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The shack was once again filled with laughter and optimism. Mabel had come home the day before. She’d run through the house bouncing off the walls and screaming excitedly about her new vampire boyfriend. Dipper couldn’t help but roll his eyes when she hung her hand-made frame with his number, written on a napkin and glued right in the middle, on the wall right above her headboard. It was a very Mabel thing to do and honestly, he missed it more than he was going to let on, but it was a lot. She was happy and despite her overkill, he wouldn’t have had it any other way. Besides - he looked over to the bunyip head sitting on his nightstand and smiled, a light blush coming to his cheeks - he had little room to speak.

Today, they were laying head-to-foot across the couch and watching the first installment of ‘Believe in Yourself’ at Mabel’s request. Dipper didn’t have any reason to argue, he was just glad to have his sister back home. He reached an arm around her and pulled her into a tight hug, which seemed out of nowhere to Mabel. The girl stuck out her tongue and made a bleating noise until he let go and then she laughed and ruffled his hair in response.

“What’s up, bro-bro?” she said after pausing the movie.

“It’s nice to have you back,” he admitted, casting his eyes to the ceiling which was suddenly more interesting.

“Yeah, but I’m gonna miss seeing Edwin every day.” Dipper shook his head.

“I know,” he grunted. There was a pause where Dipper flicked his eyes back to his sister’s and furrowed his brow in thought before he spoke again. “But taking on that demon was a bad idea without some sort of back up plan. I mean, you got seriously hurt, don’t you think that was kind of a wake up call?”

“Aw come on,” Mabel chuckled, “it wasn’t that bad.”

“Mabel, you could have died back there!”

Dropping her cheerful demeanor, Mabel sat up in her spot and frowned at him. “Dipper, you could have died. We could have died fighting Gideon, we could have died fighting Bill - none of what the Mystery Twins do is ever safe! Why are you making a big deal about this now?”

“I guess because this time, you actually really did get hurt. Mabel, I supposed to protect you and I failed at that. I can’t let that happen again, I can’t lose you. What do you say we get a little insurance?”

“What kind of insurance do you mean? You’re not thinking of making a deal with Bill, are you? You know how he tricked you la-”

“Yes,” Dipper cut in snappily, stabbing her with an icy glare. His sharp tone made Mabel jump. She stared wide-eyed at him and blinked with surprise. “I know how he tricked me last time,” he grumbled, “but I’m not going to make a deal with Bill for this. I’ll look into another demon. But we have to make sure this doesn’t happen again.” He hesitated before continuing. “Because next time… next time you might not make it back alive.”

Mabel’s face dropped, the realization hitting her like a brick. Dipper had to turn his attention away from the look of shock, horror, and sadness in her eyes. She stared at him for a few moments before looking down at her brother’s fidgeting hands and heaving a sigh.

“But what about you? You’ll get protection for both of us, right? I don’t wanna lose you either,” she said, lowering her voice and taking her brother’s hands in her own, but Dipper still didn’t look back at her.

“I’ll be fine, I promise.”

“But Dipper–!”

“–Just… trust me, okay?” He glanced down at his arms where the scars from the protection runes he carved for Bill’s summoning had healed over and left feint discolouration in their place. “I’ll be fine.” Mabel squeezed his hands, giving a short breath of relief. Her trusting nature was a blessing at times like this, he wouldn’t have to explain himself. Where would he even start if he did? He for sure would have to exempt the… explicit details.

Eventually, he looked back up to his sister who was giving him a tiny reassuring smile, which he then returned, before Mabel blurted out “awkward sibling hug!” and jerked him into a suffocating embrace. After the initial surprise, he quickly hugged her back and chuckled.

They shared a smile and Mabel unpaused the movie.

Later that very night, Dipper’s bed was empty. Shadows crept along the walls as the silhouette of a young boy obscured the moonbeams streaming through the windows. He stealthed through the house, tip-toeing down the stairs and out the back door. With Mabel home again, he didn’t want to risk her finding out what was going on between them. Whether or not she could see Bill was irrelevant, he needed to keep their relationship private, especially after her remark earlier. It was obvious to him that she still believed Bill was their enemy.

Once he was outside, Dipper released the breath he didn’t realize he was holding and readjusted his vest. He reached inside to make double-sure he’d brought the journal, straightening out his back when he touched it, and set off into the forest.

After a bit of walking, he settled down in a small area and went to fix his hair. A light blush fell over his face along with a little smile. He brushed some stray hairs back into place, made sure his hat was on straight, and checked over his outfit before snatching a sharp rock off the forest floor and etching a triangle into the bark of a redwood. As he drew the eye, he felt his heart thump in his chest and body tingle with anticipation.

