Age (dragon age is 1/2 of human age, so if you wanted your dragon to be 17 in human years, they would be 9.5 in dragon years)

4:- Tribe (Max amount of tribes you can be in is three, and no, you cannot be ALL tribes, please pick no more than three, lmao)

5:- Appearance

6:- Skills, hobbies, etc

7:- Personality

8:- Likes, dislikes

9:- Requested clawmate (this must be mutual!)

10:- Requested ship (this isn't required but if you'd like to be in a ship at the start, go for it, honestly, i don't really care :) )

Part one of the roleplay will be out soon, if I can get it out! Please make sure to make a character (and get it approved) beforehand

NightWings are allowed to be mind readers and prophets, but if you choose to be one of these, make sure you stay within the rules

Animus dragons are permitted, but there has to be a catch as to why they're hesitant to use their powers (ie:- Fathom, or Turtle)

Other abilities that you want to create for your character must be balanced, and approved by me, and no stealing abilities without permission

I know, it's a lot, but this'll be fun, when it all gets fixed :)

Here are a few my my characters:-

Fennec (Male)
Age:- 9 in dragon years

Species:- Human Dragon Hybrid

Tribe:- RainWing SandWing hybrid (more rainwing than sandwing)

Appearance:- In dragon form, Fennec appears to look like a rainwing, taking on most, if not all of the tribes features. However, if you stare hard enough, you can see his SandWing half in his snout and eyes. He has the scorpion tail barb of a SandWing, fangs and color shifting scales of a RainWing, but he cannot breathe fire. His eyes are an emerald color, and he wears a few bracelets and rings, along with necklaces to bring out that color even more.

In human form he appears as a skinny, rather short teenager with bleach blonde hair that's highlighted with emerald colors. He tends to gravitate towards skinny jeans and dark colored tshirts. His tail keeps its lethal barb, and his wings appear as the color shifting wings they are.

Preferred colors for rainwing scales just as a reference:- Fennec prefers all shades of greens, browns, tans, and blacks. He tends to let his scales do their own thing while as a dragon, mirroring his emotions, but in human form he likes to keep his wings and tail an emerald green color, mixed with a couple shades of dark and light green, in a gradient pattern.

Personality:- Fennec keeps to himself, not wanting confrontation at all. He hides a secret, one he is not too keen on sharing. He enjoys the company of others, and close friends bring out a carefree, fun loving, happy personality.

Abilities:- Fennec is an animus, though he prefers not to use his magic as he was manipulated in his past to using it for not too good things. Those said things cost him his eyesight. To help with that, Fennec wears a bracelet that gives him limited eyesight, but wearing the bracelet gives him headaches and also nausea. He also has to wear reading glasses as his sight isn't good enough to read things. The "emerald" eyes are actually contacts, his real eyes are a green color, but due to his accident they appear to look as foggy. Therefore, he wears contacts to hide this.

Fennec has as said before, RainWing venom, and the SandWing tail barb. He has basic fighting skills but he isn't ridiculously strong. He also can use his scales to camouflage and hide.

His requested ship would be with Myuto, played by WzeldaTheDragon (these two were a ship in the original university, if Myuto chooses to join they could reaquaint or start from scratch, it's your call Zelds. 💙)

Also here's my other boio :3

Name:- Sawyer
Age:- 10 in dragon years
Species:- Human dragon hybrid
Tribe:- IceWing SeaWing hybrid (more IceWing)
Appearance:- Sawyer is rather tall in human form, lanky and skinny. He's albino, so his skin is a very pale white color. His hair is also white, and slightly medium length, going to about his chin. His skin is chilly to the touch, and his breath is also cold as well. He has tattoos on his chest and back, along wit arms and hands which glow like SeaWing scales. His wings are ghost white, and they have the scale markings of a SeaWing, the glowy scales. He has a silver earring and a lip ring as well, along with a collar with a snowflake buckle that sits in the front, right on his Adam's apple. He wears mostly black and white clothes, and jeans. He prefers black cargo pants, which pair nicely with his black boots. He has a silver pocket watch that dangles from his jeans pocket.

Personality:- Sawyer is quiet, keeping to himself. He is slow to trust people, and as a veteran of the IceWing army, one dishonorably discharged at that, he doesn't trust people of high rank, specifically IceWing royalty, for reasons he does not want to disclose. Other than that he's really a neat guy. His hobbies include reading, writing, and also napping.

Abilities:- Frostbreath, ability to see and breathe underwater, bioluminescent scales on the undersides of his wings, some tendrils of his hair, and the tattoos stated above (not scales on his hair but tufts that glow like scales). These glow when he is upset or stressed out. Sawyer is also an animus, but as an IceWing, he was drilled over and over again to never use his magic unless it's absolutely necessary.

(For those that may ask, Necrox and Cyanide have been removed from the university. They are both in a complicated state and I need to give Cyanide a total rework which I have hit a block on. Emerald will join a few chapters in)

That being said, best of luck on the forms!

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