“Bill?” he said, rubbing the back of his head and staring at the ground. Butterflies fluttered in his belly, his smile widened to a grin. “I’d like to see you again, i-if you’re not busy or anything.” His thumbs twiddled as he stepped back from the carving to give the demon a little space to come through. It caught him by surprise when Bill darted out, grabbing his face with both hands, and pressed against his lips for a kiss. It nearly knocked him backwards off his feet; as he stumbled to catch himself, his hands wrapped around the demon’s body and pulled him closer. Bill’s body was so warm.

It felt like home.

It made everything alright.

They didn’t speak for a few drawn out moments, relishing in each other’s presence and embrace. Dipper smiled into the connection. The kiss tasted like love.

Bill was the one to break away first. He gazed at Dipper with a happiness that was unlike any he’d ever worn. It was practically hypnotic, Dipper thought as he gazed back.

“I gotta admit, kid, I was sorta waiting for you,” he chimed, threading his fingers between Dipper’s.

“Oh yeah?” Dipper smiled, feeling another thump in his chest.

“Well, I gotta keep myself busy, but the moment I heard your voice I dropped everything and jumped right into your dimension,” he said, extending his arms excitedly. “That lady is probably not going to be too happy that I left her husband half-resurrected. But what do I care? I’ve got places to be. Zombies aren’t so bad once they devour your brain. Then you can’t feel the pain as they shred open your insides for the main course!”

Dipper shook his head and rolled his eyes - there was no changing Bill, but he wouldn’t have it any other way.

“You’re really something else, Bill,” he laughed.

“She said she wanted her husband ‘alive again’ and he technically is, so I held up my end. I don’t see the problem there,” the demon shrugged smugly.

“Yeah, well… anyways, there’s sort of something I wanted to ask you.”

“Shoot,” said Bill as he reclined back into the air and floated in circles around Dipper’s head.

“It’s about Mabel. You see, she came home the other day - which I’m sure you already knew - and… I don’t know, I’m kinda worried about her. I don’t want something like that to ever happen again to her, you know? I’ve got you protecting me, but what about her?”

“I can watch Shooting Star too, no problem,” he replied simply, spawning his cane and twirling it in his fingers.

“I don’t know, man… it’s just-” he rubbed the back of his head and stuffed his other hand in his pocket, “she doesn’t trust you, and I don’t think she would understand - you know… us.”

Bill stopped in front of him again and straightened up.

“She’s gonna have to find out sooner or later, Pine Tree, and she’ll have to get used to me.”

“I know, but it’s just - not now. I’m not ready for that. She wouldn’t understand, especially while she doesn’t trust you. Just give me some time to ease into it, okay? For now I think we should ask-”

“Pine Tree, I’m beginning to think you’re embarrassed of me,” Bill interrupted, crossing his arms and strengthening a glare on him. “You knew Stan couldn’t see me the other day and you still covered me up before he came in. Don’t say you didn’t know because I explicitly told you before that no one besides you can see me, I’m a mindscape demon.”

“What? No! Look, Bill it’s not about that, okay, I just want to get protection for Ma-”

“And you know what? I got over my problems with the other demons to be with you, so I think you can grant me the same respect.”

“Okay, okay, I’ll tell Mabel about us sometime next week, but right now-”

“Next week?! Do you think this is a game, Pine Tree? Because I can assure you, I am very serious right now.” Bill was slowly shifting colours. A shadowy colour that Dipper identified as red was beginning to come over him.

“No, okay? I’m sorry, I didn’t mean make you think I’m ashamed of you. I swear it’s not about that.”

“Then what is it about, huh?”

“That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you!” Dipper shouted. He realized he’d raised his voice when Bill squinted at him even harder and quickly tried to redeem himself by lowering it again and running a hand through his bangs. “I’m sorry. I’m just worried about Mabel, okay?”

“I said I’d watch the brat, so what’s your next excuse?”

Dipper took a deep breath to calm his nerves before continuing, “I want to get a different demon to protect her.” He immediately regretted saying that, however, because Bill’s entire body ignited in tongues of flame. Strangely enough, though, he didn’t act on his obvious rage and instead continued staring down at the kid.

“Alright, and what do you suggest? Not many demons have influence on your world like I do, and even still I need a body to do anything worthwhile.” Dipper pulled out the journal from where it was tucked away in his vest and flipped open to a page depicting a menacing looking demon with horns like a ram and morning stars dangling from cuffs around its arms; instead of hands were claws and its body was like smoke. He pointed at the image for Bill.

“I read here that the demon Bartemaus is one of the most powerful and feared demons, but his summoning ritual is too complex for even me. Plus, it says he doesn’t take too kindly to… ‘whimpy’ looking summoners,” he grumbled at the last bit and bit the inside of his cheek. “So I thought maybe you could help me out and vouch for me.”

For an awkwardly long time, Bill was silent. His flame extinguished and he dropped his arms, staring at Dipper with a look of disbelief. Finally, Dipper was unable to stand the silence and questioned him. Bill lowered to be level with Dipper’s eyes. He was uncomfortably close - which was something Dipper never thought he’d have to say about Bill again.

“You’re asking me to go back to my dimension and ask one of the very demons that had their fun making my existence miserable to do a job that I could do myself for a fleshbag I honestly couldn’t care less about? Are you fucking kidding me right now? Because there’s no way you’re serious.”

Dipper was speechless. His face paled and his stomach dropped clear to his feet. The night had suddenly become terrifyingly silent as if Bill’s anger had caused every animal and insect to drop dead all at once. The very trees themselves seemed shocked at the exchange.

“You can’t even answer me. I don’t believe this.” Bill threw his arms up and turned away. His hands balled into fists and he grounded, tapping his foot aggrivatedly on the forest floor. “Pine Tree, I’ve been alive a long fucking time and this is single-handedly the most selfish thing I have ever seen in all of my existence.”

“Bill, I… I’m sorry-”

“You’re sorry? Oh, you’re sorry - well, that just fixes everything, doesn’t it? You can forget about me watching over your brat, that’s for sure. Call the jerk yourself if you’re so desperate for help.”

With those words, a knife wrenched into Dipper’s gut. His blood felt hot like he’d never felt before, his stomach was queasy like he might throw up.

How dare he.

I’m selfish?” he spat, “You’re willing to let my sister die all because you can’t face your bullies!” Bill’s eye opened wide and he turned around to face the kid once again, his pupil narrow as a needle. Dipper’s fists were clenched, his face was as red as a beet, and there was a fire in his eyes burning hotter than the deepest pits of hell. “You think you’re an ‘all knowing, all powerful’ demon, but you’re scared. You pick on humans because you have this desperate desire to dish out the same kind of suffering you can’t stand up to yourself. You pick on us because you can’t handle knowing that you’re exactly what they always told you you were. You’re weak and you can’t even admit it. All I needed was for you to do one little thing for me - for my sister - because I’m not always strong enough to protect her. I told you that she doesn’t trust you and that I’m not ready to explain our relationship yet but never think of anyone but yourself. You’re more ashamed of me than I am of you, you hypocrite! What the heck is wrong with you? You weren’t like this before! You would do anything for me, tell me anything I wanted to know - why are you being so selfish about this now?”

Like a walking volcano, venomous words erupted from Dipper’s mouth. He marched back and forth in a line, swinging his arms around wildly in his fury. Bill said nothing, didn’t even move. He watched Dipper use the sharp rock he’d used to carve his image into the tree before to deface the image now, scratching lines through it and stabbing it and finally pitching the rock deep into the forest - a throw like he’d never been capable of in his life. And then he said the meanest thing he could think of, something that bubbled up in his chest and exploded from his mouth like a nuke.

“You’re nothing but a nightmare!”

And when Dipper turned around to glare down at Bill again, expectant of a response…

It clicked.

Any semblance of anger that Bill had had, faded in an instance. He dropped his arms and stared silently back at the kid. Too angry to notice the flicker of emotion in Bill’s eye, Dipper threw his fists down and barked “well?!” at him in attempt to pull a response - anger, indifference, defensiveness, anything - from him. But Bill remained without a word, the only indication he made that he’d even heard him was crossing his arms and furrowing his brow at him.

“Oh great, and now you’re giving me the silent treatment. Just what I need - more secrets. You know, just a minute ago you were upset that I didn’t answer you but now when I want a response, you can just stand there and look disappointed at me like it’s no big deal. More hypocrisy!”

“I have nothing to say to you, Dipper,” Bill finally said. He looked down at his palm and curled his fingers. Casting his eye away into the dark forest, he made a decision. One he wished he didn’t have to make. Taking one last look at the fuming boy adjacent to him, he rolled his eye and vanished in a puff of smoke.

“Bill! Bill Cipher, get back here!” Dipper shouted. He turned to talk to the drawing on the tree but was hit with an icy reminder when he saw that it had been desecrated. He looked up to the treetops, staring at the half-moon high in the sky above him. “Bill I’m not done with you! Bill!” A chilly breeze washed over his shoulders, the leaves rustling at its passing. “Bill…” Dipper uttered, calmer. Frost formed in his blood, he shivered at the realization of what he just did. His attention turned back to the ruined carving. The longer he stared at it, tears began to form in his eyes. “Bill, I’m sorry,” he said, voice barely a whisper. He rubbed an arm over his eyes, wiping the tears away. He wouldn’t let them fall - there was still time to fix this, to make it up to him. Bill just… needed a little time, that’s all. Yeah.

Dipper gathered himself and turned on his way back to the Mystery Shack. It was late, he needed to get some rest. Something told him, though, that he was going to be up all night.

{ Just gonna warn ya but the next part is the last in the story, so brace yourself. Another warning if you haven't read the description:
WARNING- This story has a horribly sad and unsatisfying end! And I will not be doing a sequel at any point in the future!
Now that that's over, see ya in the next chapter! }
Signing out,

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